50 Tips for a better classical musician

First Subscribe to the blog and news about your instrument.

According Knowing that the best players of your instrument (live and dead) are.

Knowing all the third most important concerts.

Fourth Run a solo recital at least once every two months (concerts do not count)

Fifth To learn more about other styles of music (jazz, blues, rock, country, etc.) and try their musical forms to understand chord progressions, and then try to organize something for your instrument.

Sixth Read improvisation.

Seventh TestWrite your own rhythms.

About the 8th Music Festival.

Ninth Making friends with the orchestra, conductors, composers, arrangers, team leader of salsa, jazz musicians and other music around you.

10th Planning an audition as a replacement at the nearest conductor or group popular.

11 Always be on time.

12 ° Bring all equipment: stands, music, exhibitions, caps, etc.

13 Dress for the occasion, beautiful when in doubt dress.

Try a 14thanother way to compose the music world than to realize: organize, lead, working as a luthier to maintain a symphony, etc.

15th Teaching as much as possible would not only money, but there will also remember the basics of your instrument, you need things for the rest of your life as a musician.

16th Play every gig available, no matter what they pay above the beginning of his career, you'd be surprised many contacts are made: this will lead to a futureGigs!

17th Always make friends and tell them what you can do: You get to spread the word for you.

18th A Facebook account and make groups and fan sites.

19th Same thing with Twitter and other social networks.

20th Build your own website.

Participate in music forum 21st.

22nd practice sight reading is more easily done with friends, reading, quartets, duets and trios often.

23rd Practice your statements!: Wake up at 3 am and play Don Juan or other difficult Excerptand play without warming up or anything! It 'an incredible feeling.

24th Play a sample to friends and teachers before the real thing.

Become a member of the 25th music company, clubs and associations like the American Federation of Musicians.

Sign up for the 26th music magazines.

Take the 27th shows as much as you can that will help with his interpretation of music, style, etc.

28th Do you know the score of the pieces to play: solo, chamber music, orchestra, etc.

29th TestBuild your own notes added.

30th Try to create a music library of CDs and DVDs.

31st Play the song you're working on (chamber music, soloists, orchestra, etc.) at least once a day.

32nd Do you work, the composer of the pieces in which (style, time, time, life, etc.)

33rd Practice at least four hours a day, six or more for competitions.

34th Read Sibelius or Finale.

35th Call In moments of frustration, a friend and tell them how much you love music and howso we do not stop to explain to them how difficult the music business and how hard you are willing to work.

36th Perhaps you want to learn German or Italian.

37th Sharpen your ability to execute.

38th Learn the basics of piano.

39th The study of music and physics, the simple command

40th Listen to the music of other genre you are not interested and learn from them. Finding something good about him.

41st know the most important works of Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Brahms, Tchaikovskyand all the great masters.

42nd Read orchestration.

43rd Classical music for you-mmies-Its a major, I learned a lot of things that I did not know, cool book!

44th Practice your scales every day, and this is the key.

45th Do not waste your time in music theory class, you can learn all about harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, etc. music is better understood, it will be taken into consideration during your game!

Help someone organize the 46th point or a musical event, one dayYou will need them, and you also have experience as well.

47th Join your church music group.

48th Get ready for the competitions (international or local)

49th blog on classical music.

50th marathon wake up early to practice with your friends.

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