Hair Styles For Women

There will be a point in our lives where we will take a good look at ourselves and decide to make some changes to the way we look or decide to have a complete style make over. This is when we will consider our hair cut and how we feel about the ahir style we are wearing.

For some this will mean drastic changes. Long flowing high maintenance hair might have had its place in our younger years, but now we are getting older, possibly reaching our forties and over, it might be time for a change.

What we need to consider when we change our hair style is that we might look totally different and it may take some time to get used to the new you. How can we make these changes where we will like how we look rather then just dread what we have just done?

One way is to consider very carefully what the overall look will be that we want. Do we want shorter hair as its easy to manage and maintain or do we need a hair cut in such a style that will add body and bounce to our hair?

The best way I can show you to make the right decision is to offer the advice that any other hair stylist would offer. That is, to look at other women as to the hair style they are wearing and see if you can choose one that you believe will suit you.

Once you have considered what type of style you would like you will need to search magazines and cut out the photos of the hair styles you are considering. Paste those photos on a piece of paper in the order of your preference with number 1 choice at the top followed by number 2 choice and so on.

Take your photo board to your friends or partner and ask for their advice. Pretty soon you will be able to narrow down your choices of hair style to three or four, maybe five.

Now you have narrowed down your choices you will need to consider the colour of the hair style you are considering. Do you want a full permanent colour or a semi wash colour? Will you considered streaks and or highlights? Will you consider a perm style wave style or straight style?

Once again, search for your colours and style of hair cut by cutting out photos and start the procedure once again, being number 1 at the top followed by number 2. Get your friends to comment on the style of your new hair cut and see what colours and cutting techniques will suit you.

Finally, take your choices to your hair stylist and ask their advice. Often hair salons will have a few hair stylists and I am sure if you gathered them around and asked their advice you will narrow down your new hair style to just one choice.

This simply technique will lessen any fears you may have when considering a new hair style or a complete makeover. Hair styles for women are many so by making the right choice at the very start will achieve the look you desire.


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