Venture Capital - No Exit Strategy, No Money Either

Many entrepreneurs with a great idea, they want all the way, but they know they can not without money. Instead of working so hard to build their businesses to grow, and profits, they want to move fast and furious, and use other people's money. It is useful to the path of least resistance for a young start-up company full of inveterate entrepreneur, and yet when the venture capital money from one of the top venture capital firms looking, they mustUnderstand the reality of the game.

With the inclusion of venture capital funds have an exit strategy, and it must be clearly defined in your business plan. And the exit strategy is better a possible return of 300 to 500% in 3 to 5 years, preferably over the three years on this page. You see, investing venture capital firms in general in many different businesses, the risks are high, they know that most of their investments will not do. Therefore, those who have a betterReturn an incredible outcome.

If your company can not do that, or if you have no exit strategy, then you can not, they should expect to invest in your business or to enter any money. Often, entrepreneurs love their ideas so much that they want to do this business the rest of their lives, but they must understand if they take VC money, they have already sold their souls, and it's a matter of him and mirrors of the company.

It's like buying a home for investment. Youeither buy a house and live the rest of your life, and the view of the long-term strategy. Or buy the house, make minor repairs, and turn the house as quickly as possible to make a profit. The latter would be the venture capital strategy, and that's what you need to think about it.

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