Sonic Smash Brothers Online Game

Sonic Smash Brothers

Sonic the Hedgehog fans agree that Sonic Smash Brothers BETA is one of the best flash games to hit the net. The blue blur hedgehog and his best buds battle it out against each other in this Super Smash Bros. style game.

Three Action Packed Modes

Sonic Smash Brothers has three modes that will keep you entertained for hours. In adventure mode, you are placed in the shoes of the sonic character you select. Your character must venture through the story type mode, clear various stages and beat final bosses. As you complete adventure mode with each character, you unlock other characters.

Single mode allows your chosen character to play single matches against other sonic characters. You begin with the three main characters Sonic, Knuckles and Tails. To battle other characters, you must unlock them in adventure mode first.

In the final mode, you must complete challenges you are faced with. Gain points by completing each challenge. Some challenges unlock secret characters that were not unlocked yet in adventure mode.

There is one more mode, but it's a secret mode that you must unlock.

Fun Unlockables

As you advance through the game, you unlock levels, characters and an All-Star mode. Some well known sonic characters can be unlocked in the game including Amy Rose Hedgehog, Miles Tails Prower, Knuckles Echidna, Rouge the Bat, Cream the Rabbit and many more. Some unlockable levels make you feel like you're playing an old school sonic video game with such names as Emerald Hill, Marble Zone and Casino Night.

Cheat Codes Available

Dan Wheeler, the creator of Sonic Smash Brothers, made life a little easier for those of you who cannot get past some of the levels and stages in the game. He made cheats that will help you unlock all characters and levels, play an all-star mode, gain infinite lives, unlock a mystery character(Tikal), unlock a secret level(Hidden Palace 2) and more.

Sonic Smash Bros BETA is a must play game if you are a sonic the hedgehog fan!

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Hair Styles For Women

There will be a point in our lives where we will take a good look at ourselves and decide to make some changes to the way we look or decide to have a complete style make over. This is when we will consider our hair cut and how we feel about the ahir style we are wearing.

For some this will mean drastic changes. Long flowing high maintenance hair might have had its place in our younger years, but now we are getting older, possibly reaching our forties and over, it might be time for a change.

What we need to consider when we change our hair style is that we might look totally different and it may take some time to get used to the new you. How can we make these changes where we will like how we look rather then just dread what we have just done?

One way is to consider very carefully what the overall look will be that we want. Do we want shorter hair as its easy to manage and maintain or do we need a hair cut in such a style that will add body and bounce to our hair?

The best way I can show you to make the right decision is to offer the advice that any other hair stylist would offer. That is, to look at other women as to the hair style they are wearing and see if you can choose one that you believe will suit you.

Once you have considered what type of style you would like you will need to search magazines and cut out the photos of the hair styles you are considering. Paste those photos on a piece of paper in the order of your preference with number 1 choice at the top followed by number 2 choice and so on.

Take your photo board to your friends or partner and ask for their advice. Pretty soon you will be able to narrow down your choices of hair style to three or four, maybe five.

Now you have narrowed down your choices you will need to consider the colour of the hair style you are considering. Do you want a full permanent colour or a semi wash colour? Will you considered streaks and or highlights? Will you consider a perm style wave style or straight style?

Once again, search for your colours and style of hair cut by cutting out photos and start the procedure once again, being number 1 at the top followed by number 2. Get your friends to comment on the style of your new hair cut and see what colours and cutting techniques will suit you.

Finally, take your choices to your hair stylist and ask their advice. Often hair salons will have a few hair stylists and I am sure if you gathered them around and asked their advice you will narrow down your new hair style to just one choice.

This simply technique will lessen any fears you may have when considering a new hair style or a complete makeover. Hair styles for women are many so by making the right choice at the very start will achieve the look you desire.


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Online Movie Tickets

It's impossible to deny the popularity of movies in America and worldwide. Whether you rent, borrow, or go to a theater to see them, there is nothing like watching a flick with a friend or family member. The Internet is transforming the very methods in which we watch movies, so why not how we buy movie tickets? It's a breeze to find movie tickets online, but it can be confusing to know where to go.

6Star reports that Fandango is one of the top movie ticket services, as they offer direct ticket purchasing right on their site. You can also view high definition movie trailers, rate your favorite flicks and check out behind the scenes tours of the hottest new Hollywood films.

