5 cities to find your Green Investors

Now we have seen, 2009 really was a beginning of the "Green Investment" era with many more prediction of 2010 is based on a stellar year for green investments. We have information in the whole of 2009 following deal flows known, collected and determine where the best cities for the year 2010 for green investments.

Not surprisingly, U.S. continues to dominate the list, and we believe the trend will continue as the U.S. remains the world's largest Venture Capital & Private Equity market, andFrankly, it is quite difficult to see how this change in the next ten or twenty years. While China is rising, the investment is mainly driven by government funding, the venture capital cities are beginning to influential in China, where most of them actually set up by their U.S. or European counterparts.

Therefore, among the great cities of Green Venture Capital, they are still represented by the U.S. cities, but we will cover other cities in future articles.

New YorkCity

Undoubtedly the best place to increase your capital, although many may wonder if New York City is a "green city" itself? The answer is yes, there are many similarities between Green Jobs & Green Investments. New York City has created perhaps more green jobs than any other cities in 2009, as evidenced by the high demand from internal use, as the world's largest transportation system, a strong demand for smart grid and high concentration of Green Finance was drivenProfessionals. New York City is the first choice when it comes to green investments, as well as other venture capital investments!

San Francisco

San Francisco has always been a "green city", and with the local people very active in adopting green lifestyle, as we know, it also has very large LOHA population. Your attitude towards green lifestyle is a key factor behind its population assistance in green economies.

It also supports the existing IT &Technology investments ability to learn the venture capital groups, how they use their skills in the development in the green tech sector.

Compared to other California cities, we were also Los Angeles and San Diego investment environment compared, San Francisco remains a hot favorite tourist destination for green investment.


Back on the East Coast again, it is also very significant increase in green investment from Boston.Interestingly, our research shows this is another development in comparison to San Francisco.

The foundation of the transformation of San Francisco developed from technology / IT venture capital investment, in Boston, so many years of their engagement has been developed in life-science/biotechnology investment.

Interestingly, if we make the comparison, we have seen, not in Boston has more technology investments such as investment in Environmental Science, Chemistry related partImprovement of environmental applications and renewable energy technologies instead of opportunities.

Boston also has a strategic advantage that its universities in a position to support and marketing of new developments and technologies, many universities in Boston to offer scholarships for university graduates and MBA students in developing green tech applications, this is a perfect place for entrepreneurs, the network in Boston for green investments is also very strong and wellorganized.


We note that Detroit can be a surprise to many, in fact we were thinking about Seattle, Charlotte, to Chicago as alternatives. Detroit has something more unique, there is a car town, it has by the recession more than any others have been injured.

However, it is because of the recession, we have Detroit entrepreneur and investment institutions to devote more efforts to find green technologies than others, and would like to use this as an opportunity to reviveWorld Green Car in Detroit City.

Although the auto industry is no longer active in investment, they have the technological capability to support new developments, many are related automotive industry, but these can be applied to other industries, transport and, more fuel efficient engines, better grid systems , improvements in gas stations, solar cars, better batteries, it has been a great year for Detroit, green inventors, and this will continue to attract newInvestment.


We have also selected Portland wrap this first article. Portland is an interesting situation. Some $ 70m of venture capital investments in clean tech sector made by Portland in 2009, it is also one of the lowest carbon emissions cities in North America. You can see that the number of people choose to bike or walk to work every day in Portland. It also has initiatives to promote electric cars such as free parking, and very full publicTransportation Systems and the use of alternative energy.

In summary, we can say, this makes Portland a city with strong support for the green economy, green alternative transportation and environmentally friendly products. It is also one of the cities that most "green jobs" created in 2009. The combination of these factors have made Portland a nice place to find it for green investments, both from institutions and private investors.

Is the situation really make a difference? The whole era of green investmenthad just begun about 2 or 3 years, and more changes will happen. But if you both technologies & Natural Resources investment story as an example, one could argue that by investing in "Where is money" will help California tech companies tend to find investors more easily, because in the "hub", and mining companies always want to focus on important financing industry hubs such as Texas or Calgary in Canada, or Utah.

A big reason is to see how much support thelocal investors in your company / industry. If you perform a technology IPO, you can see, California investors have much higher dominance in terms of the shareholders, even higher than in New York in many cases, and we have an IPO in the past for a health care, we could see significantly higher share capital investors from major health centers such as Boston and Cleveland.

Each industry is different and every opportunity is different as well, but some rulesResearch look when you build a new office building or to find appointing a new consultant to investors, this can sometimes make a big impact.

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