The Joint Venture Analogy

Imagine if my doctor sends an e-mail to all his patients and offers them a discount on total hip replacement in November. Network Marketing or the lady that went in my seminar in a hotel in Abbotsford and announced that, after looking at the palm of my hand, I was sick and needed deadly she adds. She added that this would also make me financially secure, which means that I was not financially secure. She had never met me and was not even a part of my seminar audience!

This isnot so unusual - the majority of attending business networking events and a bunch of self-sellers find each other put their business cards and proudly broadcast their "elevator pitches" for each and everyone, regardless of whether they want to hear it or not. You might as well go sell door to door brush to people who do not need it or want.

Joint Venture Experts have a completely different approach, they are like my doctor. He sits quietly and asksQuestions and listen to me. He examined me. He did not tell me how smart he is and how many babies he delivered last week. He does not want to spoil me with the advantages of dealing with his practice. He listens. He finds out where it hurts and read my file. And then, like the good South African doctor he is, he writes the solution to my particular problem. He did not sell me or convince me or convince me. And I am grateful to take his advice.

Joint Venture Experts to build bridges,create solutions and solve problems. And they get paid for it. They do not work for nothing. They are capitalists and they understand the business. They know that we are in direct proportion to the value we create paid. They do not sell at the time, either - they just link to us with the solution that we seek and need. When asked the lady MLM above the time, I had many questions and show a genuine interest in me that she had noticed that I was looking for a solution to some physical smokeIn this case, I would have asked them to sell me the solution in the form of their product. But their despair, arrogance and ignorance they refused to give any chance ever to business with me. Fortunately, not all network marketing people are like her!

Let us understand, the force behind the joint venture by the time to forget seriously interested in the other person what we want. Zig Ziglar said: "You can do anything you want to get out of life when you are ready toGetting help enough other people what they want. "

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