Top 50 Deals father

"The greatest gift I ever had came from God, and I call him Dad!"
- Anonymous

"Our earth is degenerate in these latter days, bribery and corruption are common, children no longer obey their parents. And the end of the world is evidently approaching"
- Assyrian clay tablet 2800 BC

"The joys of parents are secret, and so are their pains and fears."
- Francis Bacon, Sr.

"A father is always a small woman in her child. And when a woman istransforms them again. "
- Enid Bagnold

"We have never known the love of our parents for us to become parents."
- Henry Ward Beecher

"I've always looked at life as a voyage, mostly wonderful, sometimes frightening. In my family and friends, I have discovered treasure more valuable than gold."
- Jimmy Buffet

"The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them."
- Confucius

"Fatherhood is pretendingI love most is soap-on-a-rope. "
- Bill Cosby

"You know, fathers just a kind, all together."
- Erika Cosby

"Be nice to your father when you were young for that loved you like him affection? He took the first accents that fell from thy tongue, and joined in thy innocent joy."
- Margaret Courtney

"Role models are the easiest thing with their parents. Parents are the delivery of life script to scripts of their children,more likely for the rest of children's lives will be negotiated. "
- Stephen R. Covey

"What needs to be a terrible thing to have a dull father."
- Mary Mapes Dodge

"For her, the name of the Father, another name for love."
- Fanny Fern

"Parents can tell but never teach, if you practice what you preach."
- Arnold Glasow

"When Charles first saw our son of Mary, said all the right things for a new father. He looked at the poor redThing and blurted, "She is more beautiful than the Brooklyn Bridge."
- Helen Hayes

"To be a successful father ... there is an absolute rule. If you have a child, you can not stop the first two years"
- Ernest Hemingway

"The best of all the gifts wrapped around each tree. The presence of a happy family in all the other"
- Burton Hillis

"I'm not caused by my story -. My parents, my childhood and development are mirrors in which I collectedInsights into my picture. "
- James Hillman

"There are fathers who do not love their children, there is no grandfather who does not like his grandchildren."
- Victor Hugo

"You have to do your personal growth, no matter how high his grandfather was doing."
- Irish Proverb

"Find any forest ranger can tell you that nest in a broken and torn, is little more than a couple of precious eggs together. So it is with the family."
- Thomas Jefferson

"Dear father, my dear friend,the best and wisest man I ever knew, who taught me many lessons and showed me many things as we went along the country ways. "
- Sarah Orne Jewett

"When a father gives his son, both laugh. If a child is crying for his father, both"
- Jewish Proverb

"The longer we live, the more I think the higher the value that we think of friendship and affection for parents and friends."
- Samuel Johnson

"It was in all respects to wait. But the children that their fathersEncyclopedias do on foot, two jobs simultaneously, in order to provide answers to how they work, even with stones or building models ... digging up a bush or planting flower beds ... Children have the right to ask their fathers. .. Fathers are the powers that be, and with their power and might need to shelter, protect and hold and teach and love ... All men with children have to learn to do these things ... Too soon, too soon, a small son grows and leaves to test the role of his father on the wings of his manhood. "
- Roy Z.Kemp

"My father played with my brother and I used to court the mother would come to say." You are tearing the grass. "" We're not raising grass, "my father replied:" We're raising boys. "- Harmon Killebrew
"To a certain extent influenced the life of a man's environment, heredity, and movements and changes in the world around him. Then comes a time when it is within his reach to the tone of his life in that kind of thing it is proposed to be formed. Only the weak blame parents, their race,their time, lack of luck, or the quirks of fate. Everyone says in his power: "I am now, I'll be tomorrow."
- Louis L'Amour

"A man knows he is old because it starts to resemble his father."
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"The love of a father is one of the greatest masterpieces of nature."
"The happy family reunions. - The old, very young, oddly beautiful way to harmonize them, singing at Christmas time tradition -Traditions, memories precious memories over the years, the equality of all. "
- Helen Lowrie Marshall

"The thing to remember about fathers, men have to keep a girl in my eyes .. you are the dragon - the applicants, bent on improbable saves Scratch any father, you will find someone chock - full of qualms and romantic terrors, believing change is a threat - such as shoes with heels, like the first bike I took months to get those. "
- PhyllisMcGinley

"Everyone seems to be today, for greater developments and greater anxiety will and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents in a terrible rush, parents have little time for each other, and house starts to break the peace of the world. "
- Mother Teresa

"It 's much easier to become a father to be."
- Nerburn Kent (Letters to My Son: Reflections on becoming a man)

"When the family goes, so goes the nation andmust go around the world in which we live. "
- Pope John Paul II

"Who taught you to live because of a little 'over the wisdom of the father of one who has much. Do not worry about him, his father"
- William Penn

"The fundamental flaw is that fathers want their sons to be a loan."
- Bertrand Russell

"Good parents give their children roots and wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly away and exercise what has been taughtthem. "
- Jonas Salk

"Feelings of value can only flourish in an environment where the value of individual differences, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -. The kind of atmosphere that is in a family to feed"
- Virginia Satir

"I'm very blessed. My parents always told me that I could what I wanted. If you grow up in a family, you learn to believe in yourself."
- Rick Schroeder

"No matter whoMy father was really important was that I remember. "
- Anne Sexton

"It is a wise father that knows his own child."
- William Shakespeare

"My father has some primary education, to read and write and record keeping were imprecise"
- George Bernard Shaw

'E' for a man fishing with his son take admirable, but it is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping. "
- John Sinor

"The family - that dear octopuswhose tentacles we never quite escape nor, in our deepest heart, never quite wish to. "
- Dodie Smith

"All the feeling that my father could not in words presented in hand - any dog, child or horse would recognize the quality."
- Freya Stark

"It 's clear that most American children suffer too much mother and too little father."
- Gloria Steinem

"Children learn to smile from their parents."
- Shinichi Suzuki

"Cultivate your ability, yourown style. Appreciate the members of your family who are, even if their vision or style may be miles different from yours. Bunnies can not fly. Eagles do not swim. Ducks in a strange way trying to climb. Squirrels do not have feathers. Stop comparing. There is plenty of space in the forest. "
- Chuck Swindoll

"When I was a boy of 14 years, my father was so ignorant I could not stand the old man to have around. But when I got to 21, I was, what the old man had learned surprisedin seven years. "
- Mark Twain

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