The town of Bamiyan, Afghanistan

If you are picturesque views and history, then you will surely love Bamiyan, Afghanistan. This picturesque town is one of the places should see the tourists never fail or be taken into consideration when visiting the country because it is the place many of the destroyed Buddha statues that were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001. These statues have stood for centuries, and the test of time, but were unable to withstand the ravages of war between religions in the country.

ABamiyan, you can not go on the road from Kabul. If you venture into this region, trying to blend in with the help of a scarf for the head, mouth and nose. In addition to keeping with discretion, which helps the powder from his nose and mouth, because these routes are often rough and very dusty. You can search for Bamiyan town on a 4WD minivan that seats about 50-10 people receive. The drive to Bamiyan usually takes about nine hours.

If youruins of the city of Bamiyan, apart from the famous Buddha, you will be able to see how badly the war has torn some of the city. You can see a lot of weapons that were left, jeeps, which were destroyed and buildings and homes that are now part of the ruins of this Buddha destroyed. Visit Shahr-e Gholghola, a fortress, a splendid view over the valley, as it is high above the city.

For sampling the cuisine enjoyed by the locals,You may want to try what is called Pulao and naan. You can buy this rice, vegetables and stewed mutton and cakes to local chaikhanas called and you can wash down this delicious local dishes with lots of green tea, which also sold by these commercial companies.

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