Italian Love Phrases 101

Italians seem to have with words. Not only is the sexy accent. And 'everything. Italy seems the perfect place for the over-sentimental and passionate to achieve. Since the language of love, there is nothing wrong with women writhe and gloating with joy when someone reads a bit 'Italian. Well, now is your chance to get lucky. Try to advertise a girl with those words of love Italian. These are some of the most common and easy to love Italian phrases you can begin to whisper thatGirl you always wanted, and bring the romance in the air!

I can not live without you - I can not live without you
I'm falling in love with you - I love you
I love you with all your soul - I love you with all my heart
Shall we dance? - Will you dance with me?
I can not live without you - I can not live without you
Million kisses Tuesday - love and kisses
Tonight I want to see - I want you to see tonight.
The groom?- Will you marry me?
I like you more and more - I love it even more
I Dreamed You Tues - as you dreamed
I miss you - I miss you
My love - my love
Even when we contact a Mar? - When can we meet?
I want to spend the rest of my life with you - I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Tomorrow at the same time? - Then, at the same time tomorrow?

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