When it finally occurs to you? Fifteen Going On Thirty

Remember your teenage years? These years seem to those who helped us from the stupid things we have to laugh, shaking his head in disbelief of how we were in our perception of life, or even out of frustration that we felt able to cry regularly. In most cases, we felt invincible. We were more intelligent than ever and we had everything and everyone understood everything. Parents do not seem as smart as people when we were much younger. It was like living in a small box andwe have seen life so much larger and clearer than they were. We knew what we were doing and had no problem with his decisions, including whether decisions on the rest of our lives. If you remember your teenage years? These years seem to those who helped us from the stupid things we have to laugh, shaking his head in disbelief of how we were in our perception of life, or even out of frustration that we felt able to cry regularly. Looking back at the time of your life youthink and feel in a similar way?

Some young people plan their career, this is a decision affecting the rest of their lives. Some are old and learn to interact involved in a relationship. He learns about love, sex and heartbreak. This can really affect the rest of their lives, both for memory or pregnancy. I'm sure we can all do something, I remember that they were pregnant at medium. Some young people just want to party, have fun and also. Escape is possible to start experimenting with alcohol and drugs. Some are able to look back and laugh at these times and others are not so lucky. Whatever it is, decisions are made that affect us years down the road.

I remember I was fifteen. I started to become increasingly frustrated with my mother. I felt as if they went out of their way to make it harder for me. I had three brothers, the elders with one or two younger than me. As a young girl I wanted to help around the housewhen I asked. I do not remember the work until I was about fourteen. The tasks started, my brother and I would clean our entire house, every Saturday. Being raised a Jehovah's Witnesses have been set aside Saturday morning at the Ministry of the field together. This is better known as known from door to door, witnesses describe him as out of the service. My mother knew that I liked to go into service on Saturday morning, when I can go thenCleaning would have to wait until I get home. My brother is gone, so service is a battle, so if everything was always done. More than likely I would stay back so that he could not simply the work of cleaning is done with it. What was most frustrating was when my brother had planned with his friends was not meant to be there when this work was to be done. I'd be stuck cleaning the whole house by myself. As you can imagine, this is the frustratedhell out of me. If I lived my frustration is grounded or that I had threatened that I was on the ground, even if I do not want to change my attitude.

I cried a lot about my situation. I prayed all the time, why do things the way they were. Because my brother can venture out and I was not there. I began to resent my mother more and more. When I cleaned the house, went behind me and bend down to see if I got all the dust out of itDrawers. He would check all the bathrooms down and make sure they were spotless. This enormous work of the weekly routine was not funny. Instead of my mother and my work as a team, have helped me often and I rarely praised for the work that was done. It would be normal for the family to share all appear in this task and learn the responsibility that falls on a house instead of being proud of a child. It was so obvious to others what was happening, I calledCinderella.

My father was a fireman when he would not go to the station over the weekend he and my mother with her friends. What this means is, for me that I was watching my two younger brothers named. When I was thirteen was to ensure that my brother was with me, but once I turned fourteen years was not meant to be there. I feared watching my only brother, was always my challenge. If he did something that would haveand I corrected him and told him to stop, he refused. The argument could escalate, and it would be aggressive with me. I say to my parents about his behavior and that I would be accused of exaggerating. Over time, it has become more aggressive. I had no control over him. What bothered me more than anything is that my brother was not meant to be there to help and he was not treated the same as me.

A positive twist to all this is that people started, You realize that I cared, my younger brothers and I was offered babysitting jobs. I was so excited! I started babysitting for some of our neighbors when I was thirteen and a long time I was fifteen years I have had quite a few families who wanted me in their house. I was training I use to clean our house, they had to remove the other girl, babysitter did. Although I dreaded cleaning the house for my parents, the experience worked to my benefit.While babysitting for a family I would make sure that the house has been thoroughly cleaned and put back together before the end of the night. I loved their facial expressions when she would come home and see that everything was clean. I never remember my mother never allowed me to baby-sitting for others, who seemed never to do too much of a problem with me. Because of the exposure that I had received with other families, as long as I'm fifteen years I was offered a summer job nannywitnessed by a family. I jumped at the opportunity and loved!

The family lived just a few acres, had a stable full of roosters and hens, geese, and a horse. Every morning the kids and I would go to the barn and feed the animals. I would clean house for the family through my day and I might even be a Bible study with children. This was an ideal way for me to spend my summer. I have a lot of money working for them, and I was able to continue baby-sitting for otherThe families on weekends.

With all the interest I have in the religion that I knew I wanted to be baptized as a Jehovah's Witness. They do not believe in infant baptism, they used the example of Jesus symbolizes an adult before his devotion to God through baptism. This is seen as a serious commitment and a person must be old enough to understand this. Not everyone is in his thirties, before baptized, some are much younger. I was only fifteen areYears. I really thought I wanted to be a Jehovah's Witness for the rest of my life. I have been trained at this age to make such a decision?

On the one baptized, there are steps to follow. The first step was to talk to an elder in the congregation and to him my desire to be baptized. Having shown, I met an old man several times and discussed many different aspects of the Bible and religious beliefs. Elder askmany questions and I would respond with an answer quoted my words and writings that support my answer would be. This was no easy task, it was a huge undertaking for anyone, regardless of age!

I passed with flying colors, I amazed with the elderly, as well as I could from my heart to respond and support the font on my answers. They said I was going very well for his fifteen years. Jehovah's Witnesses conventions at different timesthroughout the year. These are large gatherings, somewhere between 1-3 days. These meetings consist of members of various communities to speak on a variety of topics. The time is set for the baptisms. My best friend Michelle and I were baptized in the Convention itself. I was so excited about this success. Under the Convention, both of our families went to a restaurant of the festival. I really believe that I had made my parents proud. I rememberthat evening in the restaurant with my parents and with the doubt that they were so proud of me as I had hoped. Both my parents were baptized but did not seem happy in religion.

At fifteen, I found a lot of things. I was more intelligent than ever, I was baptized, I have a good example in the community, I was making money, and I was successful in my head. I had no idea what was wrong with my parents, but I wanted to go ahead andPray that follow my example. I felt invincible, and my decisions were dead. I did not want to think about what my parents had doubts, just thought I would not squash them because they were wrong. One is that religion was their idea, after all, is not it? Regardless of the sown my efforts to squash this idea was the seed of doubt.

Go to my website now. This site offers and what has been a blessing for me and my family. WriteThe articles on this site and also on my early years as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. These articles are published on my blog. Please leave suggestions and comments. If you have questions, additional comments that you can contact me via e-mail. Come stay with me on Facebook for like-minded people. Click on the "how" and you will be part of a growing community of like-minded people! Cheers To You!

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