Another movie-saturated website, Moviefone, really amps up their multimedia by providing visitors with interactive celebrity news and gossip clips, cast interviews and customized theater listings for your zip code. You can even get advanced screenings and exclusive video clips through Moviefone, another benefit of Net movie listings.

In an industry where millions are grossed in sales each day, it's vital for the Web to stay on top of current trends and provide features for all the film buffs out there. Fandango's audience and customer base grew about 16% last year, totaling out around 4 million visitors. More people are recognizing the convenience of online movie tickets and are looking past a minimal $1 surcharge to avoid long lines and disappointing sell-outs.


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Follow Wal-Mart joint venture Example

If you are an entrepreneur or entrepreneurial venture, the municipality will consider ways to increase sales and new business arenas, is a great way to enter new horizons. An entrepreneur with experience with business acumen can find research, and negotiate a joint venture with other companies that contribute to the creation of new business objectives. And the world, some lessons from the biggest retailer Wal-Mart can find creative venture that promotes business growth will be useful.

Wal-MartEntered a joint venture with India

In 2009, Wal-Mart has started doing business in India for the first time, however, the Indian Wal-Mart is not your typical retail stores Wal-Mart is seen in almost all small, medium and large cities' America. Rather, the giant retail venture in 2006 with a joint Bharti Enterprises, Inc., one of the leading groups in India.

Over the past three years, have a way to do business in India found that the government respects theForeign investment restrictions and do not compete with national brands. Instead of being a retail store every day, the new Indian Wal-Mart a wholesale catering to the needs of producers of vegetables, hospitals, restaurants and hotels, under the name Modern Best wholesale price.

Wal-Mart is a leading global provider of consumer marketing and product logistics. You too can learn from India Wal-Mart to take on this. Here's how:

Finding the right JVPartner

First, Wal-Mart had to find a market leader in retail and India, with a good reputation. Through their joint efforts, Wal-Mart and Bharti Enterprises are able to form a functioning economic unit.

To find the best for JV partner with a great reputation for quality and service are vital. If your goal is to enter a new market and market segments wider, a joint venture with another company well known for success in your efforts faster and more effective aid.


Wal-Mart is known worldwide for its large retail stores with low prices on popular consumer products known. However, this paradigm would not work in India because of strict laws on foreign government non-competitors. Therefore, a new paradigm wholesale was developed to play Wal-Mart in the non-retailing industry in India for help.

JV and your business can be a single structure usually does not change. If you are a retailer, you can work forWholesale only. If you offer services to consumers, you need a business-to-business model for the change to be successful JV. Remain open for change of business paradigm.

Beat the competition by Stealth

Of course, India is the name of Wal-Mart, and should prove a big controversy when a foreign company to steal customers from local dealers. Thus, together with changes in the wholesale business, they changed their name to Modern Best wholesale price.

If you are lookingto beat the competition, you and your JV partners to work under a new name and the company may be able to penetrate a market share higher. Of course, this requires market research and marketing strategies, so be sure to read this decision.

Your Next JV can to push the right formula for your company to new heights. With the right partners and JV strategies, you can find a way to manage your business in new areas that were previously impenetrable make.

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Business Values - For-Profit and Nonprofit Ventures

American business has divided itself into distinctly separate for-profit and nonprofit spheres, both in terms of legal organization and the fundamental values by which each sector operates. Somehow, the mantra of for-profit business has become "profit at any cost" with little regard for the social, economic, or even legal ramifications. The nonprofit world has strived to set themselves apart from for-profits by establishing a culture of openness, positive shared values, and respect. The newest breed of business owners, known as Social Entrepreneurs, are taking the lead in incorporating the values of the nonprofit sector into the for-profit world.

By law, a registered nonprofit organization is owned by, and responsible to, the public at large. Over the past few decades, for-profit businesses have adopted the attitude of responsibility only to the private owners themselves. This extreme focus has served to develop a culture of mistrust, waste, and exclusion between business and consumers. In addition, the questionable practices followed by big business are under more scrutiny than ever, leading a charge toward more responsible business standards akin to those followed in the nonprofit sector.

As up and coming entrepreneurs set out to develop the culture and values of their new venture, becoming familiar with the values and standards of successful nonprofits can be invaluable. The principles upon which a new business is formed will both inform and guide the actions of every aspect of the organization. All policies and procedures of the business will reflect the fundamental values you develop, and will be evident to all through the image your business portrays.

