Get your dog to walk!


If you do not speak dog, which means "Want to go?" It 'a phrase that every dog knows, every dog owner says, and (usually), jumping for joy wriggles with joy, and barking with boundless energy.

Keep the fun next time as a rule more difficult. Most dogs have two types of "going out". It goes to "do your business", which is its own art form and a topic for anotherDay. The other is more fun in terms of time and, depending on the dog, stress per se.

Any dog can be independent of age, size, breed or temperament to learn, nice to walk with him. It takes a little 'patience, sometimes, and the stubborn will of your dog. If you refuse to be dragged, finally trying to stop your dog. As young children who constantly test their limits, the dogs will try for a mile when they get an inch.

If you like your teachingDog with you, do not count on nothing. This is just a quick movement, not a way to make your fitness for the day. It takes about 10 minutes, a pocket full of treats for your dog and a leash of six feet. Take the little treat - now they are a lot of them. Your dog must wear a flat collar or harness. You should wear comfortable shoes that give you great traction - this is not the time to hoof!

Put your dog on a leash and out of my head. TalkYour dog all the time - you feel strange at first, especially if you live in an occupied area, but it will pass. At least if you have a dog, take people who do not speak for themselves.

Come with a "Stay with me!" or "Look at me!" - Very positive and happy. If you are the most interesting thing're around, your dog will be more careful. How interesting thing is simple if your dog food motivated. Once your dog looks at you - give him a reward.Just to look. It will not be long, Fido to find out what a good thing that has for a long time.

Start walking in your normal pace. As soon as the leash tightens the dog is pulling away from you - STOP! Let's say that something is pulling on the leash, just to stand still. Once your dog looks at you (try to find out what the hell is going on), as a favor! Say "good watch." If the line is not intended - on foot, even if it is just another step. If the linecompanies to stop. give him a treat - if the dog is watching you!

Make sure your dog is up to you to get the cookie. So we can ensure that the dog knows it's with you to make wonderful, dissolves the line, and you must start a game running back. are available for a while '- it takes some time for dogs to understand what you want and how to get what they want!

Finally understand even the most stubborn dog that comes to you what they want - a nice walk alongand biscuits! As your dog gets the exercise, the area covered by case basis. Dogs are eternal optimists and hope always a pleasure to be expected. As long as they have some time, will always hope for.

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