Morristown - A Ballerina Love Story

Theatrical preview of a heartwarming tale about a ballet dancer named Chris who ventures to a small town to teach ballet and finds his ex-girlfriend teaching at the same school. Along the way, Chris finds a young student at the school named Dawn who begins taking secret classes so that she can fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming a professional dancer.

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Free Minority Business Grants

Minority business grants can offer you great opportunities to change your future. The United States government offers billions of dollars in grant money every year to minorities. The two most common types of minority business grants are black owned business and women owned businesses.

Business grants were shaped to offer financial assistance to entrepreneurs and business owners, to help stimulate the U.S economy. These grants are like government thank you gifts to entrepreneurs for being the backbone of the U.S. economy.

Business plan competitions and essay-writing contests are also great ways to get minority business grants. Even businesses owned by an person or people with poor credit can get grants for a business. Business owners and start up entrepreneurs with poor credit who want to start a new business or need some 'bridge capital' to help assist in expanding an existing business are provided an exceptional opportunity to help turn around and improve their financial situation.

Everyday, black-owned companies every single day are awarded business grants. These grants are the ideal way for black entrepreneurs to fulfill their dreams of becoming business owners. You can get anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000 in grants that don't require repayment. Fewer than five percent of black owned businesses even apply for these minority business grants.

Minority business grants for women are also an exceptional resource for female entrepreneurs. There is approximately $20 Billion dollars in grant money available to women owned and operated businesses. Women owned businesses are also shown to produce a higher success rate than male owned businesses. Minority women businesses have the highest success rate of all. If you are a woman and/or a minority woman, applying for and being awarded a grant can be a boon to your business.

Once you have some funding behind your business, you not only show that your business was solid enough to command grant money, this money can be used to assist your company in producing an income, thus making you more attractive to the bank for an SBA loan to even further grow your business. Minority business grants information is vital to helping you thrive in your business. You will need to do some 'groundwork' before applying for grants. You will need a business plan.

You will also need a financial plan, complete with an Assets and Liabilities statement, budget forecast, and Profit and Loss statement. You also want to have on hand three previous years tax returns, both personal and business. Finally, your personal credit report, and business credit report if you have it. Once you have this information gathered, you are ready to begin your search and application procedure for finding minority business grants.


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Understanding Venture Capital Pools

Venture capital funds are pooled investments which are used to provide businesses with a source of financing. These investment pools or venture capital pools are from outside investors. The person that makes investments is called a venture capitalist. Since this investment is a high risk type of investment groups of venture capitalists form a firm wherein they will place all of their venture capital pools which is to be invested in various types of businesses that the firm carefully selects.

Engaging in a venture capital investment business requires for a great amount of money and for this reason most firms chooses to affiliate with big financial institutions like banks, insurance companies and others. Most pools have a fixed life of ten years; this is made so in order to lessen the exposure to management and marketing risk of venture capital firms. Ten years is the safest length of time in which they can be sure that to recover their investment.

Since venture capital investment is a high risk type of investment most firms would demand a seat on a company's board of directors. This way they will be able to carefully monitor all business endeavours as well as every business transaction that a company is engaging at. There are also some firms that would go as far as taking over the management of a business especially when they feel that the present handler is not capable enough of running the business.

If you are an entrepreneur and is considering venture capital fund as your option for capital financing make sure that you ready yourself for some surprises. And as much as possible before signing any contract with a firm make sure that you understand everything there is to know about venture capital investment.

Venture capital funds makes excellent source of additional capital however in order to be successful in venture capital-raising you need first to prove to the venture capitalist that your business is worth their time and their investment. There are key issues that you need to carefully look into if you want to be given venture capital financing:

Numerical knowledge is an essential tool especially if you are to deal with venture capitalist. This pertains to your business cash flow requirements, current and projected gross profit together with your business net profit levels. It is very important that you know every detail about your business especially its finances.
Don't forget to build a viable business plan. And include there the advantages as well as the potential markets that are open for your business. Likewise, it would be at your advantage also if you can document your achievements, goals for success as well as your potential for growth. You also have to clearly identify your markets. Venture capitalists appreciate a secure and feasible business plan.
Understand that venture capital investment is a high risk investment and therefore it is just fair for a venture capitalist to share in the ownership of the business. It would be best for you to be flexible and to negotiate for better deals. It would also be best if you would take pre-emptive legal causes for your protection. Aside from that the pre-emptive mechanism will give you the power to maintain control over your company.
Try to present your business plan in the most professional way possible. It is very important that you impress the venture capital firm.
It is always best to exceed the investor's expectations of you and your business.

And lastly always remember that investors don't have a great amount of knowledge regarding your products, your business and most of all regarding you. They are taking a huge amount of risks in investing in your business that is why they need to know whether you believe in your business because if you do so will they.

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The Case of Thai Joint Venture With Japanese Partner in Construction Business

Literature Review

Business in the 21st century is increasingly conducted with shifting borders. International partnerships will become standard practice as the product life cycles shorten and immediate distribution become imperative. As business is increasing its globalization, alliances among multinational firms are becoming more popular. Cooperation between international firms can take many forms such as, cross-licensing of proprietary technology, sharing of production facilities, co-funding of research projects, and marketing of each other's products using existing distribution networks (Griffin and Pustay, 2005). Such forms of cooperation are known as strategic alliances, business arrangements whereby two or more firms choose to cooperate for their mutual benefit. A joint venture is a specific and more formal type of strategic alliance.

2.1 Defining International Joint Venture (IJV)

An international joint venture (IJV) is a special type of strategic alliance in which two or more companies from different countries join together to create a new business entity that is legally separate and distinct from its parents. Joint ventures are normally established as corporations and are owned by the founding parents in whatever proportions they negotiate. Although unequal ownership is common, many are owned equally by the founding firms (Berger, 1999).

Here is also a definition adapted from Shenkar and Zeira (1987):

1 it is a separate legal organisational entity, and belongs entirely to neither/none of its parent;
2 it is jointly controlled by its parent;
3 these parents are legally independent of each other;
4 the headquarters of at least one parent is located outside the country in which the IJV operates.

As stated some IJVs are formed on an equity basis, more flexible arrangements may depend on contract cooperation without involving the legal commitments of equity. Some IJVs may have more than two parents. In general, the more parents the greater the administrative complexities and the greater the problem of managing the project. Sometimes, both (or all) parents are located outside the IJV country. For example, Coca Cola (Vietnam) was started as an IJV between Coca Cola (USA) and a Singaporean bottler; originally it did not employ any Vietnamese managers, as a result the company needed to deal with cultural difference (Beamish, 1985).

In terms of the construction industry, joint venture has been seen as a tool for improving the performance of the construction process and emphasizes the way it helps to create synergy and maximize the effectiveness of each participant's resources (Barlow et al., 1997).

The Construction Industry Institute defines joint ventures as a long-term commitment between two or more organisations for the purpose of achieving specific business objectives by maximizing the effectiveness of each participant's resources. This requires changing traditional relationships to a shared culture without regard to organisational boundaries. The relationship is based upon trust, dedication to common goals, and an understanding of each other's individual expectations and values (Barlow et al. 1997). To date, joint venture is understood as a set of collaborative processes, which emphasizes the importance of common goals. The base of joint venture is a high level of interorganisational trust and the presence of mutually beneficial goals. Joint venture means a management process that helps the strategic planning to improve the efficiency of the enterprises, and forms a team with common objectives (Barlow et al. 1997). Participants of a project can improve performance in terms of cost, time, quality, build ability, fitness-to-purpose, and a whole of range of other criteria, if they adopt more collaborative ways of working (Bresnen and Marshall 2000). Barlow et al. (1997) mentions six successful factors of joint venture: building trust, teambuilding, the need for top level commitment, the importance of individuals, the strategic movement of key personnel, and the need for open and flexible communications. The same authors quote as common benefits in a joint venture relation: reduced costs, shortened delivery time, improvement in construction quality, better working atmosphere, and organisational learning. Joint venture classifications focus on the duration of cooperation between partners. This dissertation will be used as a case study to explore the extent and native of these benefits in practice.