The fundamental values adhered to by the nonprofit sector, and desperately needed in the for-profit sector, include:


Commitment to the public good is critical in business. While nonprofits have a fiduciary duty to the public, for-profits have an inherent (though not legally defined) duty as well. A commitment to honesty and integrity, maintaining the public trust, and valuing social justice will build a strong relationship between the business and consumers, enhancing both reputation and profitability.


All businesses involve a number of stakeholders who are affected by the actions of the company.Accountability in business means taking responsible actions that you can and will explain if need be. Employees, vendors, and customers are all entitled to deal with a company willing to be accountable for their actions.


Honesty and reliability in business has been out of vogue for some time, but is still greatly valued by consumers, employees, and vendors alike (when they can find it). Play fair, tell the truth...these are lessons we all learned in kindergarten and remain relevant in all types of businesses.


Successful nonprofits make an effort to project responsibility beyond that required by law, and for-profit businesses can benefit from that attitude as well. The law does establish minimum standards for the treatment of employees, consumer protections, environmental requirements, and accounting standards, but those are just minimums. The best option for business is to treat all stakeholders and resources better than required. The voluntary implementation of responsible business practices will be evident to everyone in contact with the organization -- a positive reputation that is likely to serve the business well.

The presumption that business owners must push ethical boundaries to be successful is old news. And, the established differences in values and operations between for-profit and nonprofit organizations are past their prime. It's time for all businesses to be run with a strong ethical foundation and with an eye for doing right while earning profits. The best route to get there from here is to educate all business leaders, starting with the entrepreneurial community, of the strength of nonprofit organization values.

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Heelies, Healys or Healies? The Most Misspelled Roller Shoes

For those of you currently not in the know, Heelys shoes have swept the globe and coasted right into all of our lives, especially if you have or deal with kids. These shoes are everywhere! From malls to schools and anywhere between, Heelys shoes are certain to be found. But ask any of the children or parents that are buying these roller shoes how to spell the product, and you're sure to receive several different variations on the spelling.

The correct spelling is "Heelys," aptly named after the company that designs them and for the nature in which they are used. Heelys Incorporated offers fashionable shoes with a wheel in the heel for coasting or "heeling", the latest catch phrase for the product that heelers are embracing. Heelys shoes have been on the market since 1997, but have recently become the latest craze in the youth market, certain to adorn upcoming Christmas lists this season.

Because of the multifaceted use of the root word and the correct use of plural words ending in "y", buyers are uncertain of what they are asking for. The most common misspelling of the brand is "heelies." These consumers have the right idea, but the unique name's plural ending is throwing them for a loop. As for the "healys" and "healies" variations, a mix-up between cures and the bottom of your feet are causing confusion. I'm not so sure that these skate shoes are healing anyone, but there's a lot to be said for any product that moves the youth of today away from video consoles and out into the open air where actual exercise is more likely!

When Heelys shoes first graced my presence and interested me enough to purchase a pair, my first question was how to spell the product's name. Like any other product that strikes my fancy, I fully intended on researching it online before handing out any cash. The first spelling I received was from the twelve-year-old in my local mall who offered up "healies" as his choice spelling. Oblivious to the Heelys fad in general, I was off to make my search. Google obliged with an amazingly high amount of search results, leading me to believe I was well on my way to making that first buy. More often than not, Google will offer the correct search term if you have misspelled the word, but not this time. As I inspected the first page a bit closer, it became clear that this was not the correct spelling. All of the pages listed ranged from YouTube videos to ways on creating your own Heelys using regular sneakers. However, all of the sponsored listings used the brand name's correct spelling to advertise their product. Before long, my search had led me to the proper channels for buying my first pair of Heelys.

After spending some time watching this fad grow and operating my own Heelys site, I find it amazing how kids react to this variation in spellings. Most could care less, happy to coast along and learn tricks to impress their friends with. The die-hard heelers, however, seem offended by the misspelling of their favorite pastime and actually snub "posers" who misuse the word. Log on to any of the numerous Heelys chat rooms and forums, and it's safe to say that someone will start this conversation.

I don't know if it was intensional or not, but Heelys has certainly utilized a great marketing plan for their roller shoes just by incorporating the name and the confusion it may cause. As Christmas approaches and frantic mothers comb the malls for last minute gifts, they need not worry about the proper spelling of the Heelys name brand. No matter how their children spell it, Santa will certainly be able to find Heelys!

