Recession Proof Your Marriage - 7 tips to help get through difficult times

get your money, marriages get hard.

financial pressures and uncertainty compound the existing problems (and sometimes cause problems that are hidden below the surface). Conventional wisdom believes that financial problems are the most common cause of divorce, as research shows that there is a contribution, not the primary cause. However, research is not very reassuring when you find your relationship fail, they feel out of control, and fear that you can not pass a financialStorm.

In short, the way it tends to just a few steps to financial difficulties, the way they treat other problems within their marriage, but clearly that can reveal a lot about each spouse and their mutual relations.

I have no space here to explain the details of marital conflict, but I have some specific suggestions for you to keep your relationship strong interest in these economic times. If you are in marital crisis, my organizationhelps to meet regularly couple with conflicts in ways that bring them closer instead of driving them apart, and we see transform relations seemingly hopeless relationships are wonderful and happy marriages. There is hope, and you need the reminder in difficult times.

Now for the suggestions to tackle this potentially difficult financial time:

If you worry about money - perhaps even more, they argue - these seven tips can help, as you approachdrift further away.

1. Take a class. It is not the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University, sign up as quickly as you can. What are the practical and feasible, what Dave teaches powerful and have helped millions of debt and live financially free. If you belong to a church or an organization that works with people, must insist that offer this class throughout the year.

2. Team up. Do not sign your spouse or your children the truth aboutThe crisis in your family is facing. Two things happen when you want. First, you take too much strain on yourself that will not make more of a man, woman, adult, problem solver, or anything that should be heard. Take on too much and not working well. Second, if the family members aware of possible difficulties, especially financial difficulties, which all together, in order to tighten their belts and make better decisions. If you have children, this is a very good experience for them to know howHandle the latest crisis in their lives. Nick Stinnet, PhD, is the most comprehensive study on what makes families strong. One of the six characteristics of a strong family deals with stress and crisis together.

3. Tackle things one at a time. An interesting study on the spread to indicate that especially can not see through the completion of the task well, or does not know what to do next. If there are problems to be solved and things that need toto do things-over even worse. Our grandparents used to say: "Get off the couch and get to work!" In our day we can do many things that we are gaining important too, but in reality distractions - e-mail, a little 'time to relax watching TV, text messaging, podcasts, Twitter, you name it.

Remove the distractions, you check your e-mail no more than five minutes every two hours, turn off the phone (or at least not to respond when you see it reallyimportant.)

do with the contribution by the spouse or family member, a plan, that all feasible steps to be done, and close the passages need to prioritize time. If you get closer to your goal, you like what you do and enjoy success in sight.

Get a mental picture of where you want to be what you want to reach, and watch every day for a few minutes. Worry has ideas of what we do not want that to happen.Hope and faith to keep notions of what we want to happen.

4. Tame your emotions. If you move in a physiological condition often called "fight or flight", your body and mind prepare for war. If you are excited in this way, your body floods with adrenaline and the flow of blood actually changes to prepare for possible damage: they are in a state of survival, not of logic and reason. Your mind is focused on signs of danger, so you can react quickly. No call,Argument, or object is going well, until you are in that state.

Self-discipline does not bring into a peaceful state. Will be much wiser to leave the environment of conflict, a walk and walk or run, or at least not to participate in the conflict. Following the work of Gottman and the University of Washington, Love Lab, it takes at least two hours for your body and mind to relax enough to continue to address the problem.

5. Take a walk. Dealwith stress and anxiety when not to exceed in direct conflict or fear. One of the best ways is to exercise every day (yes, I know, the time for this if you are already under stress, but offers new ways to deal with a crisis.) Here's a way to do that not only will help you manage stress, but you can and bring your spouse (children) are closer. Do something together that is practical. They go together and talk of the day. Play SoftballBackyard. It does not make much difference what it can take up to everyone and have fun in the process.

6. Test studies show that supplements of fish oil helps with the regular use of mood and emotion. (I prefer Nature's Bounty Odorless Omega-3/Omega-6 double strength fish oil, because the two things that make fish oil loaded as an effective, EPA and DHA. If your fish oil is not a high value of this, consider a different brand).

Many doctorsalways aware that a significant number of people have low vitamin D, which plays a role in emotional stability and other important areas of health. Have you checked the levels of vitamin D to your doctor before buying over the counter. (Too much vitamin D is never any good ....) supplement over-the-counter, vitamins, herbs, etc., without asking your doctor or pharmacist if you regularly by all that you are taking is contraindicated - in particular the rules - or any other condition thathave. If someone tries to be something without taking with your doctor to say something like, remember what my doctor told me once: ". This is arsenic," "Hey, it is quite natural, 's'

7. Touch the Hand of God Seventh This suggestion is not much for you if you have a relationship with God, but is the most powerful of all.

"The Lord is near. Do not be afraid of anything, but in everything by prayer and supplicationThanksgiving, present your requests to God And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus In conclusion, brothers, that is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, everything what is pure, what is beautiful, what is admirable, if anything, or praiseworthy, think about good things. What have you learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. "(Philippians 4:5-9)

These are the points in this passage:

"No matter what happens elsewhere, when we are in a relationship with God, he is near.
"If you pray it with a prayer -. Prayer for steroids to do it with praise - you can not know why, but he always has something in mind that this is a blessing thank you in advance ..
"Think about what is true, noble, right, and the like.
"In practice implemented, what needs to be done.

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