Paranormal Activity Review

Paranormal Activity is a film released in 2009. They were two young and talented star, a young couple on the assumption that they were persecuted shown. The girl, Katie said her friend Micah who believed that since she was a child had been observed and were chased by an evil being. Micah, the evidence was acquired, a camera high dollar and set it every night to try to capture something.

Every night, something would happen. Rarely a night would goto occur without anything to the camera, while the two were asleep. Micah insisted on holding the lead, while Katie has suggested that the two to leave her alone. After setting a demonology, both of whom had confirmed their worst fear - it was really a demon pursued them.

Micah always insisted that protecting his girlfriend Katie and every night something else would have tried to learn more about the company. One night, he went so far in the dust on the floor to see ifcould obtain footsteps to follow, where it was hidden all day. It was found that the company had been hidden in a drug addict and a surprise Stalking Katie much longer than the two had met. A photo of Katie, who was burned in his old house was in a drug addict. It seemed that something had taken the photos from the fire and collected them. This is really crazy the two countries and Micah could not resist, continue to communicate with him.

Some nightsHaving found the picture of Katie was bitten by his bed and drug use along the corridor, where it was established that at their side. Not saved them just in time, it would not release the company released. The demonology Micah and Katie said the more she tried to communicate with him, the more it has become. Micah was not convinced and insisted that demonology was himself.

After "borrowing" a Ouija board, he promised that he would not, Micah tries to communicate with the companyfrom them. Katie ran away from home and Micah as they followed and returned, the board was burned and a message of horror was written upon it - a young girl named, like Katie, who had earlier shot and killed the demon.

The film together was excellent, and if not observed, I recommend you do a lot. Just make sure you do not have sleep problems later. I know I did.

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