California Passes SB 777 - Here Come the Language Police

Appeared as a guest on Late Show with Craig Ferguson night Wednesday, October 17, 2007 Vicente Fox former President of Mexico until 2006 was asked how he saw America. In a Republican-ese right kind of reply, said that we should "return to our values." He added that the rest of the world is still trying, the guide had given us in the past. At this point in our national life, this term is a bit 'more than syrupy nostalgia, although it was nice to hear a strangerTo say what millions of us have known all the time.

Fox also said that we needed to exercise "tolerance." He reiterated the demand for tolerance several times and added that although he is a devout Catholic is very tolerant of all others, is to pursue 'spiritual life. "He suggested that tolerance was the heart and the source of all good diplomacy and politics.

statement by President Fox with recent statement by President Bush to pray for "all religions are coupled to the same"If to make a good news but are proof that politicians make poor theologians Some remember that not everything that is." God, Spiritual "cultism is divine, magic, tarot, channeling, and a long list of spiritual practices are, in fact." spiritual, "but the question remains what the Spirit?

Not everything that is created by God spiritually. The god of this world (Satan) is also a spirit and only the ignorant or deliberately shocking to see that not a lot of spiritual tricks, vocations, hasManifestations and religions in his little bag.

We only have the recent legislation in California to see what happens when the popular idea of "tolerance" crosses into law. In California, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law in October 2007 banning the use of words, mom, dad, husband and wife in California schools.

The new language laws in California are an example of tolerance intolerant militant. But now gays and transsexualsprotected from crime, real or imagined. This is at the expense of offending over 95 percent of the heterosexuals and their families, make-up of California schools reflect reached. And 'this tolerant?

Someone asked how many students and elementary students are gay or transsexual? Gay high school students, a school for transgender, transsexual or elementary, but perhaps a few, as are many of them in California? California changed its laws todefend the sensitivity of a non-existent group of people?

We crossed the silent majority to the moral majority only to slide on most tolerant, then all the way to the silent majority again? This trek is not at all remember a line from a Marx Brothers movie. Groucho tries to dare to know someone in a store, said he gives them his full potential partners to 20 percent of the business. After reminding him that 20 percent ofNothing is nothing, he offers this assurance. "Do not worry, because I worked from nothing to a state of extreme poverty" Enter American morality, the new partner of tolerance and diversity!

From the days of madness Hula Hoop to the Americans present were the pop swing of a new element to another, and so far no one seriously injured on the road. Now we are in danger of suffering we inflict irreparable damage, even with something to satisfy requests from all evil. Vicente Fox mayhave the nail on the head. What once looked for a better quality than what you get to do.

Tolerance is a word that is sailing around at the speed of stupidity. The confusion is apparent when Islamic groups like CAIR to go on pointing out every perceived insult to Islam in America even as America and the rest of the world did not offer a bit of tolerance, in return, in fact, the doctrine and the ideology of Islam forbids it. A cartoon, a negative statementMuhammad or refusal to convert to Islam can result in death. But there are Americans who wake up to every and all possible intolerant language as it relates to Islam. Double standards notwithstanding, this is the stupidity with the "tolerance", a word that betrays its obvious lack of wisdom and social importance.

It 'nice to make note that the Bible predicts in the spiral of immorality in the last days one person all the time will bring to an end.This person is referred to as the Antichrist. A characteristic or tendency, which it does, is that the world would be better if it was the way we count time, and he calls for a change of law has changed the decision. (Daniel 7:25)

Since the Antichrist is, as the man of "anarchy" is not necessarily the way in which he intends to change the laws referred guess. Somewhere between "if it feels good, do it" and "tolerant" is the plug on almost every folkway, more, commandment or moral code ever pullknown. The only law that will apply serious about setting for the superiority of his calls.

For over 35 years I have said thousands of people that the singular difference between the Antichrist and all other despot or dictator in history is, what drives him to succeed where all others have failed to dominate the world. Instead of using military force to draw the world into submission he uses the economy.

Today's European headquarters of the newly formedAntichrist is already checking the morality of the country are waiting with bated breath on the economic mega block to join. Poland is just one example. The EU is insisting that Poland, the home of the former much beloved John Paul II, should reduce or eliminate its stand against abortion and the practice of homosexuality before it can come under the mercy of a fully-fledged ' European Union. Poland is not the only EU country concerned for his morale.

Tolerance maybarely tolerated, if used to contort or eliminate the binding threads are very civilization together through every scourge of war, or disaster. A pain is pronounced on the architects supported the unbridled and poorly defined concept of tolerance as it is in the thinking of today. It is ignored by most, but has yet to hear ... You have the Lord be angry with your words. But you ask, have we wearied him if she told everyone who does evil to good?the eyes of the Lord. (Mal 2:17)

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