Struggles with Faith

On my dear soul, why do you complain about a lack of faith?

Struggling with faith, hope, magic!

Do you agree with me that a problem can be solved only if you realize or admit that there is a problem in the first place?

If you are struggling with faith, I have good news for you!

The sense of disbelief or lack of faith over the centuries, is likely to feel they have a seal of your salvation, a saving grace of all things, hell and the lack of something.

The Lordis my shepherd, I shall not fail. [Psalm 23:01]

This means that your awakening. Please note Hope! It testifies that the Holy Spirit works powerfully blessed you!

For me, the Gospel or good news is this: I was of all evil, you can simply trusting in the faithfulness of God, who can not lie to save. [Numbers 23:19]. I rest on his faith and not mine.

What the hell are you talking about? E 'is precisely this lack of confidence that I have problemswith!

Hold your horses, dear soul.

The spirit of unbelief is in the air we breathe, impregnated in the area to determine the spiritual forces of evil. These forces of darkness are constantly oppress us. You will work on every person and every situation in life. Like a frog in a boiling pot, slowly heating is captured, we do not even realize that when cooked alive! (That is, before receiving the gift of faith and the desire to receive Jesus, ourLife).

But thanks to God in his grace and mercy, deprive him of salvation for us is that, mostly dark cauldron. His first and only beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ ascended to the earth and set in motion the machinery of salvation. With a perfect finished work of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, the Holy Spirit can now live within us.

Oh, come on! Can you tell me what I do not know?


With the breath of eternal life of blissHoly Spirit, who now feels the oppression. Suddenly you begin to feel uncomfortable. We are not dead colder! We are now in the life of this condition.


That an all-encompassing word! It means changing how we think. But what is what we think needs changing?


This situation must change the way you think about God, Jesus, blessed Holy Spirit, our salvation and our faith!

Praise be to God, if you already know this inHeart!

Of course I know this cliché. All I know is to feel in your heart! But it does not work! And what you've said so far does not help struggling with my faith! So you have something useful to me or not?

I know what has proven successful. Have you forgotten? But you're right that nothing you do not receive. It 's just the Holy Spirit can teach us all things. I thank God for this privilege with me as a vessel to write about. Since IPenning my thoughts that I think can help to increase the goodness of God and I pray that the best teacher anyone can ever have is to teach us himself.

I'm not here to confess that I know everything there is to know. But I hope for us to bring our questions to the teacher saint. When the Holy Spirit has blessed managed to make his presence known to us from the ship of my hands, Alleluia!

So, what did you go?

In this work is the belief that I learned aboutthis. The fact that faith in God that counts. It is never my belief or faith of each other. With this knowledge, why should I fight with my own faith or lack of it?

I trust that God is faithful? Yes! He is faithful to see in person so I enjoy all the blessings of the covenant of grace.

Why this confidence? Well, I have not seen it with my own eyes the crucified Jesus. But I believe that he died for me and like me, so I have life in abundance. And I will not fightDo you believe that in the first place. It 'been a merciful God, who first planted this seed of desire and do me this gift of faith. This is grace!

Now that is my God himself, who got me started on this path of salvation for the gift of faith to do first, because it would not have continued for me was the gift of their faith for the rest? E 'from faith to faith, by a generous gift to another of God the Father. And since it is a giftI do not earn or deserve. I have to sit still and know that He is the faithful God who would not give me a snake, if I ask for bread. Sometimes we do not notice, he gave us bread when we asked for a snake! Think about it a bit '. He is my God and I am his people.

I see God as someone with nothing to do better than to start something in me and then let him aside? Oh, is this idea of God, while a dirty lie straight from hell! Far fromme Satan! For all that God has even begun, he personally for its completion! He watches over His Word to perform it!

And because I am not seeing the blessing in my life!

Remorse! How do you think of blessing?

His amazing grace is sufficient for every day. Give us this day our daily bread. Has not God himself, who said that?

If we look at our deliveries a day, we naturally tremble. But if we provide the same daily flightsBase, we will soon realize that it is more than enough. This is how God has taught us to look at our rules. My God shall supply all our needs!

Conversely, if we take the faith given year and the provision of daily risk, knowledge of the requirements of future weeks, months, or in front of me, I ask those who do not fight.

If our idea of blessing in terms of finance, especially touches on many of them in our business where we see and hear, havethen we can sit down to a shocking disappointment.

Play with the psychology here? That sounds like bad consolation that beauty is only skin! This looks like self-denial!

But the soul is what leads to repentance? The world says that seeing is believing. But God says he believes to be seen. Who do you think? You have to believe is not enough, what the world says?

Could this be the reason why God says that faith is theQuality assurance (the confirmation, the title of property) of things that [we] hope, the evidence of things [that] you can not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact, which does not reveal meaning]? [Hebrews 11:1 Amplified].

Over the centuries, men and women have long used by God, who clutched his heart and he lived it.

