Age of Conan Guide - Level 80 Dark Templar PVP Build and Review

The level 80 PVP spec'ed DT

General comments about the course:

Even if I did this guide, it looked like the Dark Templar (DT) a little 'injury' of levels 1-25, can handle alone, but not much more. From level 25-45 you'll notice that the Dark Templar (DT) in their own forces, occur in this area can easily handle 3-4 mobs your level or 2-3 mobs a level above you should start. (This is with minimal downtime) From 45 to 65 of DT is really strong, what you doits plan is a waste of time. More than 65 mobs even 3-4 levels above six fair game until they pull too much. You will find more than other classes, the DT is very dependent on properly placed feat points, even more, the course itself. The DT seems to be a "late blooming" does not really come into their strength to 65 +.

Skill Points:

The Healing bandages and fast 500th This seems to be fine with HP is always between the workLotte.

The recovery and fast recovery have also 500th Stamina is the main problem with the DT when leveling solo. You might also consider 100 points to 100 points and Fast Recovery and restoration in the bandage and faster recovery.

I have 200 stamina and 200 in speed. These were used both before I bought a bracket. For the end game PvP, you can ask to 400-500 speed. (Do NOT use Sprint's final game PvP, unless you are happy popStam pots.)

Climbing has 450 only because of a rising point of approach Aztel. (There's a connection there that you need to use up)

Hide has this ability is zero, not at all, in PvP at the end you had to want others to see you around after you get instead of the healers and nukers.

Perception of zero, as I simply do not have enough points to be accepted. If you plan to use the perception, it must be limited to 80 to be used efficiently,DT and you can not afford to do so.

Ridicule is zero, since this is not a PvE build.

I have 152 points left, but I'm saving them in case there is a rise in a raid / dungeon group that has a requirement of 600 points. If these allegations are a problem, it will be in execution speed.


Trained Talents

Contaminated Touch5 / 5
Contaminated Soul5 / 5
Dark Hand5 / 5
Devouring Blood Frenzy3 / 3
Devourer of Might5 / 5
Burn Ether1 / 1
DispelEther3 / 3
Dread Lord1 / 1
Combo - Mind Wrack1 / 1
Sorcerer's Might5 / 5
Touch of Death5 / 5
Combo - Mind Shatter1 / 1
Unholy Strength5 / 5
Dread Shadow1 / 1
Trained Talents
Devouring Touch5 / 5
Spell - Pact Arms5 / 5
Vigor Leech5 / 5
Pirates of Gwahlur5 / 5
Ether Leech1 / 1
Corrupt Weapon2 / 2
Approach death1 / 1
Improved Soul Covenants1 / 1
Spell - Soul Barrier1 / 3
Recovery5 / 5
Improved Frenzy Stance2 / 5


I have some concerns that a point at all in this tree.As such, I only have 5 in recovery, because the rain is halfway to 5 points. These 2 points are better placed frenzy "leftovers" that I have not seen a better place. The rest of the structure seems especially on defense, except the rabies that can not get enough points. Remember, this is a PvP build, not build a PvE or RAID. In PvP they are not the primary target, healers and nukers and as such can sometimes afford to be on the frenzy, take theEnemy healers and nukers.


Devouring Touch 5 points: This ability increases your tree early bloodletting.

Covenant of Arms 5 points: This, IMO, it's best condition to run the DPS.

Vigor Leech 5 points: This is not an optional skill, Pirates of the DT is the stamina and endurance, the leech is a must have for PvP and PvE. This also brings to light Leech.

Talisman Mastery 0 points: I have not found a decent one talisman, and loseShield does not seem to be intelligent.

Pirates of the points Gwahlur 5: skills that give you decent health effects, and it seems decent proc.

