Facebook and the Disney Cruise: How Facebook Made My Magical Disney Cruise

In September 2009, my parents have an announcement for his fiftieth birthday, they took all our family in a fabulous Mediterranean cruise Disney! I've always been a designer and researcher, I went to CruiseCritic.com hoping to find a community of travelers who would sail on our Disney Magic. Zip. Nada. Where were my fellow cruise?

A few months later I discovered Disboards.com, a forum for people who want to discuss anything and everythingDisney. It turns out that they had already an active thread in our sails ... I dove in with enthusiasm. After a month I realized that it was only a single thread do not work for me. This single thread, as well Disboards covered everything and everything about our sailing. The search for a topic earlier research require 50 + pages to find. And so our Facebook page is born. Here's a link to our site.

If I have a Facebook group for our page of sailing, each new member, and post photossparked an e-mail to me. Before long, people started sending me messages ... we set up events for the DIY tour in every port? We create private groups for the people of Fish Extender (a Secret Santa-like activity) of the program?

I watched in amazement as we have grown to more than 100 members. We had to go 150 discussion thread ... What you wear on Pirate Night? What kind of budget you wear for traveling? Will we see new "Glee" episodes onShip? Those of us flew to Europe with British Airways updates on the status of the ongoing strike, which affected many of our post-flight.

Our Facebook page was a treasure of information for the Mediterranean cruise on the Disney magic. There was also a community of friends immediately. There are many communities in cyberspace, but how often you actually get to meet your friends online? Pre-cruise meet-up in Houston, Atlanta, and also inBarcelona, Spain. The excitement was building!

When we got to the ship, my family was thrilled. You could not go 10 feet without someone to go and say "Hello Karen, thanks for setting up the Facebook page!" What could a ship full of aliens, a place where I saw people everywhere I went either. I met so many amazing people from all over the world and a handful of close friends.

Our cruise experience demonstrates the power of social media andenriched my holiday in a way that I could never imagine.

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