Georg Müller [1805-1898], built orphanages for homeless children flock to cost more than a million dollars in 1800,without asking a penny. He did it by faith in faith in God has started and finished in reality. He was in a state of self-denial, when he started? History and facts speak for themselves.

Jackie Pull uh, a young woman, left his family in the UK alone venture into the darkest areas of Hong Kong in 1960 with no resources at their disposal. God has brought droves of sinners, the relief of her. God offers to all the requirements of their ministry. He started and ended in the faithin reality. The fact speaks for itself.

The list could go on, if you want to spend time looking for it.

I'm not sure. I do not feel that you have helped me at all!

Soul, take your doubts and questions about the Holy Spirit. Let us teach. For the blessed Holy Spirit makes all things our Lord Jesus Christ and shows them to us! Do it! Our life depends on it!

After learning the initial reception of salvation, the rest of our journey of faith in GodStep by step, learn to live a new life of pure faith in the faithfulness of God Yes, we will work with shaking legs tremble as you go on foot. A resounding yes to do, the feeling of fear, as we used to do. But this experience would be a little 'light on what is meant by the work of our salvation with fear and trembling? I think this fear and trembling are signs that we are on track. jiggle with each step, we grow in confidence andFaith.

To believe is to trust. We have confidence because we have faith in the object of our trust. We believe it is an insurance policy. And this confidence can come in many forms:

1. Testimony from many witnesses and power of sheer numbers on the certificate;

2. Our experience;

3. Avenue of Appeal should be to betray the trust.

Soul, you must gain the trust has been used by insurance. We played for fear of being betrayed and will be done. And whatGod has done to earn our trust?

First, he sent his only beloved son to die for us.

Well, I have not seen and that does not help.

Then there were many eye witnesses and the statements contained in the Bible was.

I do not know them and is so far back in time, that does not belong to them.

What about the fact that 30 million people willingly gave their lives to preserve the Bible. Not that say a lot of loyalty to the WordGod?

Well, I appreciate their sacrifices, but I still do not know that the faith I need.

What has been your experience that the Christian life?

Now I know that I struggle with faith. I do not see much of the promised blessings manifested in my life! I do not feel and live life in abundance.

dear soul, you're focusing on financial blessing?

Uh, not really. I just want happy, easy and hassle free, no physical defect, you know what I meanNot? But it seems that most of the problems come from lack of money. And if Satan is to control the world with money, because God does not call us the money? In this way, Satan has lost much of its control over us, right?

Why does it sound like your trust in money! Did not God say that love is money is the root of all evil? And 'ever happened that maybe God is with this root evil that is so deeply ingrained in you to do?

God has come up shortin finance in our lives? No! So far, you have more than enough to spend every day. Why worry about the future?

God does not ask us not to, what you eat or drink or wear make concerns?

Did not God say to himself that he knows we need them?

God does not want to say first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things there are to be included?

Has not God said that the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness and peace and joy inthe Holy Spirit?

Did not God say that we are His righteousness in our Lord Jesus Christ?

We do not have the presence of the Holy Spirit, God our Father, Jesus prayed for us?

E 'was Jesus himself who prayed for her! How can we doubt that his prayers are not answered? So, as we have, what "should be added all these things" needed to make why bother?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but our Lord JesusCome that we might have life and have it abundantly! Someone said that if you know help is on the road, there is no reason for concern. But if you know that there is no help, then what is the use of concern? A word of wisdom.

But if you're really tied to money, we are considering as an administrator of the money that God has given you all the time?

He probably never imagined that the money you have, it was God-given right?

You probably skipped the partthat it is God who gives you the power to prosper, right?

He probably thought that you're the one who earned and worked for them correct?

Therefore, it considers the right to spend as you want with the right?

If you are really short of money now, you have believed it possible that God teaches us how to spend his money?

Have you planned that God would give you more money to perpetuate their own idiosyncratic models?

Have you thought about what you really wanthave done, if God gave you financial abundance?

If you have shed the sins blowing your pride to participate?

Oh blessed Holy Spirit to show us how we should use the money for the Lord Steward. They help us see the money as a mere tool. Help us to regard it as the lesser of the promised blessings. Help us not to idolize. Help us to see the love blessed Holy Spirit, our lives as God wants us to have seen. Help us to hear the heartbeat of God

Look at what our Lord Jesus said in Luke's Gospel16:10-14:

10 who is faithful in little [thing] is faithful also in much and whoever is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much.

11 Therefore, if you are not believers in the [at] unrighteous mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions), I commend to you was the true riches?

12 And if you faithfully that which belongs to another [whether God or man] to give that is your [own itis] the true riches?

13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or is to sit back and hang one and despise the other. You can not serve God and (wealth of confidence, or anything where you and that you trust) mammon.

14 Now the Pharisees, the greedy and greedy, were heard all these things [together], and began to taunt and mock and deride him.

