Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos - The Ninja option?

Until now you have been pulling a Castaway number of Operation Chaos have not heard. For would-be Robinson Crusoe in your midst, op. Chaos is a brilliant creation of Rush Limbaugh. What he did, all those conservatives who have lost the vote against John McCain, a vote of the change of life and always will be "Democrats Shadow" for the rest of DNC primaries.

Oddly enough, Rush urge all those connected in a new vote for Shadow-DEMHillary. Now is not that a kick in the pants seeds. With fairly recent acquisition of "sympathetic supporters, who come to her to run by the Republican, is fast closing the gap with his opponent, B. Hussein Obama, aka Mr. Real change.

The result of this mass move all the parties, the Liberals at the next election was caused literally boiling with rage at Rush. Oh, if only they still fought so hard to get rid of firing squads. As usual, bit his liberalismits semi-spherical bottom.

What is believed that this tactic only vote, the race for DNC Honcho vessel while at the same time, forcing the media to extend out all the ghosts and skeletons hiding in cupboards to two candidates. Better still, op. brought chaos to the fore the real power behind all DNC election, the elusive secret branch, known as "super delegates" is. This Supreme Being Liberal Democrats are the ones whose voices are alwaysactually decide who wins the DNC ticket in all future presidential elections.

Yes, despite the old "every vote should count" I believe in the wholesale fashion by the Democrats and their mainstream media cohorts yelled, only the elite super-delegates have countable votes. So, anyone who is stupid enough to get closer to their favorite in a Democratic presidential primary vote in a free ticket to Wally World with a real voice to be DNC PresidentialCandidates.

Hey perhaps explains why "PT Barnum" Gore's Global Warming movement has become so popular? know how the democratic elite, there is a sucker born every day. Therefore, the next phase of the operation of Rush. The chaos seems feasible.

"The option of Judgement" phase of Op. Chaos takes the elitist super-delegates to ignore all the great candidates touted HC and BO and instead choose their own choice for the DNC. Al Gore to be a reasonable choice, unless there will be no debateRepublicans on global warming. Well, everyone except perhaps mate John McCain (see liars) that is completely in love with this fraud worm worldwide.

There is also a good opportunity could be the first choice for super delegates. Better yet, if the DNC candidates means that McCain might want to have a de facto Republican election-over would become! This would be an M-80 Old Yeller in light of Reid and Pelosi pork salad.

This leads us to what I call the third phase of Operation CHAOS, the"Ninja option. For years we have borne witness of the elections will be undermined and determined by the traditional TV and print media. The main instruments for their cause has always been bias, distortion, and the proclamation of the socialist doctrine. This is only possible by those who are still elitist and of course this common sense or moral values (see Bill Clinton) to be expected.

With the advent of cable news and the Internet, have all their agreements with the DNC have been slowly fill withtheir shallow facade of objectivity ... together with their lack of popularity. About the only weapon of its value within the liberal left Arsenal Polling ... and guys can vote.

Over the past 30 years the Democratic Party has positively basked in the polls by their media cohorts wallow like pigs in slop. They are happy as can be, because they know that most Americans want to be on trailers as a trendsetter. Why Neil Boortz calls them, "Dumb-masses." SoIf a poll just happens to say that the majority of Americans "that such a thing as" real change, then the joy of following the masses in the transition.

So, to catch the last liberal media offensive weapon, he must run to the final phase of Operation CHAOS, the "Ninja Option Institute. What to do, practically clean elections did so not affecting the results of all future elections and that the MSM is nothing true about the "will of thePeople ".

This is because the option Ninja creates and ensures a continuous supply of members throughout the majority of U.S. Democrats. So many, in fact, that the DNC has no idea where the determination to defend or attack the Republican candidates before the general elections. Adjust the level of their nasty little claws to find out where to spend the money if they have the majority of party voters in almost all positions ... and you thought you heard Howard Deanbefore you scream.

The Ninja OP. Chaos requires that all Republicans, Rush Babies (conservative) Subscribe shares go to the DNC until the end of this year to participate in the 2008 elections. Yes, it means that even if your state has already blown the wad election LIAR McCain, you can still get your chance to try to win back the Congress and the Senate Republican majority ... and must do so by a "Republican Ninja" option under the Ninja!

Do not worry, it will benot a democrat too long. You can go back right after the general election. There are long enough to be seduced by the dark side of farce. There is no place, only for the ninja suit, vote, take the DNC and investigation as a Democrat, but Republicans. So, the DNC and MSM is completely up, where the Republican candidates attack confused. After the elections, the switch on the back, a Republican and vote in your state of their Republican primary.

The beauty of this"Party-Hopping" Operation Chaos and the option Ninja is that it leads the DNC hierarchy impeccable frigging nuts trying to figure out where they work and their MSM cohorts spend their uncontrollable "donors" need money. Sure, they can support the vast majority of Americans are Democrats, but that does not mean flip when they lose elections because of cross voting Ninja Republicans are starting their annual party infiltrated by each state primary.

The coolit Operation Chaos, and Ninja-option is that every election year to do this for the money machine DNC and prejudice against the media and polling. Even if John McCain would be the first to benefit Republican Republicans Ninja, maybe we can get him to sign some sort of marriage contract conservative president? The vote is about the 'only way he would ever.


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