How to Contact Venture Capitalists Cold

One of the ways you can get investors will be cold by contact with them. This may be the only option for some people who hitherto may not have the connections that others may have in social networks. This can also be the most challenging form of contact with investors. There are tips for cold contacting investors, and the best way to do it by sending them e-mails.

How do you prepare your e-mail

If you are an investor cold contact, you need to know that you do notinvestor and know the best way to do this is by using the firm's website. In many cases, the partner of a firm will not necessarily publish their e-mails to prevent spam. If this is the case, you should call the firm and get the e-mails of partners.

The first e-mail should present your e-mail to the introductory and find out what type of investor that firm. The next thing you need to know is whether theseInvestment firm has the settings that describe your company to meet. Do not give too much information about your business or send your business plan immediately to the investor. This can believe him, that you are trying to sell him a lot, and when you come off as too pushy, you can turn it off.

The first e-mail is primarily to create a contact list of investors. This contact list is for future contacts, if your business plan is finished and you are ready to make thatfirst introduction to your e-mail teaser. If you are an investor for the first time cold e-mail, you should simply ask yourself and let him know that you are looking for an investor with whom you can work and if he would be interested.

If the investor is a reply to your e-mail, then you are ready for the next step. That is, once you have your contact list, you can email each partner a text message via e-mail that has a number of bullets that explain why the interests of investors should beYour company.

How you present your business plan

Do not submit your complete business plan, unless the investor wants to see it. This is not the case submitted by the first contact by e-mail. The teaser and introduction of e-mail is just there to get investors interested in you and to organize a meeting with you face to face. Here is the business plan should be brought. The business plan is typically associated to the face meeting with the investor's face. Beforewith your business plan is your executive summary, which is an overview of your business plan. This is normally a stand-alone document that is about one to three pages long. The summary is in an e-mail will be sent if the investor so wishes.

Slide Presentation

Another thing that investors may ask you, is a slide presentation that explains the highlights of your business plan. This needs much attention to it made to investors in order to catch himseriously. The presentation should take place in a presentation program such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote. The presentation needs to look not only professional but also have all the facts that correspond with the Business Plan. The presentation does not relate to all the fine details of your business plan, but extends to more than the summary.

Another way is to make a cold contact investors by purchasing an installation directory that you may receive a list of allTypes of investors, which you can directly from their service and e-mail contact with the single click of the mouse in most cases.

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