A vision on the Arkansas Capital Light Venture

The history and development of the State of Arkansas colorful as the other American States a different mix of some European cultures. High-peak settlements along the Mississippi River were by the Spaniards in 1541 by the explorer Hernando de Sotto, but when the first European settlements were joined in the vicinity of the lower bank of the Mississippi River, the French in 1686.

The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 sealed the settlement along the famous river, with which hisAmerican soil, now Arkansas State. A divided Arkansas after the Civil War in 1861 and his departure from the Union has set itself the target object of interest between the North and the South for its important role as the gateway had been to the southwest.

Since the promise of these settlements and the subsequent progress of the state and its future in its economic progress has Arkansas' proved the holding credits for the production of twice elected Arkansas Born, Bill Clinton as President of the United States byEnd of the last quarter of the Millennium.

Today is a target of Arkansas several venture capital studies in all areas of the various stages of development. With the support of the Arkansas Economic Development could start or expand businesses. The present days, the best time for several venture capital light when the company options to choose from for small or minor? A team that specializes in the development and growth of minority businesses operated primarilyInvite in marketing strategies to support product development, and particularly to light venture capitalists.

The ADED (Arkansas Department of Economic Development) and its subsidiary body of the Ministry of Small and Minority Business Staff takes initiatives to search for potential partners, and try additional information on all aspects relating to the company Arkansas.

Little Rock, Arkansas Eyed as a conference center Concerning the Promotion of Innovation Capital will

A nationalVenture capital event in 2007 by the NASVF (National Association of Seed and Venture Capital Funds) will be promoted position conference in Little Rock in Arkansas for the purpose of education venture capitalists, profit and non-profit organization leaders, technology-based and economic development leaders, representatives of venture capitals and seed funds, legal and financial companies, and many others who will be interested in the view of the natural resources of Arkansas. They areare drawn together in a conference, and taking into account considerations on innovation capitals, to facilitate easy installation process to local entrepreneurs.

It will also be open to funding and a better understanding of the relationships and influencing factors in the marketing of innovative products and ventures. The event will be sponsored by the largest processor of the economy, Arkansas, that Arkansas Department of Economic Development, Arkansas Science and TechnologyAuthority and Arkansas Capital Corporation.

A look into the future wealth of Arkansas' economy through investments in accordance with general criteria, gagged, heavy or light ventures, and, or, state or private companies cooperated.

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