Follow Wal-Mart joint venture Example

If you are an entrepreneur or entrepreneurial venture, the municipality will consider ways to increase sales and new business arenas, is a great way to enter new horizons. An entrepreneur with experience with business acumen can find research, and negotiate a joint venture with other companies that contribute to the creation of new business objectives. And the world, some lessons from the biggest retailer Wal-Mart can find creative venture that promotes business growth will be useful.

Wal-MartEntered a joint venture with India

In 2009, Wal-Mart has started doing business in India for the first time, however, the Indian Wal-Mart is not your typical retail stores Wal-Mart is seen in almost all small, medium and large cities' America. Rather, the giant retail venture in 2006 with a joint Bharti Enterprises, Inc., one of the leading groups in India.

Over the past three years, have a way to do business in India found that the government respects theForeign investment restrictions and do not compete with national brands. Instead of being a retail store every day, the new Indian Wal-Mart a wholesale catering to the needs of producers of vegetables, hospitals, restaurants and hotels, under the name Modern Best wholesale price.

Wal-Mart is a leading global provider of consumer marketing and product logistics. You too can learn from India Wal-Mart to take on this. Here's how:

Finding the right JVPartner

First, Wal-Mart had to find a market leader in retail and India, with a good reputation. Through their joint efforts, Wal-Mart and Bharti Enterprises are able to form a functioning economic unit.

To find the best for JV partner with a great reputation for quality and service are vital. If your goal is to enter a new market and market segments wider, a joint venture with another company well known for success in your efforts faster and more effective aid.


Wal-Mart is known worldwide for its large retail stores with low prices on popular consumer products known. However, this paradigm would not work in India because of strict laws on foreign government non-competitors. Therefore, a new paradigm wholesale was developed to play Wal-Mart in the non-retailing industry in India for help.

JV and your business can be a single structure usually does not change. If you are a retailer, you can work forWholesale only. If you offer services to consumers, you need a business-to-business model for the change to be successful JV. Remain open for change of business paradigm.

Beat the competition by Stealth

Of course, India is the name of Wal-Mart, and should prove a big controversy when a foreign company to steal customers from local dealers. Thus, together with changes in the wholesale business, they changed their name to Modern Best wholesale price.

If you are lookingto beat the competition, you and your JV partners to work under a new name and the company may be able to penetrate a market share higher. Of course, this requires market research and marketing strategies, so be sure to read this decision.

Your Next JV can to push the right formula for your company to new heights. With the right partners and JV strategies, you can find a way to manage your business in new areas that were previously impenetrable make.

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