You must, to the extent of the sin of fornication and adultery, the mean against God,

You have the story of Joseph and Portiphar woman in the Bible? Genesis 39:6-12 Go Most young people and individuals in today's generation amazed and exclaim: "Wow!" He is super human to overcome the likes of Madonna and who knows, maybe I'm also a very beautiful woman. But if you understand why fornication or adultery must understand sin against God, then why Joseph, and you can also have the power to say NO to stop. Here are several reasons:

FirstThis sin gives Satan an opportunity to mock Christ and His sacrifice on the cross, mocking. And 'Satan, God accusations: "You are unfair to expect no sin to mankind! Sin is an invention of mine, and is so strong that it is impossible to say no! The Bible says that Christ died to save his people their sins, not in them. (Matthew 1:21) ha ha ha! your 'baby', which is proving adultery in that I am right, is like looking at God, and you are wrong! Christ died in vain. " If Joseph had said: "Yes"Mrs. Potiphar was mocked God Satan like this.

According to E 'because of our sin, the killing of the Son of God on the cross. "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities" (Isaiah 53:5) is evil! Someone might object: "Yes, but it was almost two thousand years. His suffering was, and" once and for all "and is ready now. My next sin does not hurt him anymore!" This is the lie that many professing Christians believe. We read, as described JewsThe man fresh re-crucifixion of Christ.

It is no longer any sacrifice to remove sin is that when we sin, when the truth was known we go about it. So what kind of person, the Son of God despises? Who is treated as something cheap, the blood of the covenant of God, which he purified from sin? Whoever insults the Spirit of grace? (Hebrews 10:26).

That was what Joseph citation, and his faith prevented him from doing. It was not fear that kept him there. He did not say "oh, maybeMy father, my brothers will find it ", or" maybe I'll get a disease sexually transmitted disease. "Or" maybe portiphar wife gets pregnant with me. "No!" By faith ... Joseph felt "a deep appreciation of the sacrifice of the Son of God's heart for the sins of the world. How could she treat him as a" cheap "?" Thank you, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, "he prayed, he would not" insult the Spirit of grace ", or crucified," the Son of God and set it to public shame. "Yes, Joseph lived, may take yearsChrist has conquered born on earth, but in general, saw God's mercy, His grace will be thrown instead of something cheap in the gutter to compromise his faith. For Joseph, thank God! The world has a great debt to him ....

Third Adultery and fornication always brings pain and suffering, in some measure, his murder wrapped within it. Millions of people, for example, openly acknowledge that abortion is murder, and is almost always the result of sin. Although fornication or adultery ismade only to "exercise" or "fun" is certainly injure somebody. The joy of the moment the debt is to compensate for the poisoning of the heart and life. In order to silence the guilt. many people simply give up all the tracks without the sky, and select "go to hell. They seem to be outwardly happy, once they have made the final choice, but as Jesus says:" Verily I say unto you, they have their reward . And they know it. And since it takes two people to commitFornication or adultery, he has other things to the loss of his soul run forever. More than a wedding in painful memories of sexual abuse before or outside marriage is poisoned, and again children are the unfortunate losers. You are the happiness and peace of home robbed of every innocent child is entitled to have. His parents always "the wound, and shame, leading to their sin (see Proverbs 6:33).

Many girls are led into prostitution. They arefault, of course, but the others are to blame. Those who attend to help make and keep what they are. What an abuse of human ability! Although the girls so hard that they forgot how to shed tears and be dehumanized, so to speak, the misery is deep. Joseph did not want to add to this destruction of humanity. And it was in Africa that these huge victory against the world!

Fourth All this pain and consequent suffering of Christ is heard. The Bible teaches"In all their afflictions He [Christ] was afflicted" (Isaiah 63.9). It feels even stronger than we humans can feel it. To see the end from the beginning. "His soul was grieved for the misery of Israel" because of his misconduct (Judges 10:16). A wise writer once said:

Few admit to the suffering that sin has caused our Creator intended. All heaven suffered in Christ, torture, but the pain does not begin or end with her .... Humanity. The cross is a revelation to our dull sensesthe pain from the beginning, sin brought God's Heart Every departure from the right, indeed, every cruelty, every failure of humanity to achieve his ideal, brings grief to him .... Since the "whole creation groans and travails together" (Romans 8:22), the heart of the Father is infinite in painful sympathy. Our world is a big picture of poverty that dares not even afford to dwell on thoughts. Yet God feels it all. In order to destroy sin and its results havemade his favorite, and brought him into our power, working with him to bring this scene of misery, an end-Ellen G. White ..

This is what Joseph "view." This is why when the wife of Potiphar, who offered seductive, almost over-mastering temptation, he said, "How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" One day we will see all the fruits, which were transported from the seed of sin. This is a terrible show. God does not say a word to condemn us, you will not needOthers We condemn us and whole world will judge us as the world condemned Hitler. It is not good that the Holy Spirit has convicted us of sin, repentance that we find today, before it's too late?

God has revealed his grace for the salvation of all men. That grace teaches us to live the bad, and worldly passions, and self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this world to live, as we await the blessed day, hopefully, when the glory of our greatGod and Saviour Jesus Christ, is shown. He has for us, save us from all unrighteousness and make us pure people who belong to him alone and are committed to good (to Titus 2:11-14).


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