What you can afford vs. what you buy

Here are two friends were walking in the mall on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Turning their favorite clothing store has quickly duck when the new fall line has arrived at last check. Grinning with joy, setting display kidnapped the new clothes. What a day of days!

One of them quickly grabs a shirt and if the other asks, "Can it?" get a smirk in response.

"Of course it is only $ 200."

"Wait a second, what ishave in your account? "The friend asks confused. Now, a great show of teeth is the second in a purchase.

"$ 205!" soon the buyer calls.

Although this story tries to illustrate my point to the extreme, it is still true, that individuals may be confused what to do with their account balance than they can afford.

For example, it is true that buying a Ferrari if he had $ 250,000 in your bank account and made $ 100,000a year, but this does not mean you can afford.

to meet operating costs, maintenance, cost savings and investment plans have to consider is.

If these are taken for the account that you can see that the purchase would benefit more and to buy two very different things.

Although the theme wisely spending in other articles I would re-express it covered here.

When you go to buy things to consider how much they cost in a widerSense. If you want to have a sum of money for the next five years, we are making the buying process go help this target or hurt them?

Enjoy your journey through the purchase of things that eat into your savings each month, then?

They are only the minimum on your credit card?

You've added several loans to buy things and not invest the money so that there will be a higher rate of return, repayment of the loan and let you have a profit?

If you haveEach of these actions then do not live a life that can afford it and rethink your habits fiscal year is in order.

Remember, all these things, you want to be in stores in 6 months or six years and, if not for the time you took a bit 'better for you.

Whenever you get discouraged by the fact that one of your friends "already" to "new car" or "new guard" or "new apartment" You must understand that they had perhapsbetter habits of tax you, and why have these things.

However I have expressed before delivering again. It 'better to learn to do things right once, no matter how long it takes or how difficult it is when you do the wrong things again and again until the cows.

For more information on customs tax please read my article Saving Stop! "

Thanks for your time and good day.

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