Make Your Venture Capital Pitch Come Alive

Pitching a venture capital firm or a partner must be more than a PowerPoint and your best suit. Make your start-up pitch-lift from the side with these simple tips.

Partner with a portfolio company
The quickest way to a Venture Capital Conference is a referral from a principle or manager of a portfolio company. As you survey potential investors always straight to the portfolio page. Identify a synergy or two and make a call. If you are together awinning partnership, you are 80% to finance.

Bring the whole team
Do not be shy about your over the top sales guy, or OCD tech genius. This is your team the people that you believe with all your heart, it can happen. Let the company that magic. If the team really is then they will see it and believe you can have the vision.

Think of the team of investors is a part of your team. If you do not go together, you need to know beforeyou take money.

Sell the Product to an Associate
Make a sales call. Get an unsuspecting associate of the firm to buy or beta the product. Nothing makes a funding like members of the firm using and loving the product. If you can create internal buzz ahead of your pitch to are going to have a fun pitch meeting.

If you can't do it before, do it during the pitch meeting. Nothing convinces a VC to fund faster than hearing the pitch and wanting to buy.

Pitch a Partner to Join Your Team
This is only of my favorite tactics. So, one of these folks in the pitch meeting is going to be on the Board of Directors, right? Why not pick that person yourself and pitch them in the meeting? Investors want to know you can get the best talent and you want to get the partner with the most synergy with your company. Scrub through the firm bios and pitch them in the meeting...

"Bob, with your background in Internet lead generation I think you could really help set our marketing strategy on fire..."

"Sue, do you think with your experience leading sales at Big Company, Inc. you could teach us to crack into a big name anchor account?"

Bring a Beta Customer
Nothing brings out wallets at a venture capital firm like fanatical customers. Bring an enthusiastic customer or two. Have them explain why they bought or tried. Let them do the problem/solution slide of your Presentation.

The more alive and real to your investor pitch the easier it will be understood any VC and see the attractive exit after they are seeking.

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