Two main types of joint venture are found in literature: project joint venture and strategic joint venture or long-term joint venture. Project joint venture is a cooperative relationship between organisations for the duration of a specific project (Barlow et al. 1997). At the end of the project, the relationship is terminated and another joint venture may commence on the next project (Kumaraswamy and Matthews 2000). Welling and Kamann (2001) state that if these firms do not meet again in another project, the learning effect reached on the particular project will be eliminated. Strategic joint venture is a relationship with a high level of cooperation between partners (Barlow et al. 1997), which takes place when two or more firms use joint venture on a long term basis to undertake more than one construction project, or some continuing activity (Kumaraswamy and Matthews 2000). In this kind of joint venture, the learning achieved in a specific project is more likely to be used in future projects. In the context of a strategic joint venture, it becomes a management philosophy that is expected to work continuously for each and every project and there are more expectations from team members than for a project joint venture (Cheng and Li 2001). The type of TNC JV is the strategic joint venture where Thai and Japanese Partner are focusing on the long term goal.

2.2 Seeing Joint Ventures as a Foreign Market Entry and Development Strategy

Joint ventures are sometimes viewed as a second (or even third) best option for supplying a foreign market-being used only when government regulations (e.g. ownership and export controls, restrictions on royalty payments, etc.) prevent the establishment of wholly owned subsidiaries, exports, or licensing. Indeed, there are major problems that arise in the planning, negotiation, and management of international joint ventures. Despite such difficulties, it is widely recognised in the literature that there are important strategic and competitive advantages that may be derived from successful joint venture agreements, and such collaboration may be a first option in certain circumstances (Kenichi Ohmae, 1985). Connolly (1984), for example, argued that the assets of developed-country multinational enterprises (capital, foreign exchange, technology, management, and marketing skills, etc.) and developing-country firms (lower costs, greater familiarity with local markets, etc.) are complementary, and that the combination of these assets in a joint venture results in mutual benefits. This can be seen in the case of TNC. Similarly, Contractor (1984) argued that the loss of control and the sharing of profits inherent in equity joint ventures is more than compensated for by the expertise and capital contribution of the local partner; contacts with government officials; faster entry into the market; and risk reduction. Harrigan (1984, 1985) argued that joint ventures should not be seen as a hiding place or a sign of weakness. Rather, if organized properly, joint ventures would be a source of competitive advantage, a means of defending existing strategic positions against forces too strong for one firm to withstand itself or as a means of implementing changes in strategic postures (e.g. diversification access to technology). Joint ventures allow each partner to concentrate their resources in areas of expertise, while enabling diversification into attractive but unfamiliar business areas. Overall, Harrigan (1984, 1985) concludes that joint ventures are important strategic weapon in responding to the challenges of global competition.

2.3 Reasons for forming the IJV

The partners (Thai and Japanese) may have shared interests in forming an IJV which give both opportunities to

5 create greater market power by combining resources;(Bell, 1996)
6 reduce risk by sharing costs (costs of investment and production are shared);
7 reap economies of scale;
8 cooperate and avoid competition , which might incur greater costs than those incurred by agreeing to the IJV (the IJV is an alliance that restricts your own capacity for independent action, but also restricts that of your partner); (Contractor & Lorange, 1988).

In general, though, most IJVs offer parents different opportunities which arise from their different environments. A project might offer the foreign parent access to a local market, and the local parent access to the international market. According to (, in 1997 two securities companies, the Premier Group of Thailand and SBC Warburg, formed a joint venture designed to provide Warburg with local expertise and Premier with international access.

Furthermore, the foreign parent needs to meet the host government's requirements for doing business in the country (in this case the Thai Government). For instance, a foreign company is only permitted to operate in the country if ownership is shared with a local company. The IJV offers the foreign parent opportunities to learn about local marketing conditions and to gain access to local resources, including production facilities, labour, and materials. For the local parent these are opportunities to generate upstream and downstream industries. For instance, the development of an IJV pulp mill encourages local entrepreneurs to increase logging facilities and to invest in paper manufacture. The local government benefits by opportunities to encourage foreign investment. Also, the foreign parent may be allowed to take only minority ownership, and must fulfil conditions regarding local employment, technology transfer, purchase of local materials, etc (Chowdhury, 1992).

2.4 Factors influencing IJV success and failure

The more that the company depends upon the strategic alliance in order to achieve its strategic goal, the more it invests in the success of the alliance. In the case of TNCJV this means investing to find the ideal partner. Finding the ideal partner takes time and effort, and the greater the importance that the firm gives to this selection process, the greater the chances of success (Geringer 1991).

Hung's (1992) study of Canadian companies operating in South-East Asia found that "the most often mentioned difficulty is to get the right partner company, one which has compatible objectives and is trustworthy". Therefore, trust is one of the most important parts of forming the IJV. Trust factors then will be reviewed:

2.4.1 Trust between the parents

The project is more likely to succeed when each parent trusts that the other is genuinely committed to the project and will do its best to abide by all agreements between them (Demirbag & Mirza, 2000).

When more partners trust each other, the easier they find it to reach agreement on internal arrangements:

1 applying the same strategic priorities to planning;
2 management style, and systems;
3 systems for communicating between the parents, the IJV, and parents; within the IJV; and with the environment
4 factors associated with business interests, goals, impact of size, timescale
5 assessments of IJV success and failure: project evaluation, both ongoing and upon termination.

(Demirbag & Mirza, 2000)

2.4.2 Mistrust between parents, and the environment

Mistrust arises from

13 inadequate planning;
14 communication problems between parents (Thai and Japanese in this case)
15 wide differences in the national and organisational cultures of the parents;
16 one parent changing its attitude to the project in response to its own internal changes - e.g., a new strategy, a new CEO;
17 one parent changing its attitude to the project in response to changes in its business environment.

To take the final point: both parents operate in their own volatile business environment. Their local markets and competition differ. They are subject to different local political, social, and economic pressures. These environmental differences make any alliance inherently unstable (Geringer, 1988).

According to Mikio Kunisawa Representative Director of Nishimatsu Construction (HQ in Japan), TNC had a full order book including a heavy work load and the prospect of many new projects during year 2005-2006 period. However, the situation at year-end is somewhat different from his expectation, particularly for Nishimatsu's Bangkok Office, and TNC now faces a challenge to maintain the business levels of the previous years (2006). The primary factor affecting business confidence is the continuing general political instability in Thailand, including an inconclusive general election and the resulting postponement of government decisions regarding infrastructure and development projects ( In the light of this uncertain situation, the forecast indicator for economic growth in Thailand has been revised downward. A further effect has been a downturn in business confidence within the private sector, reducing planned investments in the industrial and real estate sectors ( This situation could then establish uncertainty between the parent company and the environment they face.

These factors of environmental uncertainty might be the reason for focusing only on short-term alliances with highly specific goals. The partners might use an initial limited alliance in order to test the possibilities for a greater commitment and to build trust (Harrigan, 1985). This also has implications for communication. Each partner needs to communicate information about its own environment and to develop knowledge of the other's.

2.4.3 Trust within the project

A project succeeds when project staff trusts each other and when persons posted from the two parents develop a synergetic relationship. Before project operations start, a shared project culture is fostered by mixing staff from the parents in groups, where they work together on project planning. They exchange non-critical technological and business data (Harrigan, 1985).

