Venture funding Games

There are many entrepreneurs, businesses want to start, but do not get their lazy ass to start a business until someone gives him 2 or 3 million dollars in venture capital. As a retired entrepreneur who founded several companies from scratch, literally a bucket of water and a sponge in a national chain of franchised cleaning of cars, fleets of aircraft and vehicles, I am often blown away by the audacity of some of these young so-calledEntrepreneurs.

It 'amazing that present themselves in the world of finance. One might think that they were an investment banker from the way they act, talk and control. I remember similar conversations with people from Lehman Brothers on the day and tried to know to mix again with some brand of my company is stupid and useless.

Not long ago someone came to me on the audit to discuss a new company, to them, and they didbe my friend, and discuss the basic concept, but what I really enjoy the feeling of me as angel investors, and they were looking 1,000,000 + and noted that they are willing to put in a couple of hundred thousand dollars their money in society, but not if they started the money to finance large felt wanted.

This innovation and the invention was only an idea on a piece of paper, with rough sketches. The reality is thatPrototype could probably built in someone's garage built, or about $ 20 - $ 30,000. Therefore, if you use their $ 200,000 to do so, they would leave $ 170,000 when they produce the prototype. But, alas, were too lazy to start the process until you have a big chunk of money to live on easy street while doing so to pay virtually all the others to get their idea and the concept altogether, while some rode in a new bright red sports car.

You see, if someone spent$ 30.000 to build the prototype and had $ 170,000 left over, could grant patents, $ 40,000, and still have $ 130,000 actually start their business, and then obtain venture capital. It would be much easier to get capital whose patent was to hazard a working prototype, and they had a position in his company to hold a larger percentage portions or how it began.

The reality is, or are too old, or this next generation is too lazy. In fact,It was interesting because the individual that I was actually a few years older than I was contacted, but it looked like a twenty-something who wanted a free ride. The moral of the story, if you're an angel investor, and will tell someone about it on the closer, "a walk" You do not need them, they need you so now you can try new sports cars and live high on the hog until the money is going out with your pennies. Forget that noise. Do not trust anyone.

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