Channel Surfing the Internet

The advent of broadband Internet access at high speed in millions of households, has introduced the use of videos on these networks is a reality and mainstream digital has led to the creation of phenomena such as YouTube. He also stunned television and film products business skills, can not decide whether to sue the video sites or online learning, their use as new channels of distribution. In fact, some of each experience.

The film companies are more sensitive to a lotInternet, such as one billion dollars has been occupied by Viacom lawsuit against Google - now the owner of YouTube. NBC-TV, on the other hand, looked on the Internet in a creative and productive use.

Perhaps the most interesting of the sitcom "Nobody's Watching," a TV pilot that was developed for the WB Television and ultimately rejected. But if the pilot leaked on YouTube, has increased its popularity - and was seen by a million visitors to the site. AsResult of interest in line, picked it up in an NBC series - to be shown on YouTube.

While "Nobody's Watching" is exclusively an online product, focused on program format NBC to try to combine the use of the Internet and that is traditional. One result of this approach was the TV series "Heroes," which has a companion website with a novel that is integrated into the show, and vice versa.

In the meantime, other entrepreneurs have developed onlineBroadband TV outlets with an astonishing range. Beeline TV ( has a channel formation that includes an alphabetical list from Albanian to Turkish television. Among the feeds of these two countries, television is from Croatia, the Netherlands, Japan, the Arabic channel Al Jazeera news feeds, and dozens of other stations, including many from the United States during the only thing streaming can stained, the concept seems great and its product offerings with little interestCopyright threats.

Internet Access TV ( offers a software package, makes the alleged hundreds of free TV channels. Their lineup includes channels of international and national channels as "Classic TV" replays oldies you might have missed the first time. TV4U has a similar lineup - 2640 TV channels from almost anywhere.

As with any product of the Internet, where there is content, there must be an online directory. One ofthe most important find Internet TV ( You can include Web, language and country to view this research category, and television online.

All these services are entitled to freebies, and all require you to join "an e-mail address and perhaps some other innocuous information. It is unclear what business model for these video-mixer, but what is obvious to realize their ambitions. It 's also interesting thatVideo streams from thousands of TV stations throughout the world feeds are available online at. Need satellite feed, the birds pulled and fed to the Internet server, because very few TV networks in operation are in line feeds of their own at this point.

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