First venture capital money is a major time commitment

The economy seems to recover, and business seems to be lifted only slightly. Although commercial credit markets are still frozen, they will also refrain from at least a few signs of life. Meanwhile, many small business entrepreneur-types together, business plans and seeking venture capital financing. Unfortunately, the venture capitalists recognize that things are hard now and they do not have a lot of money into mutual funds andtherefore they are not very many offers of financing.

This will change soon, but at the moment for all 1000 business plans, only one is funded by a venture capital firm. Even those people who participate in competitions that can compete with two or 300 business plans, and that number is cut to 150, then to see 75 or even fifty, who qualified in the venture capitalists will disagree with. Each of the moderators is going on a small board of people, a committee if you will, and they are eitherreject or accept them in the competition.

So it may be actually accepted in the competition 25 to 30, are each a 10 minute presentation to 15 may enter from all the venture capitalists, and it may represent only four companies, with a room full of tepid investor angle. Of the four VC firms, only two of them are really making any kind of a deal are interested. This means that will be financed throughout the competition, only two companies from the venture capitalists areand the chances are very good.

By now you've made a presentation and you have your idea for everyone else, including all of the pursuers came here with their own ideas to steal the change yours, and try to, they go their own businesses participated in the competition against your future undertakings. First Venture Capital is a great time, and you are a risk at every step of the way that they are stealing your idea or concept of innovation from you.

If youFunds received, one should not love what you're doing so much that you do with the rest of your life, because venture capitalists want to earn from 500 to 1000% on their money, and they want to do it within three years and claim public to get theirs. At this point you will be removed from the image, so you better an exit strategy, and can go from your baby and the creation. Please keep in mind before you waste all your time chasing venture capital money.

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