Is an MBA Worth It?

With the current ongoing financial crisis, and many of the traditional high-paying Wall Street jobs require little or no art, many prospective MBA students, a simple question: an MBA worth? The answer, like many others in life is more complex than it looks, but I hope this will be some clarity and guidance to those present.

For years, students have competed with each other without mercy, to be admitted to one of the leading MBA programs in the country and for good reason. Graduates of the top 10 or 20 schools like Wharton, Harvard, Columbia and Northwestern vacancies were virtually lucrative high-paying jobs for Wall Street investment banking, sales and trading, research and other guarantees. These were searched for positions not only interesting, often six-figure salaries to start, but many times they do come potential bonuses at year end.

With the collapse of Bear Stearns and LehmanBrothers> and the effective nationalization of the investment banks remaining, things have changed considerably. Thousands of layoffs have left people still clung to their jobs and workforce flooded with endless talent and qualified candidates. In addition, compensation packages for other banks have been cut and the federal government seems to apply pressure to reign in salaries and bonuses and more. In short, the days of easy moneyabout.

This year, many MBA graduates do after graduation and dreams of millions in a few years the school unemployed were disappointed. Fortunately, all hope is not lost. There are still a good chance for those who get their MBA. For one thing, for those who are a pleasure trip, a trend that has arisen that graduates of top U.S. MBA schools away from foreign companies in financial exotic places like Abu Dhabi, Moscow and attractedZurich.

Throughout the world, American universities ... particularly the Ivy League, and select the school are praised as the best. This point of sale is an opportunity for international students often overlooked here. As a Harvard graduate could against Yale, Wharton, Princeton and Columbia graduates for a lonely path in New York City, in a foreign country, that the candidate would be much less intense competition and could in fact more than simply because the set willSee his studies.

This raid talent, if played correctly can reward students with great opportunities. Another trend that more and an MBA is claiming, is the emergence of new start-ups and business projects. Many of those campaign, in jobs outside the banking sector in the past, companies have accumulated Nice supply of money and made the connection with venture capital firms and private investors to go and create start-ups.

Those who are skilled networkers cantrack students from their schools and connect with exciting cutting edge companies and entry into areas such as solar and wind energy, Web 2.0 companies and various technology and the environment that start-up capital investment received by the Obama Administration .

Finally, an MBA is always a great way to learn a set of skills in different disciplines from finance, marketing and management. For more information on all the great and MBAOpportunities it offers, please visit

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