Dress for cold weather motorcycle riding

Motorcycle during cold wet weather requires foresight, planning and the right gear. Clothing, fine, if you drive or walk down the street in the rain probably cut 70 mph seems to be used on the bike. He needs the right gear to keep warm in these extreme conditions. Buy equipment designed for motorcyclists. There is a difference. Women riders have had to find a difficult time for his course at an affordable price, until recently.Fortunately for me and other vendors are offering affordable quality gear tailored for women.

Dress in layers
Cover all skin
Stay Dry
Keep Your Head hot

Insulating layer: The insulating layer creates dead air spaces between layers of clothing, trapping warm air, body and keep it around the body. Look for outerwear that is insulated with warm, waterproof and comfortable with a synthetic fiber such as Thinsulate insulation.

Outside:This layer protects against wind and rain. This is probably the most important level.

Machine washable clothing jackets retain their waterproofing better than those that require dry cleaning. Coats with taped seams also prevent the ingress of water a. If you receive a leather jacket to wear a bike not designed for racing. This stylish jacket $ 300 was purchased in a store probably does not function well as a $ 100 jacket you buy from me, because it is designed for motorcyclists.Leather is a great wind stopper. take a well-made leather jacket for motorcyclists years it has developed, remains comfortable and protect you at once.

Look for outerwear with Thinsulate insulation and the like, which provides about 1 ½ times the heat down and nearly twice the heat from other than high-loft insulation with the same thickness. Before closing characteristics such as tight collars to keep the cold air and snow, with big teeth nylon zipper and stormFlaps on the hinges and to block the double-breast, wind and water. Cuffs, pockets and chest, with lock closure systems such as zippers and buttons or zippers, snaps and Velcro tend to stop more wind.

Zip-out linings are very practical. You can remove your jacket when it is hot in the afternoon, placed in the saddle bag and put it back in when the temperature drops.

Add links with rope or leather hinges, etc., so you can open and close with gloveson.

Your neck Nehru-style jackets or € tend to cover the neck better. A turtleneck sweater helps some. In very cold weather, a balaclava or mask leather driving will make a big difference. Remember to cover your neck! Until you have traveled half a mile in the cold season, we know that if you forget to cover Adam's apple!

Protect legs legs in the wind. There are many ways to protect your legs. Chaps, pants, leather and fabricPants. I sell a wide range of these products in different price ranges. All my items are designed for motorcyclists. Once again, the layers of wear, thermal underwear and pants or chaps fed to block the wind. If it's cold, a pair of Levis and long pants, you will not!

feet wet shoes are cold and numb quickly, keep your feet dry by wearing proper boots. If your feet get wet (through sweating or immersion) you need to put dry socks fresh. Insulated boots help. Sockssynthetic fibers such as polyester and polypropylene. Make sure your shoes are wide enough to wear socks comfortably. Avoid steel cork boots. A pair of cold feet will ruin an otherwise great trip!

Hats, you lose most heat through the head and neck! Wear a helmet with visor for optimum comfort. leather masks cover the neck and lower face. Balaclava cover the neck, face and head block.

Gloves, waterproof gloves with plastic coatingsuch as Thinsulate insulation are effective insulators, keeping your hands at all times. The experienced pilot has designed several pairs of gloves for different driving conditions: fingerless gloves for hot summer riding. This reduces vibration, reduces calluses and offers some protection at once. Zip Gauntlet Cuff Gloves The next election is usually thin, flexible, coated gloves that offer protection from wind and a challenge to keep the wind from blowing the sleeve of his jacket cuff. Wearing a pair ofadd all the time in my saddle bag with a pair of cotton carrier when it is cold. They are also cool summer evenings nights.For very useful cold I wear a pair of thick gloves motorcycle / ski gloves must be insulated with a thick coating. Gauntlet cuff gloves are very important. They fit in the sleeve of his jacket to keep cold air out and jump to the armpits to 70 mph!

Mittens hands warmer than gloves but offer less dexterity. You are a definite no-no for pilotsor passengers. You can not hear the controls and the passenger can not stop!

Rain Gear

Keep a set of rain gear nylon saddle bag for each person on the bike. They do not weigh much, but I'm a real life saver when the rain begins to fall in rain or snow.

