Trail Wright Brothers in Dayton, Ohio

Wilbur Wright, born 1867, and Orville Wright, then four votes in favor was born in 1871, had two children of five and was ultimately credited with the invention of the airplane. Although their predecessors, including Sir George Cayley, Jean-Marie Le Brie, Clement Ader, Otto Lilienthal, Octave Chanute and Samuel Pierpont Langley, had tried to catch the flight, the Wright brothers had the same, was the success of first flight of a controlled, powered,heavier than air aircraft in December 1903 to 17 Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in the form of the Wright Flyer, because they used a systematic approach to solve the technical problems associated with aerodynamic flight and focused on three parameters:

1. Elevator
2. Drive
3. Balance and control

The original Wright Flyer is currently displayed in the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC

Bishop Milton Wright,father, Wilbur and Orville had once said, "nobody could have mastered the problem alone. As the inseparable twins, are indispensable to each other."

Dayton itself, serving the will of the Dayton International Airport, or alternatively can be obtained from Cincinnati, a drive followed by 45 minutes north on Interstate 75 or fly to Colombo, followed by a 90-minute drive west of Interstate 70 includes the national aviation authorities Heritage Area, whose self-guided "Aviation Trailincludes 13 aircraft sites.

One of the most important of these is the Wright Cycle Company. By the end of 1892, Orville joint venture and pressure, yet the same, Wilbur had begun successfully, it loses importance and interest addressed to the bicycle. Both brothers were, however, were excellent drivers and mechanics, and be provided with sufficient resources, has opened a bicycle shop for sales on the West third Street in Dayton. With increasing demand and the emerging need for repairsand maintenance, then moved to larger shops, and even create their own brand of bicycles, Van Cleve, the Wright Cycle Company.

The bicycle, however, had proven to be the first step in the planes. Both were mechanically based, and the Wright brothers took the bike technology for aircraft, analyzing its control method in common. He was alone in the back as a bicycle shop in the first plane hit the world has beento do.

Bricks Wright Cycle Shop is located at 22 South William lived next to the road block of Hoover, one of only two original Wright Brothers building still have their original positions in the district of West Side in which those who worked in Wright, and invented the airplane and a National Historic Landmark, was occupied between 1895 and 1897. Today, original wood floors of the building of the bridge, a garage, several Wright Van Cleve bicycles and interactiveShow display application technology of the bicycle on the plane and the comparative figures of equilibrium between the two.

Another key to the Wright Brothers Aviation Trail is Huffman Prairie Flying Field Vista. Although the first flight tests in North Carolina occurred, it was quickly made, continue to fly from there for three main reasons:

1. The distance between North Carolina and Ohio to repair one of the many parts in many of the mostfully equipped laboratory in Dayton has become prohibitive.
2. The sand at Kill Devil Hill would ultimately damage the engine.
3. Proper wind direction, equivalent to travel, often did not materialize, leading to many days of inactivity.

To correct the deficiencies, vacations, Wright received a cow pasture of 84 acres 9 miles northeast of Dayton called Huffman Prairie, "to use the layer of mud and frost damage prevented the growth of the trees, if not a surfacesoft enough to cushion landings.

It was from this area that have tested the successor to the original Wright Flyer, the Wright Flyer II had. Powered by a larger propeller with a width of 15-16 hp increase, the latest, most ambitious design featured white pine with spruce wing spars, plus one, 40-foot wingspan, wing shifted reduced fall, an older, aft-tank, and a nearly 300 pounds of total weight. Offs had been reached with a track length of 250 meters and the launch of wood,as a second track in the world after Kitty Hawk.

As expected the winds failed to produce sufficient air speed to where in the air, 1,200 - to 1,600 pounds catapult, built on 4 September 1904 reached the desired speed of 28 mph.

was conducted on 105 flights to the shorter, in 1904, was the longest three miles traveled and remained high for five minutes and eight seconds. Between 1910 and 1916, the Wright Company flight school operating hereTraining more than 100 of the first driver in the world for the Wright Exhibition Team and the military. In 1917, the U.S. Army Signal Corps purchased the field together with the adjacent 2,000 acres, and named Wilbur Wright Field, after establishing the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1948.

Today Prairie Flying Field, the first airport in the world, "Huffman remains exactly as it was 'Wright Wrights' brothers test flight with a replica of the hangar 1905 (again duringthe world's first), a replica of their catapult system and National Park Service interpretive sign. The nearby Huffman Prairie Flying Field Center offers interpretive exhibits that focus on experimental flights 1904-1905, 1910-1916, the flight school, and the history of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

The Wright Flyer III, a further important Aviation Trail Vista Carillon Historical Park, an outdoor museum of 65 hectares in 1950, are concerned with the 24 attractionsInvention, urban, industrial and transportation. The aircraft, seven meters longer than the Wright Flyer II, the third evolution of the original plan for the Wright Flyer, the first time presented isolated wing-warping and rudder control, the first method first, along the bank 's longitudinal axis, which reached later ailerons. With its three axes of the aircraft pitch, roll and yaw and then independently controllable to September of 1905, the design, with the largest horizontaland vertical stabilizers and overturned sled, was eliminated in turn induces stable trends were capable of a wide range of operations, including banks, groups and eight digits to be performed. With a range of more than 30 minutes, if they had learned the training aircraft flying in countless others.

An amendment introduced in 1908 built an engine of greater power, reconfigurable controls, and for the first time, the distribution of passengers on the lower leafSurface.

The Wright Flyer III, Carillon Historical Park located in Wright Hall had been restored under the supervision of Orville Wright.

The National Museum of the United States Air Force adjacent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the larger view of the Aviation Trail, is the largest and oldest military aviation museum, and has more than 300 aircraft and 6,000 historical artifacts housed in 17 week indoor display hangar through the history ofAviation from its beginnings to the latest stealth technology aircraft the Wright brothers. The system includes an entrance hall, an IMAX theater, gift shop, library, cafeteria, the National Aviation Hall of Fame, an outdoor Air Park Memorial Park and seven galleries: the early years, Air Power, Modern flight Cold War, missiles and space, the President of the Aircraft, and research and development / test aircraft. great shows, but a couple of rarely between North AmericaXB-70 Valkyrie, the Wright Military Flyer, 1909, the Blériot monoplane, the Curtiss JN-4D Jenny, the Nieuport 28, Sopwith Camel, the Fokker D. VII, the de Havilland DH.4, the North American B-25B Mitchell, the Consolidated B-24D Liberator, Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress, Boeing B-52D Stratofortress, the Convair B-36J Peacemaker, the Boeing WB-50D Superfortress The RB-47H Stratojet Boeing, and Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird.

For a civil aviation industry, a visit to Dayton,"Birthplace of Aviation", seems to be a commitment. have been, because without them there would be no work in the airline industry ...

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