The Two Main Joint Ventures

A joint venture allows two or more companies to work together for a common goal.
When it boils down to it there are really only two types of joint ventures.

1. Co-ownership - this is where you and your joint venture partner are actually partners you build the product, web site, marketing and other aspects related to your company and jointly run. This is a powerful strategy but you have to be very careful who you choose to work with or you will be miserable and not have success. However if you do this right you could have one of the most successful companies in the world. Many companies that you know of today are the result of a joint venture between two or more people.

2. Promotion only - this is an incredibly common form of joint venture in the internet marketing arena. In the promotion only joint venture you are landing dozens perhaps even hundreds or joint venture partners who will promote your product or website on a certain date so you can have a big sales day and completely dominate your industry. When you hear of marketers releasing a product and immediately selling 100K or 1 million or even more this is what they are doing. They have convinced the top marketers to all promote their web site on a certain date which builds up the hype and creates a buying frenzy.

I've had successes and failures with both of these joint ventures and I can tell you that they are both incredibly useful. I will say that I have never done a "co-ownership" joint venture without doing a "promotion only" joint venture at the same time. Meaning that when I partner with a joint venture partner and we create something from scratch we also grab other marketers who's job is just to promote us because we want to leverage them as much as possible so we can have even more success.

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