A lack of trust arises when

18 staff join the project ignorant of the needs and interests of their colleagues from the other parent;
19 local staff feel threatened by a stronger foreign parent;
20 conflict arise from human resource and technology transfer policies (one parent cannot supply the skills to which it is committed);
21 cultural differences are exploited.
2.4.4 Trust between the project staff and their parent

A project succeeds when staff posted to it feels confident of the support of their headquarters. Mistrust arises when promised support fails to materialize, or staff feel that their long-term career prospects with the company are in jeopardy. A project is also undermined when top management fails to communicate its goal effectively within the organisation. Subordinate levels perceive it as a drain on their resources, and give it a minimum of attention (Kachara & Hebert, 1999).

2.4.5 Similar business interests
The potential partners are more likely to work together effectively when they have related interests. The parents of successful IJVs have similar interests and belong to similar or complementary sectors. When both contribute and learn from the other, fruitful cooperation is possible. Companies in the same industry form alliances when they hope to benefit from discrepancies in technology, systems, and markets (Kogut, 1988). By 1993, joint ventures parented by the Swiss food firm, Nestle, included alliances with Coca Cola (canned coffee and tea drinks), General mills (cereals), and two companies in the people's Republic of China (a coffee and creamer plant, an infant formula and milk powder plant).

2.4.6 Compatibility in size
Incompatibility in the size of the parents is important when one uses its greater resources to dominate the project in its own interests alone. However, the development of business by Internet and other electronic media means the business can expand (and contract) in a very short time, and the size of staffing complements and physical resources is no longer an accurate guide to a firm's financial and knowledge power (Kachra & Hebert, 1999).

The research of a foreign direct investment in Japan discovered that the attitude taken by the Japanese bureaucracy was influenced by such factors as the investor's care for its relationship with the government, the profitability of the IJV, the foreign parent's commitment, timing and location, and technology transfer issues. However, "the size of the investor does not seem to matter much" (Thawley, 1996).

2.4.7 Compatibility in timescale
The parents need to share a timescale. Suppose that Parents A and B are both prepared to invest in five years' development costs. The project is set fair. But contradictions arise when Parent A aims at reinvesting profits made during the initial period whereas Parent B wants a quick return from its investments (Li, 1995).

2.5 Culture influencing IJV success and failure
2.5.1 Cultural dimensions by Hofstede

Cultural distance between partners and its impact on IJV performance has so far been the most commonly reviewed variable. The distance has usually been expressed multi-dimensionally (based on Hofstedé (1980) four cultural dimensions and an index developed by Kogut and Singh (1988)). Cultural similarity decreases problems caused by cultural issues (e.g. different norms of behaviour and productivity, measurement and goals related to performance) and should facilitate trust and cooperation between partners. Barkema and Vermeulen (1997) tried to analyse in more detail the impact of culture on IJV performance. Using the five different cultural dimensions by Hofstede - power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity, and long term orientation - the authors expected that there would be differences in the impact of various dimensions. Differences in uncertainty avoidance are difficult to cope with because they imply differences in how people perceive opportunities and threats in their environment and how they act upon them (Schneider & Meyer, 1991). In high uncertainty avoidance countries organisations tend to respond to uncertainty by building up a system of high formalization and hierarchy. In low uncertainty avoidance countries people are more attracted to flexible, ad hoc structures that leave more room for improvisation and negotiation. Differences in uncertainty avoidance lead to differences in how partners perceive and respond to events in the environment of the IJV, which will likely breed disagreement and disputes between the partners, and have a detrimental impact on the IJVs performance. Power distance and individualism directly bear on issues of internal integration and influence relationships with personnel, such as the choice of control forms, reward systems. Management of personnel is usually one of the first activities to be left to the local partner. There is also evidence that MNCs do not transfer cultural values related to power distance and individualism to their foreign subsidiaries (Soeters & Schreuder, 1988). Thus tensions between the partners with differences along these dimensions may be avoided. Shenkar and Zeira (1992) suggest that having partners from both "feminine" and "masculine" cultures may even benefit the IJV. The aggressive attitude of one partner and the relationship orientation of the other may complement each other rather than collide. The above discussion suggests that differences in uncertainty avoidance would be more important than the other three dimensions. The empirical results by Barkema and Vermeulen (1997) supported the expectations: uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation had greater differential negative impact on IJV survival than masculinity, while the two other dimensions (individualism and power distance) had no impact. What concerns the Asian context it can be said that all potential Asian cultures have rather similar cultural profile. This profile includes rather few layers of decision-making, more risk taking, greater group emphasis, and higher concern for relationships (Swierczek & Hirsch, 1994). This can be applied to TNC where Thai and Japanese culture share some similarities.

One culture can influence how willing one is to trust a possible joint venture partner. In terms of culture, the Japanese tend to be somewhat introverted in their ways. They generally are not receptive to outsiders. When conducting business with Japanese, it is important to note that relationships and loyalty to the group is critical for success.


According to Hofsted Cultural Dimension Scores, the score of Japan is dramatically different from other Asian Countries. Masculinity in Japan is the highest characteristic. The lowest ranking factor is Individualism, which coincides with their high ranking in Uncertainty Avoidance. Japan is a more collectivist culture that avoids risks and shows little value for personal freedom.


In contrast, Thailand's lowest Dimension is Individualism (IDV). A low score, as Thailand has, indicates the society is Collectivist as compared to Individualist which this score is even lower than Japanese. It can be said that this is manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member 'group', is that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Furthermore, the main different category compared to Japanese Dimension is Masculinity which ranks the lowest among the Asian Countries. This lower level is indicative of a society with less assertiveness and competitiveness, as compared to one where these values are considered more important and significant. This situation also reinforces more traditional male and female roles within the population.

2.5.2 Compatibility between national cultures
Ones culture also influences ones perception of the environmental factors discussed above; whether your business interests are similar (or in conflict), whether your goals are complementary, whether differences in size are important, what timescale should apply. In theory, partners are more likely to agree on these points when cultures are compatible. That is, joint ventures formed by parents of similar cultures stands a greater chance of succeeding than those based on between dissimilar cultures (Wille, 1988).

2.5.3 Different organisational cultures
If the organisational cultures of the two parents vary widely, a successful alliance might not be possible. However, this is not always the case. In the situation of TNC, the organisational culture of parent can be advantagous because the understanding of National Culture also affects the performance.

When talks designed to lead to strategic alliance between Mitsubishi of Japan and Daimler-Benz of Germany broke down, the following report was made:

"Analysts say the match has been strained from the beginning because the companies have fundamentally different structures. Daimler-Benz, a much smaller company than Mitsubishi, has traditionally had a close knit management structure that has tended to set out clear strategic goals and forge ahead. Mitsubishi, an amorphous conglomerate of several large companies, has moved much more cautiously with internal factions often disagreeing over broader policy." (Yamawaki, 1995).

The companies were unable to overcome differences in their strategies, structures, and organisational cultures.

Staff posted to the project from the two parents is more likely to work well together when their organisational cultures are similar. This does not mean that they should be identical - an impossible condition. Rather, there must be a sense of comfort about how the other does the business, a willingness to work together and learn, and needs for shared solutions (Fedor & Werther, 1997).

2.5.4 How the IJV affects the parent organisational cultures
Parenting an IJV project can influence the culture of the parent headquarters by creating new spirit of "internationalism." This is ADVANTAGOUS when headquarters staff benefit from an influx of new ideas and technologies, and develop new knowledge of the opportunities offered I the environment.

It is DISADVANTAGOUS when the outflow of staff to the IJV (and inflow of replacements) impairs internal cohesion. A positive culture is weakened when staff feels pressured by responsibilities for which they have no training and experience. Supporters of the project are isolated. Planning and operating the IJV influences the organisational culture of the parent headquarters. In order to respond to problems and opportunities arising from parenting the project, headquarters streamlines and reorganizes its structures (Siddall et al., 1992).

