Amsterdam Strangest Museums

Amsterdam is a city of museums - 50 and counting - some of whom are rightly famous. art experts love the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum, the children of NEMO love Slip countless adults in the Temple of Venus and the Erotic Museum. But in a way easily on foot or by public transport distance of many museums in the city of Amsterdam hotels are catering to visitors with foreign tastes. Pianola? fluorescent objects? Embryos? Come on.

Het Nationaal Brilmuseum

The NationalMuseum of glasses is on top of an old-fashioned optical, which in turn is like a museum - the building dates from 1620 and the owners have kept in excellent condition. Seven hundred years of history wearing the glasses are on display on two floors of the old tracks, history buffs and nostalgia to those who have the influence of modern trendsetters such as joy John Lennon. The collection owes its existence of four generations of passion for collecting in TheunissenFamily, whose interest dates back to the 19th Century. In addition, the museum shop sells shot glasses in all types of styles, the story outlined in the exhibition.

Pianola Museum

Many guests at a hotel in the city of Amsterdam, enjoy the music with their dinner. As the history of music? Pianos, sometimes as a honky-tonk piano York after the Tonk Brothers production company based in New invented mechanical pianos were popular in the United States in 1894 and popular into the early20. Century. They have the music playing with the box full of holes for each note and were also used to record music. Stravinsky, Hindemith, Milhaud and other composers wrote music specifically for it. The pianola museum held an exquisite collection of player pianos, including a custom Steinway piano pianola rolls and 20,000, and on some days, visitors can go to a concert.

Fluorescent Art Museum

Connoisseurs of art might raise an eyebrowfluorescence Art Museum, a neighborhood tucked away in a side street between two canals in the old Jordaan, but those who venture underground museum to display this wonderful find in a strange e. Visitors need to bring soft slippers on their situation, as in an old museum in Eastern Europe, and come away a bit 'like a cave where the cave was filled with the same number of fluorescent objects and installations. This dynamic, fun show is worth a trip from AmsterdamHotel.


pipe has a venerable history in Amsterdam, 17 Century ceramic tubes as valuable archaeological finds. Pijpenkabinet The collection consists of 20,000 pipes, of which a dial is on display in the museum, including tubes pre-Columbian natives of North America and South American pipes, opium pipes, tubes, African and European tube to date, as well as related objects. The museum is perfect for the tubeSmokers in the family or anyone with an interest in this national, social and ritual aspects of world history. While you can not smoke a pipe in your hotel in Amsterdam you can do Pijpenkabinet - a rare and luxurious environment.

Museum Vrolik

While many of the museums mentioned above are nice enough bizarre, the grotesque in these offers: human remains preserved in jars. The museum is part of the 'University of Amsterdam Academic Medical Center, sothe remnants of scientific benefits, and kept the audience's curiosity. The collection from the private collection of Professor Gerardus Vrolik dates (1755-1859) and his son Willem Vrolik Professor (1801-1863), and added over the years is now complete animal specimens, bone disease, tooth artifacts and 150 pieces of birth defects - in other words, is that embryos with malformations in jars. If you venture outside your hotel desire city of Amsterdam and morelandmarks, the Museum Vrolik is undoubtedly a trip to remember.

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