Hey, take me in a badLight, you know? I do not like what you say! Come on, give me some 'credit, you will!

Dear Soul, I'm not running down. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus But we should remember why we came to Jesus first? E 'is because we are tired has to offer the kind of life, the world was. We considered our options and how they went. They were horrible!

And since we have found that our old way of life did not make us good, we shouldnow focus on this new life that God has given us? As with anything new, we must learn before we can master. Our Christian journey is a matter of trust. God knows what we are. He has assured us of his goodness, by our Lord Jesus to us as a guarantor.

Hey, this is not a chicken and egg thing? You're telling me, just trust. But my problem is I do not trust the faith! I need faith, trust, and it says that I need the confidence before they hadFaith?

Dear soul, what can I say, sound like the chicken and egg thing. If you are looking for security, is in Christ Jesus If you're afraid you'll miss Jesus, then I'm afraid you've given everything in the world. It appears that you have more confidence in the world who have in the system of God. Then maybe you should take into account new in the world. If you are completely at the end of the world after the system has failed completely to come back laterto Jesus'. He does not turn away those who come to him. Until that time, Jesus can not pour new wine into old skins. He would rather be hot or cold but not warm after all, who is out of spit! A lifeguard can not save a drowning man who has yet to fight.

For me, I'm going to be on the faithfulness of God with words is impossible, even if I die, I'd rather die standing on his word. But that's an oxymoron! For no one can ever get up on his word! OnlyView of the Book of Esther.

Esther 4:16

Go, gather all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, day and night. I, too, and my maids will fast as you. Then go to the king, even though it is against the law, and if I die, I die.

To put it very much, I'd rather die a poor word in the sky and then rely on the rich world to live in hell. Especially in the rich see Luke 16:19-31:

19It was a rich man [usually] dressed in purple and fine linen and feasted and made merry and amused himself in splendor every day.

20 And at his door was [negligent] fell down and left a penniless man named Lazarus, covered with [ulcerated] injury [to charity and reduced].

21 He was [busy] with, be satisfied that fell from the table richer, the rest of the dogs came and licked his wounds.

22 And it came tothe man [reduced] begging died and was carried by angels into Abraham's bosom. On the rich man also died and was buried.

23 And in Hades (the realm of the dead), and in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom.

24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy and be gracious to me and send Lazarus to the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I fear in this flame.

25 But Abraham said, Child, remember thatYou get in your life in comfort [you] and joys, and likewise Lazarus problems and difficulties, but now he is comforted and you are in fear.

26. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want this [place], can not convey to you, and no one from there pass to us.

27 And [people] said: So, my father, please send it to my father's house -

28 For II have five brothers - so it can] to [solemn witness and warn them to come to this place of torment.

29 But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear and listen to them.

30 But he answered: No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead reverse them (change their minds and welcome change for the better in their own way, to the horror of their past sins).

31 And he said, "If they hear not Moses and listenand the prophets, neither will be persuaded and convinced and believe [even] if someone should rise from the dead.

So you want to say that a Christian must expect to be poor? If this is the case, what kind of gospel is that?! Come to believe in Jesus to be poor?

No! Dass I'm not saying it makes sense that my God we must do her precious and beloved son, but no financial wealth? I believe that God is love. All that does is done byLove. I think it certainly will give us the blessing of minimum financial wealth if he knows that we are ready. I can also say that we already have. But to demonstrate the wealth when he knows that he would use for sins, is certainly not an act of love! I know that God our hearts better than we'd imagine white. We may also ask for a snake if we pray for the wealth! But let him in, his time and, depending on the season.

Of course, you can getthe world with the world's resources. But what we have to sacrifice for it? Why do I need to win the world and yet lose, my dear soul? I will never forget what I had to do to get skinny! And who knows what kind of headache to support the wealth? I would have preferred by God, he entered the financial wealth without bothering with them.

You said too much. Can you simplify this for me? So what's the problem with my faith?

dear beloved soul, we doDare to stand on the Word of God in the face of contradictory situation? It is made for two series of tests ahead of us, circumstances and the unfailing love of God to enter his word.

If we hope for a life free of problems and stress that life would be in heaven. It is not our Lord Jesus says that twists, but no fear, because he had conquered the world? What does this mean for us? We are not afraid, because the circumstances prevailed. E"Fear not, does not mean absence of fear, but the pressure on the face of fear. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am not afraid for you with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Oh yes, we have these problems and stress. But they have no influence on us when we rest in God's faithfulness

I think the business of faith is lacking is a fear that the ultimate fear, that the honor of God, not what they had promised. For what it's worthIt is the soul of my dear, I must say this: that God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent, because he said and he will not do, or has promised, and he does not hold?

In all this, I will focus on the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit that God our father could leave by giving the perfect finish to our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

Thanks and praise to the Holy Trinity ever love!

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