2.6 Motivational Perspectives between Thai and Japanese
One's motives are major determinants of one's behaviour. If the company can understand the employee's motives, they can influence their employee's behaviour. To motivate others is one of the most important management tasks. It comprises the abilities to understand what drives people, to communicate, to involve, to challenge, to encourage, to set an example, to develop and coach, to obtain feedback, and to provide a just reward. According to (Find Ref), "Motivation is about cultivating your human capital. The challenge lies not it the work itself, but in you, the person who creates and manages the work environment." However, to motivate people in different culture might be difficult if the level of motivation is not the same. Ref describes how different culture might be perceived differently. Scandinavian cultures (Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark) place a high value on quality of life and social needs. European and Anglo-American cultures place a high value on productivity, efficiency, and individual self-actualisation. Chinese culture values collectivism and community activity higher than individualism (Same Ref).

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, he theorised that people have successive layers of needs, and that as each lower layer is satisfied, then the person moves on to the next layer up. The following diagram will explain how the model works:

(Maslow's hierarchy of needs model from Maslow, 1943)

The lowest layer is that of physiological needs. It is the need to eat, sleep, stay warm, use the bathroom, etc. The second layer is safety (the need to have physical and psychological security, such as wanting the presence of law and keeping a job). The third layer is that of love and belonging (being the need to be part of a family, group, or gang). Some would say that this third layer is very much a Japanese domain, where belonging to a group seems to take priority over the achievement of higher layers. According to (Japanese Ref), he raises the question that "How many times have you seen very capable people like Japanese deny themselves a fuller career due to their desire to stay with some smaller company on the basis that it is their 'family?'" The Japanese always put the top priority to their company. The fourth layer is that of self esteem and status. This is where high-achievers dwell, and are able to distinguish themselves commercially and professionally. The fifth layer is "Actualization." According to, it gives the following description (extract): "Self actualized people embrace the facts and realities of the world rather than denying or avoiding them. They are spontaneous in their ideas and actions. They are creative. They are interested in solving problems, which often includes the problems of others."

The interesting point to make here is whether Thai and Japanese have the same level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. At TNC, different level of needs might bring the conflict in interactive situations, for example, between Japanese employer and Thai employee, the model may need to be adopted in its applications among differing cultures. Even though the culture of Thailand and Japan might be similar, it does not mean that they would have the same desire or expectation.

Based on the literature review, the definition of IJV, and reasons for forming the JV have been illustrated. Factors including cultural differences between Thai and Japanese, and different motivational perspectives were explained. However, it is essential and vital to discover how these factors affect TNC employees based on their perception. In Chapter 4, findings and analysis from the interview will be examined.

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The Two Main Joint Ventures

A joint venture allows two or more companies to work together for a common goal.
When it boils down to it there are really only two types of joint ventures.

1. Co-ownership - this is where you and your joint venture partner are actually partners you build the product, web site, marketing and other aspects related to your company and jointly run. This is a powerful strategy but you have to be very careful who you choose to work with or you will be miserable and not have success. However if you do this right you could have one of the most successful companies in the world. Many companies that you know of today are the result of a joint venture between two or more people.

2. Promotion only - this is an incredibly common form of joint venture in the internet marketing arena. In the promotion only joint venture you are landing dozens perhaps even hundreds or joint venture partners who will promote your product or website on a certain date so you can have a big sales day and completely dominate your industry. When you hear of marketers releasing a product and immediately selling 100K or 1 million or even more this is what they are doing. They have convinced the top marketers to all promote their web site on a certain date which builds up the hype and creates a buying frenzy.

I've had successes and failures with both of these joint ventures and I can tell you that they are both incredibly useful. I will say that I have never done a "co-ownership" joint venture without doing a "promotion only" joint venture at the same time. Meaning that when I partner with a joint venture partner and we create something from scratch we also grab other marketers who's job is just to promote us because we want to leverage them as much as possible so we can have even more success.

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Read This to Check Whether You Should Venture in This Affiliate Marketing Business

Many people wanted to have their own affiliate marketing business as they are attracted by the amount of money that they will be able to earn. But you must take note that you will be doing a real business and it will takes time to grow. If you wanted to have fast money without doing much work, then this business model is not suitable for you. Ask yourself these few questions so that you can decide better whether this business is suitable for you.

Question #1 - Am I Willing To Commit My Time And Effort To Grow This Business?

You will be exposed to many marketers who claim that they are able to earn huge income in a short period of time. One of the things that you must note is that these marketers have already invested their time and effort to build a good list of subscribers. They will be able to instantly promote any relevant products to the list and they will be able to almost immediate sales. Since most of them have already put in the effort to build a relationship with their subscribers, they will tend to get more response from them which means more sales. You will want to reach at the same level as them but you must invest your time and effort to get your own good list of subscribers.

Question #2 - Do I Have The Determination To Achieve Success?

It is inevitable that you will be facing many problems when you are just starting your affiliate marketing business as you will be doing the majority of the things for the first time. There will be times that you will feel very frustrated as you will be facing a obstacles and you are not progressing as smoothly as you want it to be. Try to have the mindset that you will focus on finding solutions whenever you face any obstacles. When you have the right mindset, you will complain lesser and spend more of your time to find the solution. Failure is not a option for you and you must overcome all obstacles to achieve affiliate marketing success.

Above are the 2 very important questions that you must ask yourself if you want to be successful in your affiliate marketing business. Work smart and work hard for your business and you will soon start to see the profits rolling in to your bank account.

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Six Tips For Launching an MLM Venture

Nowadays, most of the online marketing programs are eyed as a gamble. Common people think that there is no guarantee about regular income or future prospects in this business. On the other hand, one cannot deny the fact that there are experts in this field who make millions out of their marketing business without risking any money. It is all dependent on how well you market your idea to a larger audience.

Running an MLM (multilevel marketing) business is considered as one of the easiest marketing programs available online. Many web owners introduce MLM packages in order to attract more readers and viewers to their website. However, attracting customers who would opt in as your MLM downline leads is not an easy job. The process requires multifaceted efforts, systematic planning and a bit of serious reading. Listed below are a few basic principles that can aid you in effectively controlling your marketing business.

1. The primary step is to maintain a dedicated blog from where you can control your activities and keep your marketing members informed about your activities and offers. Creating a website is not enough. You should update it regularly with something or the other. This would improve your page ranks plus keep your viewers satisfied too. You should also have prompt communications with your site's viewers and customers.

2. Attract the attention of new audience by offering special offers, discount vouchers, gifts and giveaways. This would not only add new customers and MLM downline signups, but also keep the present ones sufficiently motivated. If your present members are happy with your MLM program, they would source more customers for your business.

3. Keep publishing regular press releases so as to indirectly publicize your marketing needs. This would increase your professionalism plus reap you more customers in the coming days.

4. Now, if you are running an MLM venture, you cannot possibly ignore the role of adding guaranteed signups to your list of to-dos. However, you should only purchase or collect opt-in signups. Opt-in signups are those who have opted to be a part of an MLM downline chain. There are service providers who sell bulk guaranteed MLM signups for a fixed rate. This can cost you around $1 to $1.5 per lead or signup.

5. Consult an expert in your field. A reputed marketing consultant can surely guide your business into success. The time taken for generating results might vary depending on the marketing strategies and efforts put forth. There are many inter-net marketing specialists functioning online. If you are new to the field of MLM programs, services of a marketing agent can help you a lot. They can advice you about purchasing reliable guaranteed signups and indirectly help your business expand faster. So, search for someone who can offer you quality services at affordable prices.

6. Concentrate well on your email marketing campaign. Gather information on this niche and learn from other's mistakes. Email marketing is not so popular among customers but still if you are choosing the right kind of target, you can win loyal customers.

