Mystical Island Beat concept of Europe or Water Music

In 1771 he conducted 50 musicians of the first 'whereas' Handel's Water Music Suite, stationed on a boat on the Thames. Handel wrote music for the favor of King George I re-

More than 230 years later, a new Water Music gripping Europe.

Twelve women from afar, northern tropical islands of Vanuatu, a walk to the sea life. Dressed in traditional costume of course Gaua, including bracelets and head wear, flowers and leaves,These women are made on the mystical Water Music.

The women hid in a formation of a half moon. Their bodies lean forward over the water waiting for the signal. The head of the head immersed in a nod. The hands are united in action. The water was beaten into a vortex of rhythm. The palm of the hand beats any other wave. Your hands closer to his body and then on.

The unique sound of drum Water Music fills the air. The joy of the women attendeespunctuates the music occasionally. To sit, eyes closed, bringing the sound, it is easy to imagine that in a modern concert hall. But you're sitting on a mystical tropical islands in the northern part of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. You just got on a narrow path worn by a clump of nature.

A few tourists, except for the occasional yachty to experience the delights of this warm friendly welcome Gaua people. Each show lastsminutes. The actors are soaked from head to toe. The audience sits in stunned moment before the applause. Water Music was the European concept of appeal. Handel's suites are run by women, for they Gaua. In his first international tour, the women were Gaua applauded.

The shows will be held in the resort swimming pools chlorinated European imagination, rather than in the open sea of the tropical heat. It is not theperformance as seen in the traditional context. The music has lost its explicit nature. The sound has changed through the use of chlorinated water rather than seawater. simulated in order to replace natural model. The sounds are not repeated in the same way.

The only place to see a real power is in Gaua. You can make a visit to these people through Vanuatu for long life of memorable visit. Gaua traditions have given these women a unique place in this modernWorld. But the new generation needs an education, are those that interact to be successful with Century 21. Women have no way to get money for tuition.

Vanuatu does not have a system of free education. Limited resources are provided by the government, but everyone has to pay school fees. Living in a "no-cash economy, most villagers are unable to pay school fees.

The devastating consequence:

"Only 55.8% of children are given the degree Vanuatu6;
"That only 18.2% will go to school;
"26% will never go to school at all.

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Records Music avatarmajor birdmanbirdmen

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