Henry Ford - inspired by an icon in business

Almost everyone in the world, the name Ford has heard. Their cars are just some of the largest in the world, including racing cars, mini vans and more. But how do you know about Henry Ford, his legacy and his impact on the world as we know it? As founder of the Ford Motor Company and in fact, the father of the assembly line, Henry Ford is changing the way many things were made in factories around the world. His inventions and visions as well as tradeSmarts paved the way for many entrepreneurs in the 20th Century.

Born July 30, 1863, he ran the Ford family has a farm near Greenfield Detroit, Michigan. He was always a very curious child, and when his father gave him a pocket watch in his early youth, it was not long before he dismounted and remounted it - along with watches by some friends and family. When Henry's mother died in 1876, he began to realize that they did not remain and run thefarm family as his father wanted him. So in 1879 he left to work as an apprentice machinist in Detroit. After three years he returned home in the company for a while 'work and was an expert in the operation of the Westinghouse portable steam engine and was soon hired by Westinghouse to work on their engines. After a job as an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company, it was not long before he became chief engineer position, where he finally had enough time and money on Rosefocus on their personal experiences on petrol engines. In 1896, he successfully created a self-propelled vehicle, called the four-wheel Ford. After a few test runs, he honed his new invention.

From there, he developed a passion for cars with petrol, and after encouraged by Thomas Edison, founded the Detroit Automobile Company. The problem was that the cars were produced at a high price and lower quality than Ford wanted. He left the company in 1901 to resolve. With the help of Harold C. Wills, has developed and led a 26-horsepower car in 1901 and with this successful initiative has won the support of other shareholders until 1901 to create the Henry Ford Company on November 30. After a new consultant brought by Ford, did not agree with, has left the company was renamed the Cadillac Automobile Company. After another was a car company using the odd DodgeBrothers>, Ford finally found another group of investors, would have seen that with its ideals. With the help of the Brothers Dodge, Ford created the Ford Motor Company, June 16, 1903.

The Ford Motor Company was among the first to pay $ 5 a day for employees to offer more than double its workforce. It could take a giant factory of raw materials and would then ship the finished cars, like the Model T in order to build an October, 1908. Fordensure that the model T was fairly cheap cheap, and the price had fallen, in order to obtain nearly all the drivers in America, was driving the Model T.

If the car that Ford was designing and building really began to take off, he developed an interest in racing cars and began to play sports, either as a driver and car manufacturer. Of course, he then turned the wheel over more experienced riders and dedicated. Although he fully supports the Indianapolis 500 andparticipated in many different races, he began to get disillusioned with the evolving rules of racing and eventually collapsed. He, too, if the next race, which have extreme effects of the racing world as a whole, and was inserted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America in 1996.

Of course Ford's interest in Materials Science and Engineering only in the production of both the first cars and continue to do better to support all the time. E 'wasvery proud of the company, the adoption of vanadium steel alloys and the subsequent work of R & D metallurgical. He also had a strong interest in plastics, were developed by various agricultural products such as soybeans. Through this interest has developed a personal friendship with George Washington Carver. Ford shares had soy in his car, while in the 30's and patented a machine that just completely made of plastic, which was welded to a tube wasFramework in 1942. This weight was 30% in less than a steel car and was ten times greater than normal steel to be playing, rather than ran on ethanol instead of gas. But unfortunately for everyone, today, the design never caught on.

At the beginning of his obvious contributions to the automotive industry, has helped the enormous progress in forest structure, how to make particle board, has contributed to corn as a fuel, such as the development of ethanol, and helped to develop uses for cotton. Henry Ford alsopaved the way for millions of people grill their food to take a leading role in the development of charcoal briquettes under the Kingsford brand. On top of all these contributions, both for the automotive industry and more, has also contributed to the study of sociology, written articles and inspiration. His inventions touched and continues to touch millions of people around the world and shape the way in which both fuels and the way we travel.

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