Inspirational message from a rat chef

There is a new breed management germinate in high Parisian society through a stimulating conversation rat who loves to cook off occurs.

If you do not believe me, look at Disney's feature-length animated film Ratatouille. The film is set in Paris and is about a rat, Remy, who dreams of becoming a chef named.

The only problem is that it's a mouse! Go figure. Remy has a highly developed sense of smell and a passion for food. He aspires to a better life and wants to move froma miserable existence of life in the sewers and scrambling for crumbs and rotten cheese.

Ahh, but it is not to be, love Mon You see, he EEE after all, a rat! Rats and responsible care for themselves. Sun Remy Dad puts his talent by making him use Sniffer Chief. Remy only job is to sniff all the rotten food and human remains day to ensure there is no rat poison in food for her dad's rat colony.

Yuck! Talk about a stinky job! I'm treadingdangerous ground here, but we can all relate to this story to a certain level? I mean, sometimes we just do the work that is less anxious and is not even close to what we are really, really fall in love our hearts.

Sometimes we settle for much less than the best, we deserve to make a "life" or other people's expectations of us. Soon fall into a rut - a routine - and get comfortable. Welcome to the rat race! The never-ending treadmill of constantActivities. Steal a dream disguised as a golden ladder to nowhere.

Ratatouille is the story of the dilemma of a mouse, or play it safe by sticking to his routine of normal rat and won the approval of his family and friends, or enter the forbidden world of people and risk everything to pursue his dream , a gourmet restaurant in Paris in the prestigious Koch.

We can all the adventures of Remy and the wisdom to learn. I'm sure, and I want some 'partsInsights I took from the film:


After fleeing away from a gun-totting humanity and rolled into a river in flood, Remy is separated from his friends and family and ends up shivering, feeling completely lost and stranded in a dark, cold eaves. This is what mythologist Joseph Campbell would call "approach to the deepest cave."

Remy day goes by in this dark dungeon of fear and courage never paralyzed. In this moment of darkness andDelirium is a mentor figure in his imagination - the late Auguste Gusteau, the culinary genius of France.

Remy Gusteau gently encouraged to try and courage! And so, with some trepidation, Remy climbs up the drains and enters a brave new world. He is shocked to see the beautiful city of Paris spread out before him with its bright lights and the Eiffel Tower, waved him forward.

In all these years Remy has been sneaking around underground with his companionsRats, but occasional peaks of his hero, Chef Gusteau work his culinary magic on TV in a lovely Paris. Now, hungry and tired, and for days in some dirty gutter, he realizes that he, in the heart of Paris - on the eve of the famous Gusteau's restaurant!

So what good is that? I mean, is not that we are living in a kind of rat hole! (Sorry Remy). Well, first of all, it is important to realize that with each seed to fall and there is aequivalent seed of new hopes and opportunities. And secondly, if we get into a groove of a mouse, it is important to look at and dare.

How do we as human beings? to "watch" One way faster and more memorable and the development of a higher perspective from time to time update some of our experience of routine fly first class instead of business, stay in a luxury five- stars, participate in a business more expensive or most exclusive fitness club or at a prestigious auctionor art gallery.

Update some of our experiences serves several purposes of sending a message to our subconscious that we value, while the opening of higher education and networking opportunities, and develop friendships with people who can help you grow.

Of course, do not always have to shell out money to do this. Offer to volunteer and help with this type of services or events, you can join a discussion group on-line in one of the upper extremitiesInstitutions such as Washington Post, The New York Times and the Harvard Business Review and participate or eavesdrop on some conversations, you can read a biography, or - if you can find the courage - to ask you, you can meet someone to learn to admire how he became successful.

I used this last strategy once when I worked in a bookstore a few years ago already. Harry Rosen, the world famous men's outfitters, once went to the store looking for a video by Kiri Te Kanawa. FromOf course, as one would expect Murphy's Law, we have not seen the video, and promptly left the store.

