Dog behavior and expression of emotions

There has been much speculation recently for dogs and their experience and expression of emotions. They "feel" in the sense that we do? They only respond with instinct and what happened now? What about dogs and emotion?

These questions are of an ongoing review of behaviorists and dog lovers. We certainly talk as if they were much more than we really know. Thanks to scientific researchOur ability to study and analyze the thinking and the brain, as we think the thoughts that we are better able to understand what happens in people's minds. We also make great progress in learn more about the consciousness of animals, especially our fellow dog.

Working with rescue dogs, I can tell you that dogs have feelings definitely different. Who knows the exact procedure or if their emotions or may be reviewed or in any way equate to an. Human emotions I would any other language, I like my way of human emotion, the use of a dog marking expressed here are some of my observations.:

The dogs smile when they see us smile.
It can not be a feeling, but it's definitely an expression - I've seen more than one dog, in turn a shade of green after eating something that was not intended for human consumption (not unlike us, can only depend on it . do it again!)
A wagging tail and a crab crawling in the directionthe realization that the human hand to give affection, it is definitely a giggle.
A queue blocked and cartoons such as running, how about the company or spin room is a moment of pure happiness.
Our dogs are running to grab yourself a precious toy when we get home is not unlike a child, a parent show to greet them after work, his latest creation. Barrels (Everything seems to be more valuable if shared!)

It is really important if we know what the cause of the moment of shared knowledge orspontaneous joy? We do not stop when a man smiles at us to ask what specifically they feel at this time. We like to smile. Even if I find something the study of emotions (canine and human) fascinating, is his most important at the moment and sharing it!


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