Finding Good Joint Venture Partners

Most people will promote anything if you offer them enough money. Yet the best people to create a joint venture with, are people that are in the promotion for a fast and quick profit. They are the people that really care about the customer for both of you. This means to create a good joint venture you need to have products on your website that are good for the customer. With good products on your website, you will find someone that will be interested in the joint venture.

You need to have a unique selling point for your product. Whether you are selling a product or information, it needs to be unique. The more unique your information the more likely you will be able to form an affiliation with you.

Your joint venture partner will need to have a sample of your product so they can see in person the product they are getting involved with as well as being able to see more about it that can only be done in person.

You will need to have an exceptional sales copy for your products, services, and website. You will need to convert the information on the website so the browser will show your website to your prospective customers.

You can use Google AdWords and Overture to check your conversions rates. Use this information to tell your joint venture partner the number of sales, the kind of adverting associated, and the conversion rate of the products. This is the best way to proceed with a joint partnership so the person will know about the business venture they are about to enter. They need to have faith in you and your product.

Make sure the affiliate has a nice commission so they will be interested in joining your business. The average commission is usually between ten and fifty percent of the sale price for commissions. This is one way to increase your sales plus allowing the partner to see your product. The more the partner is impressed with your product and commission the more they will work harder for you and the company.

Follow up with all the visitors to your website that did not buy from your website. Obtain their email information on your website by using forms for visitors. This will allow you to have all of the site visitors information so you can contact them later to ask them why they did not make a purchase. To enhance your business, make a point of using the negative customer feedback to make your business grow.

Finding the right affiliate-marketing partner for your website should include a website that is relevant to your niche with high amounts of traffic. Use the rankings of Google, Yahoo, and MSN to locate the higher-ranking websites.

Contact the websites with the higher rankings since they are the businesses that will provide you traffic to your website. Contact them immediately when you find the search results. Ask them if you can have a free access without an upfront payment for their affiliations. You will pay them a commission from the sales, the standard ten to fifty percent commission rate for the sales of the products and fifty to seventy five percent for down-loadable goods. The down-loadable percentage sounds high to many people yet they fail to realize they are not required to do any shaping so the majority of the sales are profit that can be shared with the affiliate.

There are many ways to find an affiliate-marketing partner. The two best ways are to use a Google search with the keyword of your product as the main topic in the search. There are two reasons for this process:

1. You will make sure you like the appearance of the website. You need to be comfortable with the site so you will enjoy your partnership.

2. You will want to know about your joint partners website and business. This will allow you to be able to talk with your partner about the website. This will help you avoid sounding desperate or unprofessional as well as being able to make the person feel special.

Visit to locate high-ranking websites. Alexa ranks websites from one to an extreme low ranking. Create a realistic target when searching for a joint venture partner with in the first two hundred sites listed. These sites should produce enough traffic to improve your websites performance. lists the amount of traffic for the sites as well as other sites that are linked to the listed site and where the site visitors go once they leave the sites. This step shows the points of interest of your potential customers. Alexa does all the preparation so you can start the joint affiliation venture for your online business. Remember, the sites you are viewing are potential competitors, so avoid copying exactly how they are running their internet business. You want to remember to have a unique selling point while remaining professional with the competitors you may create a joint venture. You will remain a trustworthy business if you do not try to steal the competitors clients.

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