Dealing with children arson

There are all types of personality in children and no child has the same temperament as the next. Some mothers have children who are quiet, calm and relaxed, while the other children that pushed more and create more air turbulence of a hurricane blowing through the house. Dealing with children is not always easy to volunteer. Find tricks in dealing with stubborn children can be challenging, but here are some tips to try for calmer weather:

Learn to say no - and the averageit

This may be the most difficult learning curve, but not teach your children say, is important for peace of mind. Stubborn children can easily wear down their parents, and sometimes it feels easier to just give and give when you hold your ground. But it remains firm on his decision is a must to help strengthen the limits for intentional child to respect it. , It is good to do and follow our next tip - pick your battles.

Save energy for the big battles

Sincesafe management of a child that much strength of character can be tiring, your energy for important things and have minor problems. Not a big problem if the child does not want the clothes you wear is chosen to let him or her choose clothes every day, even if it is not. It's a great thing, but if your child decides he or she wants to use a pair of sharp scissors or street rather than hold the hand wants to run at intersections. In these cases, hold your ground: nomeans no.

Finding places with wide open spaces.

Most often, children are more capricious than enough energy to spare. You can run into the ground as you try your days of spending controls and smarter than them. In fact, most children are listening to limit temperaments with strong ties to their constantly rubbing their parents - they, "No" a lot. Find locations, such as large parks where children run free and use some of that frustration pent. How to run, play and writeThe joy is in front, are more compliant if they behave, and the time to listen.

Give two possibilities, but no more

How is checked, sorted and told what to do something, stand strong-willed children can not (and are often subjected to), so they can choose the topics easier. You can choose what they want to snack, the clothes they prefer, what toys they want, and I'm happy the way the decision should be permitted. Not offeredmore than two options, if the option to avoid paralysis or deciding too many choices. And 'this or that, and that's all.

Take the Money and Run

For some reason, is the most common place for children of guilt, demand for products or merge into tantrums is stored. Many parents are shopping with the deliberate use of a child of its activities with a screaming, crying child. Still need to go shopping. A better idea is to do everything at the first sign of loss of misbehaviorand leave the store. Children learn quickly that the shops where good behavior is a must, or will never set foot in again. Do not worry, half-filled baskets to leave behind, or, Schreiber, items are put away. If you feel too bad about the situation, apologizing in order to escape and let them know where you leave the basket. No need to explain why a child who protest loudly cut short a trip to the store.

In the end, sometimes it's all to dowhat you and your family. There is no perfect solution, since all instructions, hints and tips for general support and have never designed for certain people or situations. If you can breathe, take the best, and if you need to smile, even if you want to cry. If anything, they say (again) that your child will grow out of the conduct - and have excellent leadership for the nursery, too!


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