Creativity and wisdom: where it comes from?

The spirit of creativity is often portrayed as a childlike wonder and curiosity. The Wonder guide I call this spirit of learning and creativity as a process motivated by passion and purpose and grounded in life goals.

life goals are important and necessary, for producing energy and inspiration and a positive attitude toward our future. They also provide protection and limitations, because they show us how we and other substances, and how we can make a difference.They also give us authority carried out the artificial barriers of the mind, its properties, we can return to our full creative potential.

The children's creativity and wisdom are everywhere

Please take my hand and guide me in this exciting journey for the spirit of wonder and curiosity that recovery of memory from your childhood up to be and where you have the wisdom to go along with it will. Wonder why the guide is important? As everyone has aPurpose, which belongs only to them to be dealt with, and we must call all our creative energies and understanding for this purpose to life. Here is a story of a legendary mathematician who shows understanding and where it comes from.

Folklore tells us that by 200 BC, a greek mathematician Archimedes was called into a tub of water to take his bath and watch the water flowing around it. He received a stroke of genius when he saw the theory of repression. According to legend, Archimedesresponded to his discovery with childlike joy and shouted "Eureka!" which in greek means "I found it!" epiphany mathematician Archimedes' has led to a valuable tool for calculating the volume of finished objects. But understanding is a continuous creative process that is anything but finally!

To receive your understanding must be grounded in a spirit of creativity, so that ideas can flow assumptions and artificial walls in mind as we make new observations andFind the surprises that were always there waiting to be known. Archimedes Epiphany was preceded by a part of this creative process, the moments of discovery. It is an endless journey of Wonder ... for everyone!


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