Transform your garden with a small wooden

To create a perfect game, instead of one, begins with a generic square house (plans are easy to find on-line) or a prefabricated shed from most hardware stores. Personalize with a little 'paint, a few fancy features and a bit' fancy. Remember not to have a ribbon cutting and a smooth transfer of the key.

For the actor or actress, you can create a stage to hold their attention for hours. Add a tent outside the door, a window numbered ticket and BankingSeats, enveloping a high stage. Do not forget to add space for props importantly, a changing area for your star and a puppet stage curtain.

There is a knight or a girl in your kingdom? Then you need a lock. Start with a generic theater and build a square tower, complete with stairs rising. You need a window to Rumpelstiltskin and going to the window. interior decoration should be simple, with a rustic wooden table and chairs in the chest. HomeYour Castle with a child-designed coats of arms and flags.

Princesses will worship with a house in Tudor style house, just their size in their backyard. To enter your house, the planters to plant real flowers or plastic to add. Find or make a double Dutch door, and installation of primers framed open the windows to let in light. Place floral wallpaper or sponge paint with soft pastel painting stenciled with the heart. Add a loft is on the Internet via a ladder and your princessSky.

Do you know an aspiring firefighter or firefighter? Paint your door red wing box for easy installation "fire truck", Access, a real fire station bell and a hose. Install a pole by the loft on the floor so that the little firefighter can slide down, and even travel to fight fires. Do not forget the mascot of the fire - a wooden Dalmatian.

Forts are fun and yet classic. These are ideal if you have limited space, there are usually tall and strongclose. Admission to the second floor is to be via ramps, stairs, or even climbing wall. boxes of sand make room for the perfect game for a short space on the ground floor. Or add a garden, if your baby has a green thumb.

playhouse Tower provides ample space for one, slide swing, sand pit or post below as it is on stilts. Try using a rope ladder to the platform, or next to a tree with nails and wooden pegs to the trunk of a ladder.

Are not limited to a gambling house theme, either.Consider these additions mini-house:

or terraces or balconies

Landscaping with trees or dwarf

Zip or lines

O Balance Boards

Bridges or

or roof windows and sunroofs

or film

Kitchen or

or battery operated doorbells

Milk Crate chairs and climbing blocks

O Mailbox

Curtains and blinds or

O Chimneys

or anything else your heart desires young people.

In addition to providing hundreds of hours and SchadenfreudeEntertainment, outdoor play structures also add to the resale value of your home. While the investment of a do-it-yourself theater are usually in relatively inexpensive, you can add 75% of its total value of your home. Then again most of the cost, you must bring with you is all the fun memories of a cabin.


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