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How to Start a Home Bakery Business

Starting a home bakery. Most home based business are in built up areas of a community. There are usually children in the house. Often very young children.

This is often the cause of wanting to start a bakery at home. Plus, it is also a reason to be prevented from starting a bakery at home. Catch 22 syndromes.

Children also play in the gardens and roads of the area. This is a concern to local authority, because it is often considered an increase of vehicular traffic to a home business.

Neighbors complain of the increase in traffic and without your next door neighbor approving of your venture, it might just be a pipe dream. Another problem with home based business ventures, is the increase of garbage. Local authorities consider a business as extra income collecting your business garbage.

So you will pay for two garbage pick ups and your business garbage might have to be in a protected container, not the usual one bag bin as might be allowed in your community pick up.

Another reason for the neighbor to complain is these container bins attract flies, they smell terrible in hot weather and they also attract vermin in varying forms. The garbage contractor is not responsible for steam cleaning or pick up of the surrounding area either. That is your job.

It could get very messy if you leave the container unlocked. Garbage pickers will very likely rummage through for cans or bottles from which they might get a refund of deposit. If you live in a semi-detached house, an apartment, or a townhouse. There is a very real threat from a fire? Your built-in oven may have dried the woodwork around the oven to the point of combustion and only needs a certain amount of moisture and heat to actually catch fire.

Have you seen the heat generated by a compost heap? Or a pile of wet sawdust. Your neighbor would probably hear all your machinery working. And, if you started work on your products at say 3 a.m. in the morning. They will not be best pleased at being rudely woken at such an unearthly hour.

They won't mind the aroma from your fresh product if you were allowed to make then, but they most certainly will create very loudly at your early start to the day.

There would be another problem with delivery of your ingredients. First of all there is the storage of the ingredients. These are usually delivered in larger quantities than you would normally purchase from the local super market. So your built in cupboards will not be sufficient to hold everything.

That in turn means you will require a storage area. Separate from the house. The floor in houses are not designed to support the weight of a bakery business and its ingredients, nor the machinery.

If you store flour, there are certain legal requirements. Flour is considered a combustible. Even an explosive. I have been around flour for over 50 years and never heard of flour being an explosive till recently, when my building inspector pointed out the problem to me. Yes! I have heard of flour mills catching fire, but never a bakery for that reason.

Your storage area will very likely need to be re-enforced on all sides and ceiling. In some areas that re-enforcing might be in the form of two layers of giproc, no less than five eighth inches thick and fire retardant. Your storage room might also require a fire door.

One which if a fire should start in your storage room would take at least two hours to burn through before the structure of the building suffered.

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寺内タケシの夜空の星 パイプライン さすらいのギター

Ventures Fan Carnival No2 2004年8月 境港夢みなと博覧会会場跡地にて・・・ 弓ヶ浜と大山の眺めがとても素晴らしいですね! 東伯のブルースネーク、生田さんとKeyとのセッションです。寺内の曲を演奏する場合、アルファーベンチャーズはアルファーテリーズで活動する事があります。 Alpha Ventures

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Dear Diary: He is The One

This is about Hermione's ventures in finding the right guy. Of course, she can never make up her mind, and the relationships never last long enough for her to see what could have been. There are four scenerios, so there's something in here for all the shippers out there: Hr/Kr, Hr/H, Hr/Dr and Hr/R Enjoy Song: Wonder (If She'll Get It) by Superchick all clips property of WB

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Alcoholic Spiderman: Spidey goes to a bar allotment 1 of 2

Your favorite drunken superhero Alcoholic Spiderman runs out of booze at his home so he ventures out in public and goes to a local bar to get his drink on.

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Majora's Mask - The things which were taken out Ep. 8

Link ventures further in the history of Ikana Kingdom... Credits go to Nintendo, Square Enix and Samsung

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To Do and Not to Do in a Joint Venture Proposal

If you see an opportunity, you grab it. If you see an opportunity that gets you riches at half the risk, you hug and squeeze it like a stuffed toy! Just make sure the poor toys eye doesn't pop out. What on earth am I talking about? Joint Venture Proposals.

When you're interested in making a joint venture with another company, the first step is writing a proposal, and this needs to be just right. A Joint Venture Proposal says just one thing. "Lets partner up for this" is the message, but if you're not careful, it can be taken the wrong way. You have to think about who you're writing to, what they want to read, what will help them decide. You could be doing a simple project that requires just a short proposal letter that's straight to the point. Then again for something very formal you may need those 20 page article filled law filled proposal letter that give some people nose bleeds.

Now no matter who you're writing to, you should be able to answer all the questions that will be in the other persons mind. Think what you would want to see in a proposal letter and from a business point of view not simply a personal point of view. They are going to want to know what do they get out of it, how much it is going to cost them, what's the point etc.

You should research about the company before making out your proposal to them. Find out what they are most likely looking for, what will help them, what you have they don't, how can you benefit their company. Also keep in mind that it's not always about the money. Money is a crucial topic of course, but so many other things play as factors as well.

Now when you study who you're proposing to, try to search for things that will benefit you, and those things are offering them something they need that will benefit them. Lets say they have enough profit, but they don't have and expert in a certain department. You just happen to have that someone they don't, so that is your ace card. What do they need and which one of those things can you provide.

Now, as for the things you should not, or rather, must not do! These may seem ridiculous, but the reason I'm pointing them out is that thy have been don't but many people. So read on and either have a laugh, or learn from them:

1. If you're going to propose a joint venture to someone you don't know, have never met personally or someone you only said 'hi' to once, then AT LEAST introduce yourself first. It's doesn't make a good impression if you want to do business with someone and you go to 3rd base first.

2. If you're sending the proposal to many people, don't make all the emails public, you can try to pretend that the email was exclusive or send them out separately. Make the letter a little personalized for the person.

3. Don't pressure people. This should not be a rush one time only sale. If you make it sound that way, then it'll look like a scam from a mile away. Good luck!

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The Cruel Sea- The Ventures

Killer Surf Live 1964

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Davie Allan & The Arrows Blues Theme

Why this man is not mentioned in the same breath as Dick Dale or The Ventures is beyond me. One of the great surf guitarist of the 60's and still going. Amazing. This is his signature tune and also includes "Chopper!" Oct 9, 2005

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Mike Cockrill Sentiment and Seduction at KENT FINE ART

James Kalm ventures into the depths of a new art district in Brooklyn, the Gowanus, to bring viewers along for a studio visit with Mike Cockrill. With a exhibition record going back nearly thirty years in New York, Cockrill has been involved in many of the significant happenings and scenes that flourished here since the early eighties. Although well known within the artists community, his precedent setting figurative work is now being recognized as a pioneering effort in what has recently become the New Figuration. In an extended interview Cockrill discusses Kitsch, the East Village and his current sculptural work.

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Batman: The Brave And The Bold Volume 1

Alone, Batman is a force to be reckoned with, but when the Caped Crusader ventures beyond city limits and teams up with heroes from across the DC Universe, no villain stands a chance.

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The Ventures - Caravan (1965)

The Ventures - Caravan (1965)

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The Reasons Why MLMs Don't Work

The notion that MLMs don't work can be a rather blunt assessment. For many, the assessment is also an accurate one as they may have grown somewhat less than thrilled that they become involves with a marketing plan that just simply did not deliver on their expectations.

Multilevel marketing remains enormously popular in a number of circles as many entrepreneurs claim that is has the ability to significantly improve the potential to amass great wealth online. While some have certainly made profitable careers with MLM ventures, many have raised serious questions regarding the actual abilities of the average person to make money with MLM ventures. So, is it really possible to make huge profits with MLM? In many ways, the answer is no. In fact, there are those that say multilevel and network marketing ventures are outright scams. This is a harsh statement. Is true though? The evidence that systems of MLMs don't work is rather damaging to the cause.

