They (elected new series of Gov't) - have to solve problems for people,

Today I read the comments from newspapers and online communities. But I have not heard much news on television.

How are going to the polls? I hope the media will not stop after the elections. We - and the experts and people have something to wake up, say the Filipinos.

The SONA has had its specific roles and visions, but then I read about the columnist Conrado de Quiros (Inquirer) that "... it was Bithynia ..."

Network, at worst, if translated into English- The translations were inaccurate.

Moreover, John Tapang Manila Times that the President and the government must solve first, before going into business.

Indeed, the basic needs of people and are mainly for the poor. At best, this month we had water shortages throughout the country. You must do something about this problem, which is an urgent case.

If the working class can not be provided with their basic needs, the next head of thehuman needs are not met. The poor are getting poorer and the rich become richer. Take the high interest rates, pay the poor people can not. E 'parallel to buy "cheap water" as a regular payment of water bill or budget. These are small problems, but to eradicate the main problems of the sector and country in the coming years.

I also read the plant. It 'clear that we do not need it when we could not water, many Filipinos, becauseWant to give millions to the plant, which has no practical feasibility study at this time. Hey guys, do not swallow the marshmallow ---- We need experts. And we have not.

You know the story of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant? Pioneer engineers and specialists are now dead, she is working with experts (foreign and native), and lived there to support their development. If so, you will need skilled workers, scientists and engineers here. NotPoliticians, entrepreneurs do not.

STOP with the "build press cake". The Philippines does not have solutions to problems that "things cutie. Let's face it, Filipinos are poor and many of us need jobs. We need jobs and education --- but first, give us water!

Press and advertising with your packages with care! I quote from the Daily Tribune: "No fear, no mercy."

Another thing: I do not pray in politics, but we do for politicians. You mustLearning and experience properly and honestly. I'm worried because many of them came from the entertainment world and I do not know if brainstorming in the Senate or Congress. The size of their heads are debatable! The statement can be achieved only learned by experience. And if you do not have this ... We are probably doomed to failure! We will all become part of their set practice. The rich, they laugh if the government does not ... because the government would compromise. Please pay honestwithout compromise. I hope you are not satisfied with some workshops and study tours abroad, here and there -. Their brains should work, you, and you must serve honestly, not only for a few but for all Filipinos - to our people, for all.

Philippines, we work hard to help each other and remember. The Filipino people is to check and correct government officials, so you can work hand in hand.

And please: Do not mess with countries that we inherited from our ancestors, whereconstruction of airports, shopping malls, and produce too much pollution --- We need to breathe fresh air.

Know that I am talking here about real life, you will not understand life if he had not put any effort by one with the poor and became one of them.

Rose Flores - Martínez

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