I then wrote a letter to him saying that I have tried many different suppliers, but did not find the video, but it could really admired his success and I wonder if he would have a tour of his headquarters and share with me how it happened for its territories.

A few weeks later I received a response back to call his secretary and is a time to meet with Mr. Rosen. I ended up meeting him athis penthouse office and get a quick tour. He showed me his design concept for a new store was opened in Chicago, and spent almost an hour talking. (In fact, he was there most of the chat, while I was listening and taking notes).

Later I learned that making a number of very important people to take desperate, him, and he would be happy if now for 15 minutes with Mr. Rosen.

One thing that I've never had a chance, this isClock, Kiri Te Kanawa Video ...

> Be Real - Be Yourself

When Anton Ego, the most famous food critic in France, or break a restaurant with one review, the appearance of Remy Gusteau's culinary talents are finally put to the test.

But instead of preparing taken a fancy delicacy worthy patron Remy Gusteau choose to do a sermon ratatouille (vegetable stew of eggplant, tomatoes, green peppers, squash). This is an ordinary mealdeclared fit for farmers, "the assistant cook.

Remy ignores this slight and goes with his heart. E 'and what he really knows. Prepare a purely ecstatic, delicious dish Ratatouille that sweeps away the only critic. When the ego takes its first bite, it looks cool just melts into joy as he brought back to sweet memories of home cooking of his mother.

It 'was an exciting scene for me. In my case it has brought sweet memories of my fatherHome cooking. My father died in a car accident eighteen years ago, but I still like to remind you to enjoy its ratatouille. It 'was one of my favorites of the Father, and he used all the time about how to make this specialty French boast. My brothers and I laughed gleefully as kids to sound funny name, and my father would roll if its language with the word.

Conclusion: Be yourself and ignore the criticism.

> Talent canEVERYWHERE

When Linguini (do not come up with this name), shows the supposed up-and-coming young star chef Gusteau's believed that the true inspiration behind the kitchen, Remy the rat, the entire staff, has lost his mind and leaves once the structure.

Lesson: the best talent and ideas can come from all over the world, and sometimes in unexpected places.

Do not prejudge people. Just because someone is not a mouse, she can not cook!

Also, do noteasily by degrees, pedigrees, fancy titles, wealth, or so-called experts are impressed. You must carefully consider whether to help his talent and ideas that advance your career or business. Sometimes this means looking for a second or third opinion.

> Check your EGO AT THE DOOR

As a famous critic Anton Ego asks to speak personally with the chef at Gusteau's, said he was waiting for.

Check your ego at the door and says to wait for it. We try not to get the success that her head. ECredit where credit is due.

When Linguini steals all the limelight and the success of New Found Internet Gusteau's all to himself and his love interest, breeds resentment in acid Remy, Linguini, finally leaving his own devices.

You decide what is important for you: your ego or your career. An effective leader always share the stage and gives generous loans, while a poor guide to create resentment hogs all the awards and unwanted enemies.

faccelerate your success, go out of their way to catch people doing something right and give them the credit they so desperately crave and deserve the right!

> For a new perspective ASK

When Anton Ego makes its appearance on the great Gusteau's the final nail in the coffin lay, literally asks a new perspective. "I'm surprised!" he asks for something new off-the-menu request.

Not always the selection box he offered us to go - whether it isprovided in a menu, business proposal, work schedule or curriculum. You can request a new perspective.

I suspect it was a management guru in his previous life as this is a great advice for managers. The next time a meeting, asking for a new perspective. Or, in advance of the meeting that everyone is ready, the session with at least one new idea or new way of asking for things to come visit.

Ask them to surprise. The results may surprise you, in fact -and hopefully for the better! (For the lights or just for fun and humor, lead your team to play or watch the clips of the movie Ratatouille to your meeting, as it exits the DVD).

Speaking of management gurus, I'm thinking of co-authoring a follow-up by Dr. Spencer Johnson "Who Moved My Cheese." I think I'll call it: "Who Made My motivation Wisdom from Ratatouille rat Remy."


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