At the root of the problem with MLM ventures is the fact that the people running the show have a tendency to make huge profits. Those other members that make up the various facets of the downline are seemingly unable to make the profits they seek. And the lower you are in the downline, the less likely you are to make money with the program. Considering the costs of buying into a multilevel marketing program, the potential to lose money when you are low in the downline undermines the potential to make solid profits. Consider that another reason why MLMs don't work.

What has contributed to the fact the MLMs don't work? The internet would be a major culprit in this regard. Some might consider this to be a rather odd statement. After all, has it not be the rise of the internet that opened the door for expanded MLM advertising and promotions? Yes, this would be an accurate assessment. It would also be an accurate assessment to state that the internet has opened the door to advertise all manner of products and services. This undermines the ability to sell items in the MLM inventory. Since there are options available for those looking to make a purchase of pretty much anything they want, why bother becoming involved with a MLM venture. Some may assume that it is only the MLM scams that fail to work. However, even the legitimate ones find it difficult to be profitable when there is so much competition out there online. Consider this another major reason why MLM don't work.

Another reason why MLM don't work has to do with all the costs that eat into your generally slim profits. With money spent on training materials, you will be perpetually drained in terms of what is left over from your earnings.

There are a number of excellent ways an entrepreneur can earn money if sufficiently motivated. Yes, there are a number of 'stars' that will tell you MLM is the way to go but it really isn't. That is, unless they are telling you it is going the way of the dinosaur.

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Joint Venture - The Why and the How of Creating a Profit Center

Joint venture is one of the most power marketing strategies ever discovered. And if you have not have any idea how to maximize it, you are missing a big opportunity in business.

So what is joint venture, what benefits is there for you and how to go about creating your own joint ventures?

Well, joint venture is simply an agreement in which two or more organizations or businesses work together for a set period of time. It could be short term, or long term and the objective is always the same, that is to create a win-win situation by promoting each other's businesses and make more money together.

For example, a classic example of joint ventures will be McDonald's. They ride on the films produced by Walt Disney and create merchandise based on the characters on the films and sold it as a package to the consumers. In this way, McDonald's is able to sell more burgers, and Walt Disney is able to sell more merchandise.

So, what are the benefits of a joint venture?

You can build long lasting business relationships

Creating a joint venture with other businesses give you the opportunity to build relationship with them. In the long run, when their business boom and they have good opportunity, the first person they will look for to partner will be those they trust.

Your credentials improved by teaming up with other reputable businesses

If you are able to work with businesses bigger than yours, you not only able to create a goldmine for yourself, but also gain credibility as an authority in your area.

You can construct most joint venture deals with little or no money

Most Joint Venture deals are constructed at very little cost. The most important thing is that its well thought out, benefit both parties and consumers. Despite its low cost, its proven to be a huge profitable business strategy.

You can gain new leads and customers

This is where the buck starts. With joint venture, you are actually tapping onto your business partners' customer base. Exposing your business to them and in return, turning them into your customers. In this way, you not only save on advertising costs but also reach out to people you otherwise won't be able to reach.

These are just some of the benefits of creating joint ventures. Next I will share with you the basic steps in creating a joint venture.

What do you want to achieve?

The first thing you need to do is to look around your business or products and ask yourself, "what do you want to achieve?" Do you want to open up the youth market? Do you want to find more customers? Or do you want to find out more about other area you might be able to go into? Know what you want to achieve is the most important part of creating a JV.

Who are your ideal partners?

Now, once you know what you want to achieve, ask yourself, "who are your idea partners? Why?" Are they already in the youth market? Are they reputable and could help you improve your credibility? Are they in an industry you like to be in?

What do you have to offer?

Now that you have identified your ideal partner, the next thing is to find out what do you have to offer? Create an appealing offer to both the partner and also to the customers your new partner will need to reach out to.

An appealing offer to your partner's customers will go a long way in the future so don't be stingy when creating offers.

Approach them

Finally, its time to approach them to create a joint venture. Realizing and constantly applying JV as part of your marketing strategies will open up a brand new profit center. A goldmine you otherwise might not be able to tap into.

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Ways to Get Joint Venture Deals Started

When considering a joint venture deal, most people are unsure about whether it is a right thing to do or if it would be successful. Many question their worth- what if they can't deliver on their end of the deal? What if their approach is deemed offensive? If you really want to be successful with joint venturing you shouldn't think like this. Your focus should be on the advantages of the potential partnership for both parties. Remember that joint ventures are profitable for everyone that is involved and comes with additional opportunities and benefits as well. In order to assist you in producing these kind of results, this article will illustrate methods of establishing a successful joint venture.

The most important step you can take is starting your relationship on a personal note. Writing a simple email and sending it out to strike a partnership is not a good idea, so it won't work in getting you the response you want. Take a more expansive approach instead. A more effective way to contact others you are considering for your joint venture is by phone or by setting up a meeting. Chances are the businesses you chose have received several joint venture deals already, and are looking to choose on that will be the best for them and the most profitable. The more personal you are with your contact, the more they'll remember you and consider your deal. This also prepares you for any questions that they may have and erase any lingering doubts. Apart from this, it's important to explain your potential partner on how they would be profiting from this partnership. Do your research thoroughly so you can present clear and tangible ways this partnership will be advantageous to their business as well as yours. You must illustrate the story for them, so that no doubt remains in their minds. Although being able to tell them about the the profits they will receive as a result is an important part of negotiating, you also should be able to show them how they will be able to generate backend sales as a result. The essence of this partnership is enhancing both businesses through a mutual effort.

As soon as your potential JV partner has given your product/service a shot, it will much easier to convince them about the benefits of having a partnership. Looking at the product or service themselves will inform them as to its benefits and downsides. This means that there will be less justification needed from you in describing how effective your product will be for them. Be sure to let them know also that by doing so will secure and increase future sells as well as improve their overall image and appeal. They will gather increased admiration and confidence from their clients as the value of your product is established.

If the product is worth buying, you need to explain this to your potential partner in great detail so they will know it's worth. Besides how valuable the product may be, it's not impossible to get a special deal for customers that are in their list. Yes, that means that you can actually give their customer base a discounted price for your product, so they have a "never seen before" deal. Your partner will be more confident about sending out the offer to their list because they will perceive him as someone who has worked to get them a good deal. Discounts are something everybody can get behind; you'll much more easily get a partner this way.

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Destination Truth S03E02 Island of the Dolls/ Lusca allotment 4

Josh ventures to a Mexican island to investigate a haunting attributed to a drowned girl and the evidence is later analyzed by TAPS members Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango of Ghost Hunters. Next, he goes in search of the lusca, a giant octopus rumored to lurk the waters off Andros Island in the Bahamas. part 4

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Start-Up Success - What Venture Capital can be found

Have you ever wondered how to find some companies, while other funds may sell, barely keeping its head above water? Often the key to success in the delicate start-up years, start the right amount of capital to developing and marketing activities. Once a company is well established, for financial support even stronger growth and expansion initiatives. Venture Capital Acquisition can help. Venture Capital is the financing for prospective new and fast-track provided by other companiesprofessional investors.

Venture Capitalists write several companies to choose only a few in based on management credibility, long-term growth potential and business integrity to invest among others. These venture capitalists, individuals may use funds from high net worth, foundations, corporations, pension funds or their own personal equity capital to support the success of new business ideas. The different investments in start-up companies together provide aInvestment portfolio so that risk reduction. These investors are focused on the acquisition of a high return in a six fifty-five years.

While many venture capitalists are generalists, or supply funding alone to a broad range of specialized areas, others have expertise in one or more key roles within the company. Seed investing refers to financing provided before a real product or company itself will be created, or when a company in the very early, ground-floor developmentStages.

