With the power of influence on Entice A Venture Capital Investor to Invest in Your Business

The majority of investors keep their money rather than trust their money to another person, so what it takes to convince an investor to invest?

On the basis that investors demand from a position of No where will you invest something, you can not influence the decision to start (assuming that all corporate fundamentals stack up)?

You Can Take 6 Universal Principles of Influence. They are:

First Reciprocation. People give back to the type of treatmentthat they received from you.

Discuss the potential investor with respect. You find out some research on them, what they want, what they do in earlier, causes, what to support them and, if possible, which invests its values.

Secondly scarcity. They will try to exploit the opportunities that you give them that rare or declining availability.

Perhaps you have a position on the board for a suitable investor. Perhaps you are looking for a limitedNumber of investors and you have only one or two positions left.

Third, authority. The people are convinced most of you if they see you with the knowledge and credibility on this issue.

Preparation is the key. You must know your product. Your forum. Your competition - yes, you will always be competition - if you believe that you are not yet done research well enough.

Fourth, commitment. People feel the need, in accordance withYour request if they with what they have publicly committed to stand in your presence in line.

Remember that the presentation to an investor, it is no different than that a sale of the product to a potential customer. They have to recognize what looks for the investor, they ask if they willing to invest, when to show all these concerns are met, then as your business or investment opportunity meets or exceeds each of the identified products. If you can do that you eliminateall their concerns in relation to investments in relation to your business, so it comes down to the fifth point.

Fifth: Liking. People prefer yes to your request to the degree that they know and like you say.

Remember the golden rule. Investors invest in people to invest more into the team. Venture Capitalists were the words, they would rather invest in a B-class product, and cited an A-class management team as an A-class product with a B-classManagement team.

Getting an investor is to invest like an advertisement. Are you planning a long term relationship with this person, it is important to understand what they are looking for, and it is important for you to communicate your plans. Not necessarily made sure at the first meeting but before the actual investment will be.

Therefore, you need to start meeting potential investors, business angels and venture capitalists long before you really needInvestment. To get networking.

Finally: Consensus. People will probably say yes to your request if you ensure that people have said like it, so you give it, yes.

It is easier to get the second largest investor than the first one. Second round of financing is generally easier to fill in as the first round of financing. This means that you need to search for other companies and / or investments that are similar to yours, maybe in another market or geographical location, the identificationreceived from investment funds.

Alternatively or in addition to the above you must have a strong board. If investors see that you have been able to attract a strong board, then people will make an investment of time, energy, labor and knowledge and the requirement that the consensus, even if the contribution meets in a different form.

Often it is easier to get people to Forum members not in the initial phase, as it is to get the funding, so it's worth, which isto that in the early stages. This has the effect of preparing your company to be attractive to investment at a later time, expanding your business in a network, the fifth requirement, which shows that teach you and the people are Commitments - the fourth requirement.

Where do you start? Start applying the principles in daily life, your business and if you do not interact with these investors come naturally to you, thus positioning you and your company orInvestment opportunity to lure them to their best light and invest investor.

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