Star Trek Nemesis Final

The thought just a new Star Trek movie, was an exciting time. See all your favorite characters and there on the screen, below the galactic most recent challenge, and tells a compelling story and intelligent, has brought a sense of joy and pleasure of many fans of Star Trek, even for me. With the exception of the fifth film, including all the movies up to "First Contact" made for some exciting cinematic experience. And then, just at the time"La Revolution" came out and "Deep Space Nine" was the air waves began to go a little 'luck of the vote: E' was stale. It had to happen one day but that was Star Trek, the most successful science fiction television / movie franchise of all time. They have degenerated a disappointing experience, most recently in because it is much more than a franchise, is part of our culture to say.

debate surrounding the film is worse: "The rebellion" or"Nemesis". Both are weak by nature, but for very different reasons. Ultimately, the lack of care with the two stories presented in these films led to the fall of the movie franchise, a decline that was produced simultaneously in the television series to date (Voyager and Enterprise) is reflected. The producer Rick Berman is the oft-quoted phrase: "franchise fatigue", "Star Trek had produced too much time with too many episodes and movies, and it was basicallyjust got tired of ideas. There is a certain logic that, after all, if you keep doing the same thing again and again, eventually it will run from options fresh and original.

For fans, however, this sounded more like an excuse, and Berman, who for all intents and purposes dead an excellent job of hats, maker of the Star Trek series after Gene Roddenberry, has always been demonized by the community of fans, along with Co -Executive Producer of the televisionBrannon Braga shows, as the men who killed Star Trek. This is perhaps short-sighted and unfair, maybe all these guys had to do was to let go of his hand and the torch to a new set of producers who could bring something new to the franchise. In a sense, this has happened now with the new wonder of Hollywood JJ Abrams is now the new owner flame.

The latest episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation "All Good Things ..." was a brilliant end to a great show. This episode of the greatestThe performance was in a sense of anticipation for the new film series that has the cast of The Next Generation feature. The character of Q tells Picard that greater miracles and mysteries out there in the galaxy is waiting for the crew of the starship Enterprise than anything you can imagine, that's all it takes to entice fans to believe was that the next generation was going on much bigger and better things in the movie series.

In many ways,the first two films of The Next Generation "Generations" and "First Contact" to try to do a decent job on promises Q, particularly the latter, which is by far the best Next Generation film, and almost on par with the best Film Star to deliver them all, "The Wrath of Khan." However, it was with great regret and disappointment that the film series, an abrupt about-face with the "rebellion", the film that has really started to turn people from the film franchise.

The average timebetween the Star Trek movie was two years. During this leave much time for the next film would build. When the audience showed up en masse to "insurrection", especially after the high water mark of "First Contact" is set, which left a bitter taste in the mouth. When you walk out of the theater, I remember myself thinking: "It 's this?" We waited two years for a television episode $ 60,000,000? "And that was just the beginning of the problem that the movie should be really funneed is to be driven over the coals. Star Trek is gay, with Star Trek IV is a prime example. What is not stupid and should, unfortunately, although some of the laughs were genuine, most were simply terrible. Two classic examples: the karaoke session in the shuttle with Picard and Worf voice to data recording in trick him, and when the firm Riker pilots with a joystick. In the words of Nelson from the Simpsons, "which is fun, but notha ha funny. "In the film the defense, still won the hearts of Star Trek, and probably back to the fundamentals of Roddenberry Trek Galactic with moral dilemmas that our characters are linked with real-life scenarios are dealt face down.

Pass the first two years we have "Nemesis", the last film of the next generation. The structure of this film was fascinating, the trailer looked like a movie that was made a serious attempt to propose to grow beyond the boundariestelevision show, showing a cinematic vision of how he had never seen before in the series. A sense of excitement was on foot again, maybe the curse strange movie was right. "The Revolt", the film was number nine. "Nemesis" was number ten. Surely he must have done well this time?

Unfortunately, for me, "Nemesis" was worse than "rebellion" and in a way that is not clearly evident. If you are in this movie, because it would have looked Star Trek, isactually a solid sci-fi action adventure. However, it is Star Trek, and as such, but lack miserably because it is really the first film that was nothing new to offer. The history of the land used by both "The Wrath of Khan" and "The Undiscovered Country", directed by timing. The characters are two-dimensional and evil, even if played by a talented actor, was simply not strong enough to carry the threat of the threat of history is required. When I left the theaterthis time it was everything I thought, "This was really good ..." And it was bad for no other reason that was the essence of what Star Trek was everything to lose.

"Nemesis" is a display and to show that the creators of the franchise's eyes then, what is lost Star Trek this way, in the first place. The original Star Trek series took risks in his narrative style and themes. At the end of the movie "Nemesis", and in recent episodes of the TV series reflected, had Star Trekmore risks and was now a good formula. Star Trek Nemesis final, apparently was not bald clone of Captain Picard, but the lack of direction and courageous initiative. We hope that JJ Abrams brings freshness and originality, all on "Star Trek", because the franchise does not deserve to disappear into oblivion, as it is dangerous to approach in recent years.

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