Venture capital sponsored fairs, panel discussions and seminars are great vehicles for venture capital relationship building. Lawyers, consultants, business brokers and tax consultants also offer contacts with venture capitalists. In the search for funding opportunities, relationships are the key, and competition is high. First, identify a small number of companies or individuals holding similar goals of your company. Make sure you agree when it comes to growth, geographic positioning, and comesInvestment scope.

Venture-Capital-evaluation requires much time and energy to the production of a well-developed business plan and summary for the education of your investors about your goals, budget, industry and growth potential. Do not forget to communicate with your contacts on a regular basis, maintenance of relationships and keeps them on the progress and news. Above all, stay optimistic, to learn from your mistakes and adjust your strategy.

The following organizationsto a wealth of information for those researching venture capital avenues and sources are available:

- The National Venture Capital Association,

- The Center for Venture Education,

- Emerging Markets Private Equity Association,

- Venture Capital Task Force,

- Private Equity Central,

- Wall Street Journal's Start-up Journal, / partners / kennedy.html

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How can joint ventures for your business Beneficial

A company's own can be very rewarding if you can manage it well. The proper handling of your company is a keen attention to every detail of the same. There are so many things to keep in mind that many times as you wish, you would have had to keep someone with whom you could share the tasks. It is here that joint ventures are helpful. If you have a cooperative partner, it will not only mean less work for you, but also in higher profits translate. Allyou must ensure is a healthy relationship with your partner.

When you enter a contract with another company house and decide to work together toward a common goal, you are even incorporated into a joint venture. More often than not, these ventures can give your income a boost and accelerate the progress of your company. Other than these, there are a host of other benefits you can get from such a cooperative and collaborative enterprise. Here are a few of the them:

1st Most of the joint venture offers can be found without money. If it is to the mutual benefit, as most people join ventures with no further incentives.

2nd It gives you a lot more attention when you are in contact with the new business building, or an individual business partners with one of his own come. This often leads to a marked improvement in your own company.

3rd New contacts mean a new customer base. You can then use this to increase your profits.

4th Joint> Ventures lead to an exchange of ideas you can implement your company in.

5th If your hands with a reputable and trusted commercial building, increasing your credibility in the eyes of your customers. Long-standing business relationships, you can propel your business forward!

6th Sharing expertise and services with your partner will help you through difficult times. In times of economic crisis, you have to be in a position to better handle your business if you have a partner who havesame boat as you.

7th It also helps you save money as the cost of production and marketing with your partner (s share).

8th Distribute your product will be much easier if you are a part of a joint venture.

9th The majority of your tasks are also reduced in a joint venture business. You do not have an overview of each department in your organization to hold. Rather, you divide the tasks you can do it more efficiently.

10th Often receives learnedNews from your partner. For example, one comes to effective marketing ploy, that to reach your partner to use a potential customer. You can use this tactic to your market and also to raise. Several administrative techniques may also learned to be joint venture partners.

11th You and your partner can get together a potent threat for all of your competitors on the market.

12th Finally, joint ventures overcome significant business risks. If your companyis going through hard times, you trust your partner to help you.

These are just some advantages of joint ventures. If you get one, you will quickly see what can be a blessing!

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ちびっこ ☆】 【RK ベンチャーズ テキーラ 兄弟 上原 The Ventures

【】 Tequila 第 34 回 那覇 ハー リー

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Davie Allan & The Arrows Blues Theme

Why this man is not in the same breath as Dick Dale or The Ventures is mentioned to me a mystery. One of the great surf guitarist of the 60s and still. Amazing. This is his signature tune and also includes the "Chopper!" 9th October 2005

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Write Winning Proposals for venture capitalists

You need to raise money to save for your project. You visit venture capitalists to see if you can get the money. A venture capitalist views your project as a pure investment. A venture capitalist has no emotional attachment unlike you. You need a proposal that is structured around a venture capitalists need not to write yours. What interest you may not be relevant to your potential donors. You need a business plan, "the investor is focused."

An investor focused business plancontains relevant information about your project. It addresses concerns, questions and fears, should dispel that any venture capitalist can. It should meet their needs exactly. Venture capitalists exist to make large profits. You want to see a good return on investment. By creating a business plan focused investors, it will be clear to Venture Capitalists that you concentrate prepared and competent.

There are four areas which must beaddressed:

Management Responsibility

Know your markets

Know Your Product

Know How Management, Markets and Products Make Money

Management Responsibility

The strength of the management of the project can make or break your proposal. Venture capitalists need to know that you can manage their money. They want to see a proven track record in areas specific to the project you are pitching. The ability of theManagement will be tested are so prepared.

Know your markets

Venture capitalists need to see where your income come from. Your company must prove to be a strong understanding of your customer base and able to meet their needs. Your plan must also be all the possible new or growing markets. Illustrate any research you have done, to emphasize this.

Know Your Product

Venture capitalists want to understand your product.You want to show you how the product that they will attract the financing to customers. The information in this section must be extensive and also the function of possible extensions or upgrades that have your product. This shows that you have thought about a long-term growth.

Know How Management, Markets and Products Make Money

It must be shown that to build the management links and paths between customers and product. This element must be very strongas ambiguous information, or a hypothetical relationship is alienating potential donors. Create a step-by-step guide on how their money is handled and how the customers money is received. This has to be clearly demonstrated.

Tie these points together, and you are already in the top 3% of the total venture capital submissions. Good Luck!

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Advantages of Venture Capital

Not all companies and organizations have the ability to attract venture capital. In general, venture capital from a group of professional investors who are usually in search of business opportunities that develop a high growth rate that they can work in. In general, the resources to help you, your business and in turn would invest have they will have shares in your business.

If you have a brilliant idea, which has massive growth potential and areThey fight to be able to make some money with the normal channels then this direction can work for you increased. Be prepared to want to start giving away a large part of your business and keep in mind that the majority of venture capitalists would have a say on how you run your business.

This method of collecting money would be a good way, like to be able to check several fresh heads for your business concept. An investment company invests in venture capital is usually fantastic businessIdeas and is equipped with the knowledge of major turning concepts into reality.

If you would go for all some money to look for the debts that you are already clear, then not for a venture capital company. They would definitely not be interested. They would not even interested in helping you to resources to you to buy a house or car. This is mainly because they are in business to make money for themselves by the growth of your future business.

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Slaughter on 10th Avenue 十 番 街 の 殺人

The Ventures (1965) Knock Me Out!

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Fox Arkansas for New Ventures View

Arkansas is a very diverse state. They have a lot of things for this state. The state has much to offer to visitors, tourists, and also for entrepreneurs. You can in the state, see a lot of opportunities for outdoor adventures such as cave or cave tours and much more scenic trails and routes for hiking, walking and driving.

And for entrepreneurs, the state will open a lot of possibilities. Arkansas is rich in small towns, attracting not only travelers, but one canInvestor's new base of business and, as Fox Charlotte and cities.

Venture Capital is a great way for small businesses to obtain the financing they need. Venture Capital is often sponsored by wealthy investors and sometimes professionally managed mutual funds. Government supports Small Business Investment Corporations (SBICs), or its subsidiaries, as several investment banks, insurance companies, corporations or even act as sources of venture capital.

WhatThese investors do, that they have put their money companies that are just getting started, and seems a great potential of becoming great and deserved a lot of profit.

However, venture capital might get a little difficult for small businesses, is not the right proposal. It is standard procedure to always ask for entrepreneurs, investors with a formal proposal if it can properly assess the company's "potential base. Venture Capital has severalBenefits for small businesses.

Among them was the administrative support and lower costs, bring on the resources of venture capitalists in their company. However, venture capital is still not the lone answer to all problems, small businesses have particular regard to their market capitalization.

Venture Capital is only one strategy, there are other ways to fix things and improve the capital of a small company.

