Green Partnership - How Joint Ventures in the Green Zone to Be Taken

When a small local entrepreneur decided to sell environmentally friendly washable bags to replace plastic bags and food, they had trouble them.

One, she does not know how to make bags or even sew. Two, it has to draw any fine arts education, or even artistic skills to design bags bag or even printed. Third, they do not have the time to learn them all. She has the money and marketing skills for their choice of the economy.

The local entrepreneurs knewhowever, that their place and the adjacent municipalities produce bags and she has a group of visual artist-friends. So they put their plans. She studied and somehow sketched a first draft, which produce washable bags. She studied the potential market of its environmentally friendly washable grocery or shopping bags. She studied revenue systems for themselves and their potential partners from Täschner and print designers.

When she had finished her studies, she immediately looked for Täschner first.She went to 10 groups of Täschner. She saw in their production processes, particularly the materials used and costs. It ended with 1 set of old women. She decided to form a joint venture with them, because they projected a small production of washable bags. She immediately signaled to start bag production.

While bags were made, local entrepreneurs seeking their artist friends and their artist-friends. You asked to print washable designs for their bags. She studied allprint drafts presented in accordance with their preferences and chose 20 of 50 She has not established another joint venture with the 5 artists to print the 20 pages, since all drafts were pulled free only requested. However, it has another joint venture with 1 design printer.

If the handbag and luggage bags every 40 completed, the operator then had printed, each print design in each 2 bags on the design printer. It markets and sells the washable bag and by word of mouth.

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