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Core Joint Venture Strategies That Work!

We have been stressing the potential overwhelming success of joint venture business. A successful JV is not one that is approached by all parties in a lazy fashion. Creativity and earnest work is essential in making a JV work for all parties.

However, joint ventures can be such a foreign business process for so many business owners and entrepreneurs. What are some fundamental strategies that make a JV work?

Cross Promote

When taking on a JV partner, don't forget that you are depending on the other party to promote your business. Do the same for them! Cross promoting services and products is one of the key elements of a successful JV partnership.

How can you cross promote? Here is just a sample of ideas:

* Signs - Of course, posters or post cards promoting each other's business is a great way to get your respective business seen by each other's customers.

* Reduced Price - Agree with your JV partner to offer a special to customers who make a purchase. By bringing in a receipt or particular voucher, you and your JV partner might give reduced prices or a special promotion to that customer.

* Free Sample - Exchange with your JV partner a supply of samples to distribute to customers. Everyone likes something for free, and by introducing your customers to your JV partner's product and vice versa, they may feel compelled to buy from you in the future.

Bundle Your Products Together

Bundling products or services is a great way to offer mutual customers a bargain. You always want to be sure that your JV partner does not overshadow your product or service. By using this type of strategy, you should recognize a complementary way that your products can be sold. For instance:

- Your nail business can offer a bundle with your JV partner's hair styling shop.

- Your clothing boutique might offer a package deal for alterations at your JV partner's store.

- Combine your JV partner's balloons and flower business with your gift basket delivery operation.

Communicate and Cooperate

The most important successful JV strategy is to communicate with your partner and cooperate in a business-like manner. Too often joint venture attempts fail because one or both partners do not communicate their expectations to the other. When you and your potential JV partner start talking about a joint venture, discuss all the points in which you both want to succeed and what should be expected of each.

Further communication strategies:

* Write it down - Always, ALWAYS, write your joint venture agreement down so both parties have a copy. Whether you form a formal legal arrangement or just a simply list of expectations, having a written agreement helps dispel finger pointing if something goes wrong.

* Keep a positive attitude - In helping to make a successful joint venture partnership, it always helps to be cheerful and enthusiastic. But things do go wrong, and when they do, remember to keep a business-like demeanor. Avoid getting red-faced and angry. Stay cool and pleasant and you'll find cooperation much more amiable.

* Talk about results - As the joint venture progresses, take time every so often to chat with your JV partner about how things are working out. Discuss how to make success even more successful. Or perhaps talk about disbanding the joint venture partnership if it isn't working for one or both partners. Whatever the case may be, don't be afraid to talk results with your partner.

Remember joint ventures are a two-way street between you and your JV partner. Keep the communication lines open, stay enthusiastic about your combined efforts, and you will surely see results.

Copyright (c) 2009 Christian Fea

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Benefits of an Online Joint Venture

You have an online business that you started from scratch. It has grown steadily over the last few years, and you make a small profit from your endeavors. However, it hasn't grown as quickly as you first imagined, and the profit isn't enough to pay your Internet bill each month, but not your rent and other essentials. Is there a way to expand and grow your Internet business with another online partner?

The answer is a resounding "YES!" There is much potential for partnering up with another online business owner to gain more traffic, find more efficient marketing platforms, and earn higher revenue. Most business owners are open to making more money, even through a partnership. If you can find a willing JV partner who wants to pair up and tackle more business. Here is how you could benefit:

Provide Enhanced Service to Your Current Customers

With a joint venture, you have the potential to offer your current customers and subscribers an added-value service. A JV partnership with another website owner who sells products or services that are complementary to yours can be a breath of fresh air that you could offer your customers. How? You make it appear that you have made an extra effort on their part by finding a "deal" on your JV partner's products or services. Just make sure that the products or services from your new JV partner are good quality and will result in solid customer satisfaction. A deal on a 'bad' product can reflect poorly on your business, and you could potentially lose customers in the process.

Increase Your Subscriber List

When you pair up with an online partner, you can get access to his mailing or subscriber list. An endorsement from your JV partner can send hundreds, or even thousands, of new potential customers and subscribers. Offer them a great deal to sign up with your mailing or subscriber list, and you may find your customer contact double or more. This is a great way to increase your subscriber list with little or absolutely no cost. A larger, targeted customer contact list gives you the leverage to offer great deals that they can purchase and increase your income.

