Santa Heard in a recent job interview

The following conversation was heard in a recent interview:

Employer: "I noticed you put three names on your resume Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus and Santa Claus will call you."

Kris Kris is fine. "

Employer:. "So Kris, I you"

Kris: ".... I am a jolly old elf who lives at the North Pole, I love children and reindeer I'm good at lists, and does not bother me "

Employer: "Hmmm ... You have aspotty employment history. She worked at Macy's and many other shops, but only for a few weeks of winter. Why is that? "

Kris: ". I can only find work in November and December, I personally experienced during the rest of the year, but just gave me a strange look and shook his head, I think that would be age discrimination .."

Employer: "How is your ability to team-building?"

Kris: "OK, I once had a problem with another member of my team used the other group members to laugh ..and call him names. But I had brought the team a foggy night, and then the rest of the team loved him, they called with joy. 'It was very strange at the time, but everything is cool now. "

Employer: "What are your greatest strengths?"

Kris: "My listening skills are excellent, I have a strong ride, I'm good with kids and I'm not afraid of heights ...."

Employer: "What are your greatest weaknesses?"

Kris: "milk and cookies that are the reason that I have.this belly that shakes like a bowl of jelly! "

Employer: "Why should I set?"

Kris: "I see you when you sleep I know you know I wake up, if you have been good or bad So be good, for God's sake, and hire me ... Otherwise, I put my" bad "list. Believe me do not you know "

Employer: "are you threatening me?"

Kris: "No, I'm not very good on threats to the cost of gas and electric heat these days, people are really receive a lump of coal. I'm just saying that it is better on my list of "good" because it sends me a copy of my list of "Naughty" for the IRS. "

Employer: "When can you start?"

Kris: "Ho, Ho, Ho!"

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