Glee - A TV Show Review

Glee show has been nominated as one of the most anticipated fall seasons. E 'was shown in May, saying that the preview was a phenomenon. E 'live up to the hype?

I am officially a Gleek. The first episode of Glee was really nice and the music was fantastic. I think the show really hit its pace and is one of my must-see TV show each week now.

If you have not seen Glee way, here's a summary. Glee follows a Spanish teacher, WillSchuester (Matthew Morrison), the club will start again from the joy back to school work. He is trying to recruit people and concludes with six people from very different environments. Nobody really believes in the Glee Club and coaches do not get closed down, especially Cheerleading, Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch). The focus of the choir Finn (Cory Monteith) and Rachel (Lea Michele), the result of the first episode in a beautiful rendition of "Do notStop Believin '. Rachel Finn loves, but he is from the top of Cheerios Cheerleader, Quinn. Quinn and two of his colleagues Cheerios, along with some football players, even in the choir. Quinn has used as a way to spy on Finland and the indicator for Sue, too. The exhibition includes a lot of love triangles and looks at Quinn's surprise pregnancy, and women faking a pregnancy.

The show is fresh and fun. The cast is amazing. There is a wide rangeof characters that you can not help but love them all. Jane Lynch is very funny as Sue. The rivalry between Sue and will surely bring laughter. The music is awesome and definitely should be reviewed or downloaded on iTunes.

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