Otherwise your way to success

In order to double the success rate, double your failure rate.
-Thomas Edison

My sister, Maureen, an aspiring writer for children giggle with delight every time a rejection letter arrives in your inbox. I was with her at home one day and saw his reaction, which confused me.

He had to find sporadic sending requests to publishers for children for a long time 'and I looked for a suitable home for his collection of short stories, but their efforts produced so faronly one significant hill, "Thanks but no thanks" letters. I thought his luck had changed.

"Yes!" she sang as she read the editor scribbled note at the bottom of the letter.

"What?" I asked in advance. "Good news? One of your stories has been accepted?" I was ready to do my happy dance when the contempt was happy.

"No," he sniffed, "say the content is a bit 'over the heads of their average reader. But I want to send more of my storiesConsideration. Is not it great? "

I do not think it was so great, but I tried to keep my tone light, when I asked her why she seemed to enjoy such a negative reaction.

"Look, do not you see? I'm getting so much closer now published. By the time you accepted my stories, I know exactly how much waste has been adopted, to be published."

Okay. Talk about an optimist. Instead of focusing on your goal, saw my sister, the setbacks as a fuel for the fire. OnceHe was one of those "inspirations" in the mail, he sat down and sent an avalanche of applications for a fresh new batch of publishers. He knew that giving up would only be able to fail. In their view, this might first try the natural way that you hit the nail so that it cheerfully insistent in their efforts.

How many times you try something and fail, before giving up? If you always ask "what if?" There is truth in the cliché, "When the first timesucceed, try, try again, "but the old saying do not go far enough in their philosophy. If you try to keep something in the same way over and over again, you should go the same results.

Consider the following story I heard in a workshop paradigm shift:

Zoom to fly into the living room through the open door and buzzes aimlessly around for a few minutes before trying to make his escape. He sees a window on the side ofRoom and crashed right into it. The window is closed. Undeterred, the flight is hit in head first to the window until it finally drops dead on the windowsill. On the other side of the room, the door is still open.

The moral of the story: The flies can not change the paradigms or patterns of thought and behavior, but we humans, the highest life form possible. Therefore, if something does not work in a way, we must once more try. Explore, which means they often workElimination of the possibility that they do not.

For example, if you tried to lose weight, but not the / routine food hunger, you might try starting an exercise program instead. Let eat your favorite foods (in moderation of course), so I do not feel private, but ratchet down your metabolism through exercise.

Or maybe you tried to hurt the exercise, but jogging and stationary bike or on my knees I hate that particular activity. Then try to swim or walkinstead.

The key is to follow your instincts. If you lock in a regime that feels uncomfortable, it is likely to be discouraged and must give up easily. However, it can be your success
If you try, try again, but in a different way if the first method does not work. We must be willing to rethink our behavior and our way if we are to achieve our goals match.

Conversely, if we start towards our goal of discovering, full of ambition and passion, and thenwe do not really want to achieve this goal (think: major changes in schools), we must be prepared to limit our losses and change our walls, our navigation instruments set a new target to find.

This is not the responsibility of discouragement, we are allowed the freedom to follow our instincts. You can tell the difference between how you feel when you have a choice: if you wonder "what if" and regret the decision, you're probably saved too soon. However, if youto relieve, exempt from the dream becomes a nightmare, probably never see again in regret. In fact, you could enjoy not only the failure of a step on the path to success are increasing.

In preparation for the mission of your life as a "roadmap" can help. My sister could read as follows:

Choose your destination to define your goal. If you do not know where you go, you're not likely to get there. "I want a home for children to be a writer." JK Rowling has soYou!

Trace the route. What tools, skills or knowledge that is necessary to achieve your mission? "I need to learn lessons for the children to write." Take a correspondence course or an online course, if finances or time are considerations.

Keep your eyes on the road. What obstacles or barriers to your future? How can you overcome? "I do not have time to write." Take your time, giving an hour of television or set theWake up an hour earlier.

Be prepared to take detours. Sometimes one discovers new ways for us to our goal more effective way we know and love. "I can not find a
Publishers. "Try to assess, pieces of parenting for a change, or self-publishing your collection of stories for children. Shake things up a bit '.

Enjoy the round hole,, and all deviations. Sometimes the journey is fun to be even more than the target. Love whatThey want and do what I love. Success will follow.

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