Just my opinion on clothing heated. Work best when they work! I used to wear a heated vest and heated socks. I was hot and dry, even in very cold weather. One day in January, one of my socks heated endwork, I have not noticed. I froze a couple of fingers and lost damn near them. That was enough for me!

Some general observations:

Avoid tight clothing that real, the insulating layer of air to lose heat when you wear a jacket, pants or shoes too tight.

Dress for comfort and protection. Enter your beany and a denim jacket when the chill factor falls below 30 only impressed Dummies. Surprisingly, about 45 degrees F to 70 km / h!

Bring tools for the worseTime to execute. Are likely. This beautiful 70 degree day in October to make a house around 35 degrees with rain.

Wind Chill

The cooling effect of wind on the 70 mph are amazing. Plan carefully before starting. At about 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the territory was very dangerous. Wind chill is not something to fool:

Wind Chill to 70 MPH

Degrees F> 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10

Wind Chill 38 24 9 -6 -20 -35 -49


FirstHypothermia is a drop in body temperature to levels that are impaired in muscle and normal brain function. "Hypothermia can sneak up and seriously reduce the ability to think and

Under the conditions of hypothermia

cold, improper clothing and equipment, humidity, fatigue, exhaustion, dehydration, poor food intake, alcohol intake - causes vasodilation leading to greater heat loss

Third temperature ranges in whichHypothermia can occur on your bike:

32 degrees below zero always dangerous without proper equipment

40 degrees - to enter Danger Zone: correct equipment needed when traveling more

When a few minutes

60 degrees - Warning! COVER bare skin, especially when it rains.

Fourth Sights, Signs and symptoms

A. Ensure stumbles, mumbles and fumbles the changes in motor coordination and levels of consciousness to display. Having a problem with the control mustknowledge of where the brakes etc. Stop, and keep warm. Do not drink alcohol, which reduces blood flow and makes it worse. A hot drink with sugar helps.

b. Mild hypothermia - core temperature from 98.6 to 96 degrees F

At this point, you can make dangerous mistake forgotten, put the brakes more or understeer in bends. (I once gave a red herring and forgot take off your feet!) Not Shivering - not under voluntary control of motor complex, canWalk & Talk or peripheral vasoconstriction

c. Moderate Hypothermia - core temperature 95-93 degrees F

unconsciousness Dazed motor skills - especially hands - can not zip his jacket, because of reduced blood flow to the speech hands.Slurred violent tremor of irrational behavior - paradoxical Undressing - person starts to take off his clothes, s conscious / he is cold as many symptoms of being stoned. A person in this state needs help. Immediatelyinside. They may not be able to make good decisions for themselves. If you or someone who laughs with you at this point has been reached to revise your plans, make frequent stops to warm a room at the park for the night or the bike and get better equipment. Take a serious danger!

d. severe hypothermia - temperature of 92-86 degrees and below

(Immediately life threatening), you may have noticed any problems at that stage. The person falls, curls into a fetal position seems to die!Shivering occurs in waves, violent then pause, pauses are longer, until finally it stops, chills - not because the heat from burning glycogen in the muscles enough to always fall in core temperature, the body stops tremble in contrast to the conservation of glucose. Person falls to the ground, unable to walk, roll into a fetal position to conserve heat. muscular rigidity develops - because peripheral blood flow is reduced and accumulation of lactic acid and CO2 in the muscles. The skin ispupils dilate pale pulse rate drops to 90 degrees the body tries to move into hibernation, shutting all the peripheral blood flow and reducing breathing rate and heart rate. At 86 degrees, the body is in a state of "metabolic icebox." The person looks dead but still alive.

Make sure it is well-dressed passengers before leaving. You can not know how to dress. It's up to you to help you make the right choice. And guess who will make them listen to your nice warm NagJacket on the way home if not?

Keep these guidelines should we risk the next time on this bike in time the cold.

You do not have that when fall rolls around Bike Park. Just the right clothing and have fun!

Breathable layer is the layer that comes into contact with skin. It should allow body moisture to escape and evaporate more quickly, the skin remains dry and comfortable. Use thermal underwear made of synthetic fibers such as polyester and madePolypropylene to wick moisture away from skin. Avoid natural fibers such as cotton, tend to dry the moisture too close to the skin and maintain very slowly.


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