Animation markets and festivals - why go to them?

One thing is at home to watch the latest animated film are required to obtain the latest version of a video game or surf the web browsing from a You Tube. And 'quite another thing to have an opportunity for animation festival or market. Usually when you go to such a place, you'll see that the world sometimes so much as two years in advance and usually on a large screen in a big theater, Which given the Most up to date technology. I call it the "WOW"Experience.

The opportunity to see what others do: the animation takes a long time to produce the technology and machines on the market are pre-entered in the movement for many years a. If you want a hobby, to produce the animation as a joint major, however, is really to your advantage to show film festivals, markets television and computer / software business. You know who creates and who buys. You should also know if a film withissues such as your being published on the road for about two months. Many times, many creative people have the same theme theme or style. Going to prevent this type of event you accidentally copy someone else's work or possible future legal problems, how you manage to close you have something you thought you thought before.

Social interaction and business relationship, if events like this usually have access to real players inBusiness. You might end up in line at the counter with a famous animator, voice-over actor, producer or distributor. Do not forget your best behavior during these possibilities, as the click of a wrong camera phone could be made on some social Internet "list" oops.

Browse Catalog: If you have a film accepted into a contest, which is its length are listed in the catalog of the festival, complete with a description of yourself, the movieall other information and photos. In the big scheme of things is very well accepted in the competition, even if you win. Why? In a film festival there is often more than a thousand entries in categories sometimes more than fifty. If the film made the cut top one hundred films, you're in big companies and the festival will help to show his film in the best conditions. The other advantage is that the catalogs in the hands of producers andDistributors, which is about the detailed information (including information go) to the party's over.

A few words about Awards: Awards will be announced no listing in the catalog. Obviously, I would like that information to ruin the Awards Night. You should be aware that the awards are nice, but not pay the rent, and most often a (slight) responsibilities. A friend of mine, who had won from all things, an Academy Award was for his schoolAnimation, all thrown into the sea, but his career. I asked many years later, as the prize for him and shaped his response was that people thought it was such a success now, and therefore very expensive and very few people hired him. "Where to go from the top?" he said.

My answer is simple graciously accept the award was then, and keep your work on the upcoming projects that make your heart sing. Just because you have done or not done to win, does not diminish the true quality of yourProject or three runners.

Control in a competition-ego: I personally witnessed some of the examples of bad taste ego festival in different films. And 'the pressure, the sudden attention given to an artist or just want petty jealousy. A director has been invited to a party, because his film had been nominated. The organization had paid for his travel and accommodation. It 'was very nice for three days until the night award. Then Award Nightcame and did not win. He was so angry with the organizing committee, because he had assumed that he had won because he had locked the cost of flying HIM threw a copy of his film thrown in the trash and insults waste to the Committee for its valuable time. He did not realize he had flown to other directors and to support all the nominated directors and give them the chance to mingle with each other and the fans. As a side note, has never been in the businesssince then.

Conclusion: if you have the chance to go to an animation festival or market. The bottom line is that you see new things, meet new ideas and new friends. It is not inspired comparison to other self, But others, can understand the hard work it really takes to produce quality creative work, and if someone say your stuff, like: "Thank You" graciously.


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