But since the venture capitalist invests inSpeculation is mainly the big risks. That is why venture capital is also called risk capital. That is why investors to study very well the proposals of small business before approving them or their investments.

To top it off, investing in such companies is in fact an independent thing. The Government sees no way to protect venture capitalists whose firms have become a failure. However, there are many areas to choose where Venture Capitaliststo invest.

This expands the scope and small businesses can find their place. examine the bulk of venture capital investment on favorable covers sectors and technology areas.

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Selling Ideas to an investor - Writing a Business Plan

A business plan is a document that an entrepreneur's thoughts and experiences together - to its current business situation and the prospects for potential investors, customers, suppliers and employees - in a formal scheme.

Why write a business plan?

A business plan serves as a communication tool for a company and its potential investors. It is a platform for an entrepreneur to his ideas for business expansion potential investors, and it also serves as a visual guide toTo help understand better the entrepreneur, where he is, where he will be there and how he receives plans.


There is no fixed format, it is only those recommended. Business plans require different formats for different objectives concisely to communicate different end-reader. In today's issue, to sell an idea to investors, we would have a format that can be used most effectively communicated (a) the current status of the company amid a major industry and market, (b)the product, marketing and sales strategies, and (c) a realistic income. Below is a recommended format.


Although every business plan begins with an Executive Summary, it is to be written to last. It is a conclusion that the core recorded the whole plan. It should (a) the reader that the investment seeker has a good understanding of its business, (b) the main points to convey, as this to convince the only section that someinvestors to read, and (c) succinctly highlight the company's current and planned products, markets, financial performance, recent trends in the industry, management team, financial forecasts and plans, how to pay back the investors. It is an overview with the following main components.

- Vision and Mission Statements
- Company overview
- Product Strategy
- Market analysis
- Marketing Plan
- Financing Plan

2nd Vision and Mission

Visionis nothing without a map, otherwise it would be a dream. The Vision Statement sells an achievable end state, and the model shows investors how. In a combined business plan, the vision and mission statements in a single statement.

The vision shows where you lead the business. It is one or two digits, the business will look like and how great it is with a realistic long-term TEM projection over a period of usually five years. The mission describesthe strategy to take the steps and pass the company's philosophy for the vision. A mission statement should answer the questions below.

- How would the business begin to grow to survive, and reap profits during the growth phase?
- What are the business strengths and weaknesses and competitive advantages?
- What are the business is the sense of community and public image?
- What is the entrepreneurial attitude to management, investors, strategic alliances(Affiliated companies) and staff?


Objective: Specific Plan to achieve a goal
Objective: The performance target
to take the Mission: steps to achieve a vision
Vision: The ultimate realistic view of the economy

3rd COMPANY Overview

The company overview is probably the easiest to write in any business plan. It consists of the official business name, legal form of businesses (sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, etc.), its location, its facilities,their property, the management team (including the Board of Directors, if any) and staffing (including specific plans and personnel staff increase projection). The depth and length of the individual components (one point per component) would be on the applicability of that content, the potential investors.

4th Product Strategy

This section shows the current range of products, research and development of current and future products and the production and deliveryMethods. The special features of the current product needs to be emphasized because many other companies have good products, good products but has become not only churn opportunities for business. Investors would look for a product developer to attract, for examples, the factors that would keep the product on the market more than others, and the unique technology that would only be the entrepreneurs and the investors own. Below are the highlights.

- CompetitiveComparison (product life cycle, the uniqueness of the product, production, delivery methods, research and development, etc.)
- Sales Literature (company and product profiles, advertising and promotional materials, sales kits, etc)
- Product Fulfillment (how the company intends to handle or handles after-sales services needs to maintain customer loyalty)


The market defines the market, profiles, analysis of customers, competitors and judgesmarket risks. Below are some of the issues to think through

- Which market the product is the competition? For example, an anti-aging sheep placenta extract, measured with other anti-aging health supplements should be in the market instead of the health supplement market in general.
- Who are the customers? meant, for example, up-market products for the high income group an office environment, a professional image for the implementation of the business would be required.
- Whoare the competitors? For example, would know how to create the aggressiveness and extent of the activities of the closest competitor awareness of the magnitude of the effort and capital to be injected into the business to be competitive.
- What are the basic rules? For example, for the sheep placenta extracts in anti-aging food supplement market to compete, they must let their potential customers know, anti-aging effects in order to compete in that market.


A marketing plan is a combination of a set of procedures to make their products known to potential customers. These cases concern the sale, distribution, advertising, promotion and public relations. Below are the main points.

- Communicate marketing strategy, the combination of procedures, and why the entrepreneur thinks that this is a good mix.
- To create sales strategy, who the customers are determined, the sales targets and forecasting, pricing strategy, advertising,Sales of strategic alliances, etc.
- Distribution method, examples of direct or indirect distribution, exclusive distribution, network marketing (including multi-lateral-Marketing), selective distribution system, etc.
- Advertising and Promotion (commonly referred to as "A & P announced")
- Public Relations, for example, approval of the local authorities, community projects, sponsorship, participation in the Internship Program Polytechnic etc.


The financing plansensitive topics discussed money, which are expected to top concern of most investors. These issues include the company the current financial state, the size of the investment, such investment would be used if it were the break-even point, as if ROI (Return on Investment) must be positive and investors' exit option. The usual components

- The current financial reports (start-up table, balance sheets, profit and loss account for the previous years tonow)
- A summary of how and when would the additional capital will be supplied.
- Based on a sales forecast to pass, as would break even and positive ROI? Use projected profit and loss statements and projected balance sheet.
- What are the investors' pull-out options?

Production and presentation of business plan

Now that the business plan had been designed, the final task is to do, to present and produce the hard work. While ensuring the production, that the draft is proofread setand edited before printing and binding. The plan should include a covering letter and a content page. Presentation is a must. There must be a well-established face-to-face presentation with the written plan or presentation slides.

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Men versus Women in Home Business Ventures

So many times when people from home business opportunities you think conjure thoughts of the women work from home in their pajamas. While this is not a far-fetched image, it should unequivocally make it clear that men their mark on the home business world as well. In fact, it is on the whole line was that men are still busy with running a home business than their female colleagues. Why so? Let's compare how men and women home companies handle different.

RiskTakers at Work

Establishment and operation of a business at home requires a certain risk. You need to invest money to make money. Men are more inclined to take those risks than most women. A few of the reasons surrounding this fact is that some men allow their women are suspicious of too much money in a project which could not meet the ground running. Another reason is that to make men more comfortable with walking a few extra capital for their own business, work. Do not letDrawbacks and failures lead to their hearts, but use such cases to work in order to promote different ways of doing things. Women tend to be more cautious if they cause a failure.

Select power as Security

Men tend to be based decisions about their home businesses on the need for power and control make. This desire to be a successful business has no end. A man always looks to improve its business opportunities and better. Women, on the other hand tend toTo reach a comfort level in their home country company. If a woman is her expected income generated, it is good and wants to keep the status quo. However, this does not apply to all female entrepreneurs, but it's true for most.

One uses pulses and other honors advice

Another striking difference between the home company of men and women to run when it comes to taking its decisions by advice or make impulsive decisions. Women tend to be more cautious about their choice and welcome theAdvice of their peers before entering into the unknown. Men are anxious to make decisions based on impulse and instinct when it comes to business decisions. This comparison seems to boil up to the fact that women such as safety and a nurturing side. Men have been the decision makers through the centuries, and it seems to recognize their inbred nature to make decisions easily.

The statements made by comparisons based on most cases. You will certainly findWoman who thrives in taking risks on their core business, while you'll also see a man who is content to grow his Business Watch in the same way in years. As with most things in life that men are greater risk takers, and women tend to concentrate on family and safety. It is not unnatural for men and women to reverse these roles, and everyone should be commended for their home business success, because success is measured differently for different people.

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