Gain More Credibility

When you chose and acquire the right online JV partner who already has high credibility and reputation, you can instantly increase your own credibility. For instance, a JV partnership with an online giant like Ebay or Amazon, where you offer special and quality deals for their customers, gives you access to millions of new customers. Your association with such an online presence gives you instant endorsement if you form the proper strategy. That means following through with your promises and offering quality products or services.

Take your online business to a new level. It is possible to go it alone and try to make a giant skyscraper out of a pile of rubble, but with the help of an online JV partner, you can realize great profits through an already existing structure.

Copyright (c) 2009 Christian Fea

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Greatest Fights ( George Foreman Vs Muhammad Ali )

00Rooster4Life00 Presents One Of The Greatest Fights in Boxing History. Big George Foreman Vs Muhammad Ali. The Rumble in The Jungle was a historic boxing event that took place on 30 October 1974, in the Mai 20 Stadium in Kinshasa, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo). It pitted then world Heavyweight champion George Foreman against former world champion and challenger Muhammad Ali. The event was one of Don King's first ventures as a professional boxing promoter. He managed to get both Ali and Foreman to sign separate contracts saying they would fight for him if he could get $5 million to be their prize. However, King did not have the money. So he began looking for an outside country to sponsor the event. Zaire's flamboyant president Mobutu Sésé Seko asked for the fight to be held in his country, eager for the publicity such a high-profile event would bring. King had pulled together a consortium that included a Panamanian company called Risnelia Investment, the Hemdale Film Corporation, a British company founded by film producer John Daly and the actor David Hemmings, Video Techniques Incorporated of New York and Don King Productions. Although King is most closely associated with the fight it is Hemdale and Video Techniques Inc., with whom King was a director, who were the official co-promoters of the fight.

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Finding Good Joint Venture Partners

Most people will promote anything if you offer them enough money. Yet the best people to create a joint venture with, are people that are in the promotion for a fast and quick profit. They are the people that really care about the customer for both of you. This means to create a good joint venture you need to have products on your website that are good for the customer. With good products on your website, you will find someone that will be interested in the joint venture.

You need to have a unique selling point for your product. Whether you are selling a product or information, it needs to be unique. The more unique your information the more likely you will be able to form an affiliation with you.

Your joint venture partner will need to have a sample of your product so they can see in person the product they are getting involved with as well as being able to see more about it that can only be done in person.

You will need to have an exceptional sales copy for your products, services, and website. You will need to convert the information on the website so the browser will show your website to your prospective customers.

You can use Google AdWords and Overture to check your conversions rates. Use this information to tell your joint venture partner the number of sales, the kind of adverting associated, and the conversion rate of the products. This is the best way to proceed with a joint partnership so the person will know about the business venture they are about to enter. They need to have faith in you and your product.

Make sure the affiliate has a nice commission so they will be interested in joining your business. The average commission is usually between ten and fifty percent of the sale price for commissions. This is one way to increase your sales plus allowing the partner to see your product. The more the partner is impressed with your product and commission the more they will work harder for you and the company.

Follow up with all the visitors to your website that did not buy from your website. Obtain their email information on your website by using forms for visitors. This will allow you to have all of the site visitors information so you can contact them later to ask them why they did not make a purchase. To enhance your business, make a point of using the negative customer feedback to make your business grow.

Finding the right affiliate-marketing partner for your website should include a website that is relevant to your niche with high amounts of traffic. Use the rankings of Google, Yahoo, and MSN to locate the higher-ranking websites.

Contact the websites with the higher rankings since they are the businesses that will provide you traffic to your website. Contact them immediately when you find the search results. Ask them if you can have a free access without an upfront payment for their affiliations. You will pay them a commission from the sales, the standard ten to fifty percent commission rate for the sales of the products and fifty to seventy five percent for down-loadable goods. The down-loadable percentage sounds high to many people yet they fail to realize they are not required to do any shaping so the majority of the sales are profit that can be shared with the affiliate.

There are many ways to find an affiliate-marketing partner. The two best ways are to use a Google search with the keyword of your product as the main topic in the search. There are two reasons for this process:

1. You will make sure you like the appearance of the website. You need to be comfortable with the site so you will enjoy your partnership.