Ether Leech 1 point: Only 1 point here is awesome for mana leech. (Note: I have Soul Barrier)

Corrupt Weapon: 2 points: a little 'disappointed here, as it really is not much damage and proc a lot, but I had to put 2 points to get the latest Soul Barrier)

Improved Dread Fury 0 points: I can notAgree on a basic buff, I get an error message that a more powerful spell is currently in force. (Pact weapons) So there was no need to waste points here, I use Aura of infusion, which is awesome for survival.

Approach of death 1 point: Only 1 point is needed here, I do notice once in a while, but not a big advantage.

Improved Martyrdom 0 points: I am not a healer, even if to do so vibrant good health, have not I want to spend the pointsthis.

Improved Soul Covenants: 1 point: Awesome skill for only 1 point, if you were to increase proc% of the federal government.

Soul Barrier 1 point at issue is a skill, if you) If this (the pool created 20 seconds to give your mana pool before the actual health harm. If you have time, to vote, it's wonderful what a spell is the only one. casting time when you get jumped you do not have time to use it if the group is to initialize the PvPThis is a very bad bonus. Note that I'm stunned by the two in another tree, which is one of them took me time to get it only votes in PvP, and a mana pot works wonders, while under its effects.


Blighted Touch 5 points: Awesome feat proc adds DPS and decent.

Blighted Soul 5 points: Basically, you tap a disaster makes AOE, but other professionals for the tree is useless.

Crystallized Ether 0 Points: Total waste, the only time youUse mana buff, even if a Soul Barrier, the shield will fall faster then this will be filled with new skills, use a mana pot.

Dark Hand 5 points: Basic Weps add to your melee DPS.

Devouring Blood Frenzy 3 points: I often hit during the hectic preparation for PvP these three points seemed to have a decent investment. I have not found a significant difference, so I might investigate in the future. You should give some health while in deliriumAttitude.

Consuming Bulwark 0 points: I'm not defensive in PvP this is a waste.

Pact Malacodor 0 points: I have no anger I'll take a health hit, causing major damage to anyone.

Devourer of Might 5 points: a strong DPS thrust of point already I had no problem spending 5 stand.

Dark Burden 0 points: I had this ability, however, originally had to be very close and did not want to give the impression of PvP have time to use them. AsTank-class'm chasing healers and roles, I can stun. Even if I chase them locked, you need a healer / nuker enemy team when they run constantly?

Dispelling ether 3 points needed this cause burns with ether twice. (Mana and HP)

Burning ether 1 point 1 point to double the damage? Heck Yeah.

Vile Soul 0 points: I have quite a few reservations about the sadism with a DT, is PBAOE two figures give only when procs, almostuseless in PvP battles faster.

Sadistic Glee 0 points: Sadism Another feat.

Dread Lord 1 point for 1 point, you can not complain combo reduce cooldown, even if it is a drastic reduction.

Reaper Malacodor 0 Points: Covenant Malacodor need for it.

Mind Wrack 1 point: 1 point for an extraordinary ability, impressive.

Ether Reap 0 points: 5 points for not wasting the tiny mana if I use Mystic Bane.

Sorcerer's 5 couldPoints: Another provision that DPS adds a powerful combo.

Gore Fiend 0 points: Sadism Feat

Masochism 0 points: Sadism Feat

Touch of Death 5 points for an impressive skill shotting (Combo) roles

Air of Death 0 points: decent skill, but you must use the death of his feel for the operation. TOD cooldown is too long to justify such a feat.

Sadistic Vengeance 0 points: Sadism Feat.

Mind Shatter 1 point: 1 point for a more strikingly simpleLocation point here. Note the two stuns are on different cooldown timers.

Unholy Strength 5 points: Increases DPS combo of ALL.

Drain Strength 0 points made in the first place, but since I hunt healers and casters strength does not make sense for them.

Ravenous Eater 0 points: No requisition for it.

Dread Shadow 1 point: That was the biggest disappointment. Yes, the ability to work, but the animal lays eggs for a short period of 5 to 10 seconds. This shouldwas a company with 3 points in 10 seconds per point. Only 1 point, but almost useless.

Records Music daddylittlegirls

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