They are our children to become too dependent computer-based information?

Some of the results of recent research points out that our children show an alarming tendency to lean a bit 'too heavily on Web-based information.

For some time our children have done their work computers at a school, research homework can find support material for the manufacture of printed packaging for essays and projects, and we all have the ability to clap with joy that our children certainly useful, modern facilities.

However, there is abackwash left in this seemingly perfect dream education, our children lose their ability to reason, to solve problems, analyze, apply the logic. The computer does everything for them, so you do not.

We all know that the weaker party of a pair of twins is difficult to speak when the learning experience, because the strongest of the duo takes over, and speaking on behalf of his brother or sister. If you do not need to use a skill, and dies, orsome cases not to develop in the first place.

Twenty or thirty years ago, we were all worried about our children's dependence on smaller resource tools such as a calculator. Now we have to quietly accept it seems to me that the introduction of a much bigger impact for our children the ability to work on the things themselves.

Alarmingly, the majority of young adults are also able to calculate simple figures in their heads. They are turning to their mobile phonecalculator functions, or sign up to work on a computer, the percentages or simple add a small column of numbers. They do not even consider writing numbers on a piece of paper and work that way.

Another worrying aspect of our dependence on computers is that children should not be able to find any reason to read on the Web, will abandon their search and do not even consider using as a reference, even knowing when, where to startand as an index system used in paper form.

Children's problem-solving skills is significantly influenced by modern technology. The computers are the greatest inventions of the modern world and a wonderful resource for our children, but we have to start repairing the damage caused by our children "about the function of these plants before it is too late.


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