2. You will want to know about your joint partners website and business. This will allow you to be able to talk with your partner about the website. This will help you avoid sounding desperate or unprofessional as well as being able to make the person feel special.

Visit to locate high-ranking websites. Alexa ranks websites from one to an extreme low ranking. Create a realistic target when searching for a joint venture partner with in the first two hundred sites listed. These sites should produce enough traffic to improve your websites performance. lists the amount of traffic for the sites as well as other sites that are linked to the listed site and where the site visitors go once they leave the sites. This step shows the points of interest of your potential customers. Alexa does all the preparation so you can start the joint affiliation venture for your online business. Remember, the sites you are viewing are potential competitors, so avoid copying exactly how they are running their internet business. You want to remember to have a unique selling point while remaining professional with the competitors you may create a joint venture. You will remain a trustworthy business if you do not try to steal the competitors clients.

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Seven Alternative Sources of Capital for Setting Up a Business

Borrowing from banks is every small entrepreneur's nightmare. One gets turned down for bank loans for a variety of reasons, including lack of assets, collateral and business experience. Don't despair, however. There are several common types of alternative sources of capital for setting up a business available to young companies.

Savings and Investments

The first source you should consider is your own savings and investments. One disadvantage though of self-financing is that if things did not turn out the way you want them to be it will be your money that goes down with the ship.

Angel Investors

Angel investors are affluent individuals who provide capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for ownership equity. These individuals are looking for a higher rate of return than would be given by more traditional investments (typically 25% or more).
Angel investors are an excellent source of early stage financing and high-growth start-ups. They are often willing to tread where there is too much risk for banks and not enough profit potential for venture capitalists. And since angel investors are often retired business owners and executives, they can also provide valuable management advice and important contacts.

Peer to Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer lending is a means by which borrowers and lenders may transact business without the traditional intermediaries, such as banks. It can also be known as social Lending, ordinary people lending money. The process may include other intermediaries who package and resell the loans--examples are and Zopa-but the loans are ultimately sold to individuals or pools of individuals., which is available in the US only, offers business loans for small companies.

An enabling technology for peer-to-peer lending has been the internet, which connects borrowers with lenders, for example through an auction-like process in which the lender willing to provide the lowest interest rate "wins" the borrower's loan. (

Money pool

Instead of a bank loan, borrow smaller sums from several family members, friends, or colleagues. The lenders have no legal ownership in the business, but can act as advisors and cheerleaders for your venture. Remember though that nothing causes tension in a family like lending money that is never paid back.

Credit Cards

Many business owners use their credit cards to fund their businesses. Credit cards offer the ability to make purchases or obtain cash advances and pay them at a later time. But as a long-term financing method, they can be expensive. Most credit cards will charge you 2% to 4% of the face value of a cash advance as a "fee" making this method of financing very risky.


Another source of capital for setting up a business is bootstrapping. It is a way to finance a business by saving rather than borrowing money. It's being as frugal as possible so your business can be started on as little cash as possible.

The use of private credit cards is the most known form of bootstrapping, but a wide variety of methods are available for entrepreneurs. Other forms of bootstrapping include owner financing, minimization of accounts receivable, joint utilization, delaying payment, minimizing inventory and subsidy finance.

While bootstrapping involves a risk for the founders, the absence of any other stakeholder gives the founders more freedom to develop the company. Many successful companies including Dell Computers were founded this way.

Venture Capital

Venture capital is not suitable for all entrepreneurs. It is an option for small companies that have a seasoned management team and very aggressive growth plans; however, venture capitalists will rarely invest in small businesses that have no intention of going public. If a company does have the qualities venture capitalists seek such as a solid business plan, a good management team, investment and passion from the founders, a good potential to exit the investment before the end of their funding cycle, and target minimum returns in excess of 40% per year, it will find it easier to raise venture capital.

The venture capitalist objective is to invest in a company for a short period of time - say 5 years - and then cash out of the business while making a significant return on their investment.

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Sir Alan Sugar P5

From origins in the East End of London, Sugar now has an estimated fortune of £830m (US$1.25 billion), and was ranked 92nd in the Sunday Times Rich List 2008. Despite being best known as a technology businessman, most of Sugar's wealth now derives from his property portfolio, rather than business ventures. He has recently sold Amstrad, one of his large business ventures.

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